How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 90: Hidden Brilliance

Chapter 90: Hidden Brilliance

After that eventful night, I woke up in my bed, feeling the heavy fatigue that toppled me yesterday now gone.

My energy and state were back to where they originally were, with all my stats in hand. Even my physique looked normal again.

'Five o'clock PM....' Glancing at the date and time, I realized I had been asleep for more than 24 hours.

Was it due to mental or physical stress? Or maybe both? I wasn't sure, but I was just glad that horrid situation was now behind me.

Standing up, I stretched my arms, feeling the aching muscles from yesterday now more relaxed.

The satisfying cracking of bones released all the tension from my body.

'Turning into a different biology really does wonders for your body, huh....'

I was relieved that Yui didn't ask too many questions about why I returned to the dorms in the morning.

Was it due to her profession as a personal maid, or was it because she just respects me? Either way, having a maid like Yui really does help.

Especially since she doesn't stick her nose where she doesn't need to.

I made my way to the bathroom, freshening up and washing away the remnants of the previous day's ordeal.

The warm water cascading over me felt like a rejuvenating embrace, washing away the physical and mental grime. After drying off, I dressed in comfortable clothes and headed to the kitchen.

The dorm was quiet, a peaceful silence that contrasted sharply with the chaos of the night before.

Yui had prepared a light meal, as if she anticipated my need for something easy on the stomach after such a long rest.

I sat down at the table, taking a moment to appreciate the normalcy of the scene.

I normally don't eat any food made by Yui considering the first time served me one it was God awful but now....

'It's very delicious.....'

'Did she practice a lot?'

If so, I should go and ask her to cook me something from time to time.

I should also give her something as a reward or a gift, considering she was the one who took most of the blame and explained everything to the dorm master yesterday.

The academy is quite strict with its rules, especially the dorm masters, so I was lucky to only receive one demerit point.

Although one demerit point doesn't really affect my grades that much, it does stay on my academic record.

Multiple demerit points could significantly impact my chances of landing a job in the future.

Even though my fate of death looms over me, that doesn't mean I've given up on my aspirations.

Keeping my personal records clean is crucial if I want to inherit my father's county.

"They're expecting a lot from me, and I can't let them down.

Having my little sister already mad at me is enough of a family headache.

It still feels surreal that I am the way I am now-getting stronger, battling monsters I couldn't even dream of facing, and even interacting with the main cast and sometimes guiding them.

Although it may not be that much, I feel like I've made more progress here than I ever could in the past.

Considering I still have a year and a half left until my destined end, I know this is only going to get a lot more tiring than it is now. But...

'All of this is for my happy ending, so I won't complain....'

Since I technically missed two days of class now, I should get to class and keep up with my studies tomorrow.

I don't know how many days of leave my professors allowed me, but recalling the principal's talks about lazy students back during the ceremony, a third day of absence, regardless of the reason, does give demerit points.

With that in mind, I began preparing for the day ahead. I gathered my books and assignments, making sure everything was in order.

The last thing I needed was to fall behind on my studies.

The academy was rigorous, and every lesson counted.

Most of the studies given to the Magic Knight Department were focused on magic theories, tactical strategies, and geographical histories. These were topics I was quite familiar with due to my noble lineage.

While I wasn't an expert, my background gave me an edge over other students, particularly commoners and the lazy, arrogant nobles in our department.

Considering my rank, I couldn't afford to neglect even an ounce of effort; otherwise, I risked falling to the bottom tier like Lucas.

After an intense study session, my body ached slightly, prompting me to head straight to my private training room.

Ever since I started working out regularly, I noticed that my body seemed to crave the physical exertion to fully loosen up.

At this rate, it wouldn't just become a habit or hobby but an overall addiction.

While it was enjoyable to see my physical development, I realized I should probably lessen the resistance training starting tomorrow and focus more on honing my sword skills. 'Getting a few pieces of advice from Seo would also be great,'

Seo is the inheritor of the secret technique of their household [Hidden blade], learning from her could significantly improve my technique.

Though whether she gives me a lesson or not depends as even in the game she rarely advices Lucas about the flaws on his swordsmanship even when she sees it.

