How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 93: Hidden Brilliance Interlude

Chapter 93: Hidden Brilliance Interlude

Walking through the crowded streets of the commercial district, Seo and I made our way back to Killian Hall.

The bustling atmosphere was filled with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares and the chatter of students enjoying their afternoon.

"Why did you accept?" Seo suddenly asked, glancing at me with a subtle hint of annoyance in her usually monochromatic voice.

"...Well, the benefits are too hard to ignore," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Even if Rose didn't offer me anything in return and actually asked me to work for her, the chances of accepting her deal would still be high.

After all, becoming a member of the student council would guarantee me access to that place.

If I just get even one book or even a weapon or two, my survival rate in the future would increase exponentially.

'I could also secure certain guarantees to level up some characters as well.'

Seo nodded at my answer, her expression softening slightly as she understood my reasoning. Yet, the notion of accepting something from Rose seemed to piss her off.

Although her plans and purpose are still unknown. 'Aligning myself with Rose now gives me a better chance to secure what I need to survive and protect those important to me. It's a necessary risk....'

I looked at the metallic brooch in my hand. Even though it's just a piece of accessory, why does it feel so heavy?


"Yes- remember this weekend, okay~ see you soon, Riley."

It's been around half an hour since we said our goodbyes to Rose.

Accepting the offer, she gave me, she asked me to meet up with her this weekend to meet the other student council members and discuss my position as well as my role in the upcoming elections next semester.

Even though she's planning to backstab the current president... she's really planning for me to meet her? What exactly is that girl planning?

Looks like she really has a plan in mind to win the elections next semester.

I thought Rose was half-joking when she said she wanted to be president, but judging from her reactions, I guess she was telling the truth.

I was planning to let the second semester and all the main scenarios that come with it pass by smoothly without me interfering too much, but now that I've allied myself with Rose, the matters are different.

'I have to make sure she wins.'

In the game, Rose being part of the student council wasn't exactly new.

The only difference this time was that she was running for the president title.

I don't know what she's exactly planning, but I can tell it wasn't anything malevolent.

Rose might be quite the whimsical girl, but she was a rather just and bright leader who could even rival Snow in management and plan-making.

So, there wasn't any real problem aside from the story becoming even more haywire in the future.

Initially, I had planned to join Snow's faction.

Snow was an organized, meticulous leader who commanded respect and loyalty effortlessly.

Her ability to strategize and manage her team was unparalleled, making her a formidable force in the academy's political landscape.

However, I had a feeling that aligning with Snow would introduce more chaos into my life. Snow needed Lucas to win over the majority of people to her side.

Adding me into the mix wouldn't exactly make sense unless she planned to expose my real noble lineage to the public and reveal who I was connected to.

'That was just how influential the Heavens family household were...'

This potential exposure was a risk I couldn't afford. My connection to the Duke and the Heaven's family was supposed to be a closely guarded secret.

If it got out, it could create a political storm that might jeopardize everything I was working towards.

The delicate balance I was trying to maintain would be shattered, and my movements would become even more restricted.

With the growing attention behind me, the students' eyes were already locked onto me. I couldn't afford to have the academy itself scrutinize my every move.

Rose did promise not to expose my identity, so there was no immediate need to worry about being by her side. However, given her unpredictable nature, that promise could change at any moment.

I had to prepare myself for that possibility.

Just thinking about the potential annoyance and complications that would arise if the academy's noble students started flocking toward me due to my connection with Liyana was already giving me a headache.

By joining Rose, I could leverage her influence and the benefits of being part of the student council without the immediate threat of my background being exposed.

This alliance offered me a chance to access resources and information crucial for my survival, and it provided a buffer against the more severe consequences of exposure.

Still, the randomness of Rose's behavior meant I had to be constantly on guard.

Snow used the commoners on her side to win the elections in the game, while the student president Dorothy relied on her already loyal subordinates to spread lies and propaganda to get students on her side.

What will Rose do to gain the majority of support?

