I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 76: The truth is unveiled!

Chapter 76: The truth is unveiled!

What? Zhao Tian was shocked to hear this "Mom?" he muttered in surprise. Zhao Ying also raised her head in utter shock, "M-Mom?" her eyes trembling in astonishment.

Zhao Suyin let out a soft sigh as her eyes flitted over to Zhao Tian and Zhao Ying, "It's true, I am not your real Mother."

Zhao Ying was so shocked she instinctively sat on the floor. Then what I said is t-true?

Zhao Suyin continued in a low voice "And about your Dad... Even I don't know who your dad is."

H-Huh? Both Zhao Tian and Zhao Ying were dumbfounded upon hearing this. Don't know about Dad?

Zhao Suyin reached out and took her mobile from the bed. She unlocked it and went to the Photos app, scrolling down. After a brief moment, her index finger confidently pressed upon a particular picture, triggering its display on the screen.

"Here, this is your Mom..."

Zhao Tian and Zhao Ying hastily looked at the mobile screen. It is a selfie of two beautiful women. One is Zhao Suyin when she was young and the other one is a gorgeous woman with blonde hair.

Zhao Tian looked at the woman in wonder. This is my real Mom?

Zhao Ying's eyes trembled looking at the blonde woman "S-She is my mother?"

With a heavy heart, Zhao Suyin nodded her head "Yeah, she si your Mom and her name is Zhao Ning."

"Zhao?" Zhao Tian frowned his eyebrows. Zhao Suyin smiled gently "En, she is my older sister."

"Older Sister? T-Then, Mom you are actually our Aunt?" Zhao Ying asked in bewilderment. Zhao Suyin showed a small smile "I am."

Zhao Tian asked, "Do you know where she is right now?"

Hearing his question, Zhao Shuyin let out a heavy sigh and shook her head in response "No, I don't..." she spoke and stood up from the bed.

Zhao Tian and Zhao Ying watched as Zhao Suyin walked to the side of the room and took a stool chair. Pulling the stool chair to a position, she climbed over it and extended her hand trying to reach the high shelf above in the room.

Zhao Tian stood up from the bed "Mom, I will help..." Huh? "Tian'er.." Zhao Suyin turned around and Zhao Tian grabbed her waist as Zhao Suyin placed her arms on his shoulders.

"Haah!" Zhao Tian carried her body from the stool chair and placed her down. Zhao Suyin smiled a little and pointed towards a black suitcase there "Tian'er, take the case down."

Zhao Tian nodded and took the suitcase in his hand and got down from the stool chair. "Give it to me, Tian'er..." Zhao Tian handed over the suitcase to her.

Zhao Suyin placed the suitcase on the bed and the three of them sat around it in the bed. *click* As Zhao Suyin opened the suitcase both Zhao Tian and Zhao Ying peeked inside.

Hm? Inside the suitcase, there is a set of two clothes, one red and one white. Huh? But Zhao Tian was surprised as he glanced at a diamond-like crystal in it.

He reached out and took the crystal in his hand 'Middle-grade Astral stone?' "Mom, how did you get this?" Zhao Tian asked looking at Zhao Suyin.

Zhao Suyin spoke "This was given to me by my Sister. There were three more like this. She told me that this is a valuable mineral like a diamond and told me to sell these in the auction and gain money."

"And with that money raise the two children."

Zhao Ying was quite confused "Mom, tell everything from the start."

A sigh escaped Zhao Suyi's lips "Well then, when I was in high school, my sister suddenly disappeared. Our parents tried their hard to search for her and filed a case."

"After four years, when I was doing my degree at University, one day my sister suddenly approached me. I was really shocked and overjoyed to see her after many years."

Before 21 years-

On night-

Young Zhao Suyin who was in her room, looked at the book in her hand with a wry look on her face "Exams are tomorrow, but I don't know a single thing... urghh!"

Feeling a sense of weariness, she rose from her desk and made her way to the terrace for some fresh air. "Yin'er..." Unexpectedly, amidst the stillness, a voice she recognized all too well pierced through her thoughts, causing her to jump in surprise.

She looked down from the terrace and saw her sister Zhao Ning standing at the front of her house with a huge basket in her hand.

Zhao Suyin was overcome with shock as she saw her sister standing before her. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she stammered, "S-Sister?"

The rush of joy that flooded her heart was uncontrollable, and without wasting a moment, she dashed down the flight of stairs, her feet barely touching the ground to see her sister after four years.

*click* With a swift click of the doorknob, she swung the front door wide open and dashed outside "Sister!" Zhao Suyin saw her sister draped in white robes which made her look like a queen or something.

Zhao Suyin rushed over to her sister and embraced her tightly, whispering "Sister..." Zhao Ning returned the hug with a warm smile and affectionately stroked her younger sister's hair "Yin'er..."

Zhao Suyin retracted the hug and looked at her Sister, her face was quite pale and she looked distressed. "Sister, what happened? And what is this dress...."

Zhao Ning took a deep breath "Yin'er. Listen to me clearly... These are my children. You have to take care of them from now on." Zhao Ning said pointing at the basket.

Zhao Suyin's eyes widened in surprise as she peered into the basket, spotting two adorable babies nestled inside. "Sister, what do you mean, I have to take care of them... First of all, where have you been all these years?"

Zhao Ning gently shook her head, a hint of sadness in her eyes "Yin'er, I don't have time... there are diamond-like crystals in this basket. Sell that in any auction and with that money take good care of these kids."

"Why did you open the door, Yin'er?" At this time, a woman came from the house. Zhao Suyin and Zhao Ning turned to look at her "Mother..."

The woman gazed upon Zhao Ning with wide eyes, a look of surprise crossing her face "N-Ning'er?" she stammered, her voice filled with shock and disbelief.

Zhao Ning panicked "Yin'er, don't forget what I said... please take good care of these kids. Please for me, Yin'er." she hastily spoke, handing over the basket to Zhao Suyin, and ran from there leaving behind a heavy burden on Zhao Suyin's shoulders.

"Ning'er!" The woman rushed out of the home and saw the running figure of her daughter.

Zhao Suyin glanced at the two cute babies in the basket and one baby had a green pendant on its neck. "Had to take care of them?"


Next day morning-

"Ahhhh!" "Ahhh!" In the hall of the Zhao Family, three people are sitting around the basket as the babies inside the basket continue crying.

The middle-aged man, while seated on the couch, furrowed his brows with a slight frown "Let's admit them in an orphanage and ask someone to adopt them."

Huh? Zhao Suyin was taken aback by her father's words "What are you saying, Father?"

The man's eyes bore into Zhao Suyin as he raised his voice "That woman went missing for years and now she slept with some random guy and gave birth to two children."

"And now she wants us to take care of that? huh?"

The woman let out a heavy sigh and agreed"What he said is correct, we need to admit these children an orphanage or something... we can't take care of them."

Zhao Suyin's eyes quivered seeing this "No!" She took the basket from the table "These are sister's children. I will take care of them!"

The man's voice reverberated with anger as he exclaimed "Huh? What are you saying, Yin'er? You are going to take care of them? You are in University... you have a long life ahead."

"Your life will be wasted if you adopt them and who will marry a woman who has two children?"

"I don't care about that... I will take care of them!"


"Yin'er are you out of your mind?"

"You are wasting your life!"

(A/n: I have added characters pics in that fandom thing in mobile lol.)

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