Right now, one thing had become clear: ever since I'd gotten stronger, my skills didn't match my newfound strength. It was a frustrating imbalance.

I needed to work on my technique to ensure that my physical power was effectively utilized.

In the training room, I began with basic drills, moving through a series of sword forms that had been drilled into me since childhood.

Each swing of the blade, each stance, and each parry was executed with precision. Sweat poured down my face as I pushed myself to maintain perfect form. My muscles screamed in protest, but I forced myself to keep going. This was more than just training; it was preparation for the battles that lay ahead.

'The twins should've finished their business by now,' I thought, wiping the sweat from my


'Lily is bound to question me tomorrow, so I better come up with a convincing story or just tell a half-truth. If push comes to shove, I'll use my father-in-law's name for protection in

case things go south.'

The memory of my last encounter with them lingered.

Facing the twins at full power had nearly cost me a limb or two.

This time, with their newly equipped items, the risk was even greater. There would be no room for error; a single misstep could mean my death.

The twins weren't necessarily bad people, but they were incredibly aggressive, especially Lily, who would do anything to protect their identities. Staying cautious was essential. I couldn't afford to let my guard down around them.

Then there was the matter of Princess Snow and even Rose. Both had their own sets of

problems that I couldn't ignore.

Princess Snow would probably start getting involved in the political intrigues of the academy

now and Rose's mysterious affection for me as well...

Each represented a different set of challenges, and I had to be prepared for anything.


'Tomorrow hadn't even started yet, but I already feel so stressed out...'


Walking through the halls, I could feel the eyes of other students on me. Some were curious, others were indifferent, but a few seemed to harbor envy or suspicion. I wondered what was up, but considering all the shenanigans I'd been involved in this past week, I guess it was natural that word about me would start to spread.

Since they were only staring at me and making a few comments like "Is that him?" or "He's surprisingly handsome," I didn't really mind. Although I couldn't confirm it right now, a guess came to mind as to why I was suddenly the talk of the department.

'Princess Snow.'

It was a good decision to escape from Snow's clutches last time. If I had stayed in the cafeteria with her, especially with those overly open words she gave me, her secret fan club would

probably be on a manhunt right now... and that includes the Emperor.

The mere thought of the Emperor brought a shiver down my spine.

While I hadn't yet had the dubious honor of meeting him face-to-face, his reputation was

enough to make even the most stoic individuals uneasy.

His overprotectiveness towards Princess Snow was well-known, and any perceived threat or insult to her honor was often met with severe consequences.

The last thing I needed was to be on his radar right now.

I kept my head straight ignoring all the looks and glances and made my way to my first class,

hoping to blend in as much as possible.

The whispers followed me, but I ignored them, focusing instead on the tasks ahead.

I had already missed two days of class, and I couldn't afford to fall behind.

[Knight Department S-Class]

[Room 1]

Entering the classroom, I took my usual seat near the front. Kagami, one of my classmates, a

stern man with a reputation for being a stickler for the rules, glanced at me but said nothing.

'Alright, that should slightly increase my likability with him....' In the game, to successfully establish friendship with this guy, you first have to show that you can tolerate his overall strict and just personality.

It may take some time, but I'm sure I'll get him on my side soon. Looking around, it seems Seo still hasn't arrived yet... Considering she usually comes earlier

than me, I thought she would already be here by now. I guess I got here a little too early.

Kagami, Susan, Theo, Gilbert, and then me-half the class is already here. I guess these guys are also quite diligent, huh? I've always thought it was only Kagami.

Busy scanning my classmates' morning activities, a tired voice suddenly called out to me.

"Good morning... Riley."

"Good morning, Seo," I greeted with a light nod and a subtle smile. Seo smiled in return

before taking her seat. "You look a bit tired?"

"Yes... something came up yesterday," she replied with an annoyed tone, and I noticed

bandages on her arm.

'Did she get into a fight?'

But who would have the power to harm someone like Seo?