'The nobles?'

Although it wasn't unlikely, I had a feeling she would go for a more authoritative approach and use her parents' mercantile connections.

There was also the factor of other candidates, like Clara and Alice, who joined just for the fun

of it.

With Rose joining the fray, this second semester was bound to become more chaotic than I expected.

I should start preparing my specs before then.

Maybe sending a letter to Uncle-the duke-would also be beneficial, just to keep him


After all, I might need to use his name and influence if something were to happen.

Rose's strategy was still unclear, but knowing her, it would be something both bold and unpredictable. Her parents' mercantile connections could provide substantial financial backing and sway among influential figures, giving her an edge.

She might also appeal to both commoners and nobles by presenting herself as a unifying figure, leveraging her charm and charisma.

The election dynamics would be complicated further by Clara and Alice.

Clara, with her penchant for causing chaos, and Alice with her obnoxious cat who thrived on

stirring the pot, would undoubtedly bring their unique brands of mayhem to the race.

Their involvement could split votes and create unexpected alliances, making the political landscape even more volatile.

In preparation, I needed to ensure I was in the best possible position to support Rose. Strengthening my abilities, gathering resources, and building alliances would be crucial. Contacting the Duke could provide additional support and resources, bolstering my standing

within the academy.



"We're here...."


Seo's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. She looked at me curiously for a moment before

stepping up the stairs to Killian Hall.

The sun cast long shadows, and the air felt cooler as we approached the entrance.

"Let's have lunch again next time... just the two of us," Seo suggested, her tone softer and

more sincere than usual.

"Sure..." I almost chuckled at her cute request.

She gave me a small smile before waving goodbye and heading inside.

I stood there for a moment, watching her disappear into the building. Seo was a puzzle, one

that I was slowly starting to understand, piece by piece.

With a final glance at Killian Hall, I turned and made my way back to my dorm room.

The brooch in my pocket felt heavier with every step.

The upcoming political storm at the academy loomed large in my mind, but for now, a quiet

evening in my room was a welcome reprieve.

Unlocking the door to my room, I stepped inside and took a deep breath.

The familiar surroundings brought a sense of calm. I set the brooch on my desk and sat down,

staring at it for a moment.

Grabbing a notebook, I began to jot down a plan.

First, I needed to solidify my position with Rose and understand her strategy fully.

'That's right...'

I should probably also see what information I have on Theo...

Walking down the empty halls of Heavenly Hall, Rose had a gentle smile on her face, a

happiness brewing within her that she had never experienced before.

"Hm~ Hm~"

She hummed a beautiful song her mother always sang. The melody filled the quiet corridors, reflecting the lightness in her heart. She felt as if the days to come would be even happier than

the present.

'He accepted it...'

With the first part of her plan confirmed by the person she desired, she could now set

everything else in motion once the time was right.

The feeling she had for Riley was foreign to her, but she had a sense that if she let this chance

slip away, she would ultimately regret it in the future.

Even though his heart belonged to someone else.

'I'll take it slow~'

Once she became president, all the expected rivals would be off the charts, and all of Riley's

time would be focused on her and her presence.

She envisioned a future where their interactions grew deeper, their bonds stronger.

Step by step, she felt like skipping into a joyful jump, her anticipation and excitement

bubbling up.

She couldn't wait to see her plans unfold, to watch Riley by her side, to shape the academy's

future together.

Becoming president wasn't just a goal; it was the means to secure her place in Riley's life, to ensure that he would see her as more than just an ally, but as someone significant.

'Since father also requested for me to become part of the council, I'm sure he'll be glad if I

gained the position of president'

The halls felt brighter, the air lighter, as she continued her walk, her heart full of hope and


"Hm? Lady Rose...."

Stopping in her tracks, Rose's eyes landed upon a beautiful lady standing before her. She was

the only student in the academy who wore a pristine white dress and a unique white uniform.

