I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 80: Gang attack?

ng attack?

After eating dinner at the Oldman's home, Zhao Tian and Chi Miya left the mansion bidding farewells to them.

Sitting in the car, Chi Shui couldn't help but steal a quick, furtive glance at Zhao Tian "I didn't expect you to be so close with Yueli, B-Brother Tian..." she muttered a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.

Zhao Tian chuckled softly hearing this and Chi Shu's blush deepened as she was also embarrassed to call him Brother "I-I mean, you are my sister's boyfriend, so my brother-in-law, I can call you brother right?"

It's not like Ning Yueli always calling him Brother also made her want to call him affectionately like that or nothing like that. D-Defintely not!

Zhao Tian nodded his head "Yeah, you can..."

"So, where are we going Brother Tian?"

"Watch some nightlights."



Zhao Tian drove the car through the narrow road to the peak of a small hill and he parked the car and came outside. Chi Shui also came out of the car and was surprised to see the scenery in front of her.

From where she stood, she could see the city which was illuminated by a sea of twinkling lights, with cars and buses scurrying through the streets like tiny rodents.

"Beautiful!" a word escaped her lips.

Zhao Tian moved in front of the car, casually leaning against the hood as he took in the view of the city lights below. Chi Shui also came beside him sitting on the hood her eyes glancing at the city lights below.

Zhao Tian glanced at the time and smiled 'We came at the right time.'

*fweeeen* *bang* Chi Shui was startled by a loud noise followed by a burst of vibrant colors that filled her vision. She watched in awe as fireworks illuminated the sky in a dazzling display. "Fireworks?"

*fewwsh* *bang* In the bitch black sky, the colorful fireworks continued to sparkle and burst. A sweet smile appeared on Chi Shui's lips as she didn't expect Zhao Tian to create a surprise like this.

She turned her eyes to look at Zhao Tian who was sitting beside her, his face lightened with the colorful fireworks flashing across the sky, various emotions filling her heart.

This was the best day for her in her years of life because she was healed and she could have an exciting day after many years.

As she gazed into his handsome face, a warmth filled her heart, softening her eyes. She thought she could never walk again and almost lost hope but Zhao Tian saved her not only once but twice.

A sweet smile appeared on her face and a delicate flush of color tinged her cheeks as she tentatively extended her hand towards his, seeking to intertwine their fingers.

*vroom* But at this time, a car sound startled her, and she turned back to look at another car approaching them. Parking the car, Chi Miya stepped outside "Tian!"

"Sister?" Chi Shui was surprised.

Zhao Tian got down from the hood and Chi Miya rushed towards him and enveloped him in a tight embrace, her arms encircling his neck "Sorry, I am late!" she pecked his lips. Zhao Tian smiled, his hands delicately resting on her waist as he pulled her closer to him "How is it?"

As Chi Miya's eyes caught a fleeting glance of the captivating fireworks, a gentle smile adorned her face "Lovely!"

Chi Shui was quite displeased in her heart. He didn't make the surprise for me?

"Quite romantic for the surprise for my sister." Chi Miya teased and Chi Shui raised an eyebrow hearing this. Then it is really for me?

As the brilliant bursts of fireworks painted the night sky in a mesmerizing display, Zhao Tian gently lifted Chi Miya's chin with a tender touch and placed a soft kiss on her lips while Chi Miya also closed her eyes savoring the warmth of the kiss.

*gasp* Chi Shui's eyes widened in bafflement looking at the beautiful scene in front of her and her passion for art kicked in as she quickly took her mobile to capture the moment.

Under the night sky, sparkling with fireworks, Zhao Tian and Chi Miya stood there kissing each other. *click* Chi Shui took a picture of the photo and she was very much satisfied with it.

They pulled back from the kiss and the fireworks ended as well. Zhao Tian smiled "Let's go!"

Chi Miya gave a nod and looked at Chi Shui "Shui'er, let's go..."

Chi Shui somewhat gave a nod "Y-yeah!"


Zhao Tian glanced at Chi Miya and Chi Shui driving away in their own car. With a smile, he also entered the car and went down the hill.

Chi Shui glanced at Chi Miya who was driving the car and with a giggle, she showed her mobile phone "You owe me one, Sister."

Huh? Chi Miya glanced at the mobile screen and seeing the picture, she was taken aback "Shui'er, this is awesome... send that to me. I want to set that as wallpaper."



"Hmm!" Humming a tone, Zhao Tian drove through the night roads and there were [pretty few vehicles. However, his attention was quickly drawn to two cars in his rearview mirror that seemed to be tailing him.

Huh? Aren't they behind me for a while now?

He slowed down the car and the car that was following him also slowed down. Heh., so they are really after me?

With a little bit of amusement, he parked the car side near a night store and exited the car to get some drinks.

As he exited the store with a drink in his hand, he saw 10 mobs standing near his car and some of them were even sitting above his car.

He walked near them with a smile "So, who asked you guys to beat me?" he asked taking a sip of his drink.

The mobs looked at each other confused. Why is he so carefree? We look like scary mobs right?

Fit check: Ok!

Weapon check: Ok!

Random hair color: Ok!

We look like scary mobs, but why is he not afraid?

The boss who was sitting on the car hood spoke "You look like a good boy, but you made a mistake... you offended someone you shouldn't."

"Is that so?" With the drink in his left hand, Zhao Tian walked to the leader and grabbed his collar throwing him away *fwish* *crash* That guy went and fell on the nearby car crashing the windows which is their own car.

H-Huh? The mobs were startled and took a step back seeing this. Zhao Tian had a frown on his face "I didn't offend anyone big in recent days? Hm? Is it that clown Zhu Xian?"

The leader who just got blasted off in the window stood up holding his throbbing head in pain. He felt like birds ringing in his head for a second. Wtf

He shook his head to clear away the dizziness. "W-What are you guys doing? Beat him..."

"Yes, boss."

The men readied their bats and rods to attack Zhao Tian. A sigh left Zhao Tian's lips as a guy hurled the bat at him. *thrassh* but as the bat touched his body the bat shattered into two pieces.

E-Eh? What happened? Did I just hit a wall?

"Arh!" Another man ran towards him swirling an iron rod in his hand and aiming at Zhao Tian's chest. *clank* But the iron rod bent and as if hitting a steel, the rod vibrated numbing his arm.

Zhao Tian pulled back his fist and *baam* *boom* *crash* *clank* *doom*

After a while, Zhao Tian saw the 10 mobs squirming on the ground, growling in pain. Zhao Tian walked to the leader and again kicked his face *thud* "So it is Zhu Xian?" he asked taking a sip of the drink.

The leader, whose face was already red and swollen from the punch, said in a hoarse voice "Y-Yes, members of Whyos gang people are sent here by the Zhu family's young master to beat you."

*cough* "W-We were told the car plate number and when I saw your car I followed you to beat you."

Zhao Tian nodded his head "Tell him to shut the fuck up and don't do things like these anymore."

The boss was taken aback seeing Zhao Tian giving a warning to the Zhu family's young master and gave a small nod "I'll pass on t-that information."

Zhao Tian then entered his car and drove back to his home.

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