Seo was known for her exceptional skills and strength. It was rare to see her even slightly


I couldn't think o anyone who dare to pick a fight with her and live to tell the tale... but it was

clear that something did really happen... she even looks slightly frustrated which was even

rarer than having an injury.

"Anything serious?" I asked, keeping my tone casual but concerned.

voice and emotionless face.

"No..." she replied with her usual "Okay," I responded, deciding not to press further.

It was clear something was up, but if she wouldn't tell me, I wouldn't bother her. Although I was curious as to who managed to hurt her, I was sure I'd find out in no time, as

there were only a few people in the academy who actually had the strength to do so.

"Are you okay now, Riley?" Seo asked, her tone softening slightly.


"I heard from your maid that you got sick...."

"Ah yes... just a slight fever, that's all," I said, trying to downplay it.

"But people with mana don't get fevers, though?" she pointed out, her sharp eyes narrowing

slightly. 'Shit, I completely forgot about that fact,' I thought, scrambling for a plausible explanation. "Ahaha-maybe it was due to my excessive training?" I offered, hoping she would buy it. "I see," she said, still eyeing me with suspicion. "I'm glad you're feeling better." "Thanks..." I replied, relieved that she seemed to accept my excuse, even if just for now.

After conversing with Seo for a bit longer, the main characters finally arrived. Lucas and Janica, as always, were sticking together like lovebirds as they entered the classroom. Usually, Lucas would immediately rush over to my side, asking for a challenge or just to

bother me with his weird opinions and requests.

But this time, surprisingly, he didn't.

He only glanced at me with a slight nod before taking his seat.

Even Janica and Seo seemed slightly surprised. 'Did our dear protagonist finally mature?' I wondered.

I guess Miss Evelyn's words were quite the charm on him?

A slight chuckle settled within me.

Anyway, all's well that ends well. I didn't really want to be bothered by his theatrics any

longer, either.

'But where are the twins?'

Looking around I still don't see the two of them arriving.... Did something happen?

It's their main scenario... surely, they could face all those white golems at their master's small



Finally, after some time, the professor for our Magic Theory classes arrived. 'Tsk... I guess that's one more problem I've got to add to my list' Today's lesson was about the fundamental changes occurring in the mana in the atmosphere

during a battle.

"This phenomenon," the professor began, "is known as 'Mana Turbulence.' It occurs when

the ambient mana reacts to the intense magical activity, leading to unpredictable effects on spells and magical abilities."

The topic was intriguing and grabbed my attention for a bit.

I took detailed notes, knowing this information could be vital for future battles.

However, as the lecture dragged on, the professor's monotone voice and repetitive examples

started to dull the initial excitement. Despite my best efforts, my eyelids grew heavy.

I found myself nodding off, the professor's voice blending into a droning background noise. I

wasn't the only one struggling to stay awake; several classmates were also fighting the same


Just as I was about to succumb to sleep entirely, the professor's voice grew louder. "And this, students, is why understanding Mana Turbulence is crucial for any aspiring Magic


I snapped back to attention, jotting down a few more notes before the lecture finally came to

an end.

The class went by in a blur, and finally, lunch break was upon us.

Honestly, the lessons the Professor gave were quite knowledgeable and probably useful in

future battles.

If only he were a bit more charismatic with his words, half of the class would've fully paid attention even at the very end.

"Should we go to the cafeteria, Riley?" Seo asked, packing up her books. "Ye-how about a restaurant in the commercial district this time?" I suggested, catching

myself before agreeing to her initial idea. I couldn't afford to take the risk of encountering

Princess Snow back there again.

Seo nodded at my words and began to stand up, but then she suddenly stopped, her eyes

locking onto someone else. The malevolence radiating from her was enough to almost freeze me in place.

Turning around, I could hear conversations and loud chatter suddenly echoing outside our

classroom doors. And then, amidst the noise, a familiar, wonderful smile greeted me.

"R-Rose...?" I stammered, my heart skipping a beat.

'Why is she here?'

Rose waved at me with a tender, warm smile across her face.

She was a vision of elegance and grace, her presence commanding the attention of everyone

around her.

As the buzzing hum of muttering rumble and whisper filled the air, I knew my time here in the academy was already counted....

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