"Your Highness, Princess Snow..." Rose said with a slight bow and greeting. "It's surprising seeing you here," Snow commented as she looked at Rose.

She knew Rose was the unique and mysterious type of person who liked to be alone most of the time, so seeing her in a place like this was rather unexpected. Although they were on the third floor of Heavenly Hall, the very building of the student council, Snow was pretty sure the number of staff that greeted her down below should have

been enough to annoy someone like Rose.

"Are you here to meet the president, perhaps?" Snow asked.

"Not exactly... I'm just here to uphold my duties."


"Yes..." Grasping another brooch similar to the one she had given to Riley, she presented it in

front of the princess. "I'm currently a member of the student council."

Snow looked at the brooch, her eyes twitching for a moment before she quickly regained her


It all happened in a millisecond.

"I see. That's quite a surprise, Lady Rose. I didn't expect you to join the council. After all, you

don't exactly seem the type to enjoy politics..."

"I didn't expect myself to join either, but since a slot was open and it seemed fun, I thought,

why not, right?"

"Fufu- is that so? I guess I'll be expecting Lady Rose to become more active in the future


"That is so."

As the two exchanged words, a subtle sense of cold glinted in their calculative eyes.

Snow found Rose's sudden interest in politics curious, but she knew diving deep into this

matter now would only start a conflict between them.

She even seemed more mysterious than ever.

'Usually, she would've ignored my words without any reservation for respect...'

But now Rose was properly replying with a gentle smile at that.

The whole situation was too weird for the princess. Snow studied Rose, her mind racing with

thoughts. 'What are you up to, Rose? What game are you playing?' she wondered silently. Despite the polite exchange, there was an undeniable tension in the air. Both girls were acutely aware of the other's potential as both a threat and an ally.

Rose's sudden participation in the student council added a new dimension to the academy's intricate power dynamics.

Snow decided to probe a little further. "You know, the council is quite demanding. It requires

a lot of dedication and... a certain kind of temperament. Are you sure you're ready for that, Lady Rose?" Rose's smile remained unwavering. "I believe so?" Rose said while brandishing her golden mana around her. "There isn't a problem I haven't faced and lost too yet"

"I see...." Snow nodded at words, after being subtly reminded of who she was talking to.

'Unrivaled Genius huh.... Her confidence truly shines whenever she actually tries.' "Well then, I better go now, Your Highness. Have a nice day."

"Ah, yes..." Snow made a small wave towards her but then remembered something that had

greatly bothered her for some time. "Wait!"


"A-about... the rum."


"Rumors... There's something that's been quite the popular topic among the students

recently... about certain rumors."

"What rumors?"

"Is it true you were on a romantic date with a handsome blonde man recently?" Snow asked,

trying to maintain a poker face.

For a princess like her to be curious about the whispers of the common folk was a disgrace,

but even still, she was just that curious.

Rose pondered for a moment before nodding. "Yes? I guess you could say we had a romantic

date. Riley was really fun to talk to then-" she said with a smile.

"R-Riley..? I-I see...."

Although she purposely left the name out to give herself some hope and assurance that it

wasn't the one she was thinking of, Rose's words just shattered any hope she had.

"Is that all?"

"Ah, yes. Forgive me for taking away your precious time."

Rose bowed before walking away, leaving Snow standing there, deep in thought.

As Rose walked down the hallway, she couldn't help but smirk.

The look on Snow's face had been priceless, and she had enjoyed every moment of it.

She knew that her relationship with Riley would become a topic of gossip, but she hadn't expected it to bother the princess so much.

It was an interesting development, one that she would keep in mind as she moved forward

with her plans.

Meanwhile, Snow watched Rose's retreating figure, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

Her red eyes darkening by the second....

The confirmation of Riley and Rose's date gnawed at her, causing a pang of something she

couldn't quite identify.

Was it jealousy?


Whatever it was, it unsettled her.

She knew she had to focus on her own goals, but the presence of Riley in Rose's life added a

new layer of complexity to everything.

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