I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 426: 287: Confused By The Situation_l

Chapter 426: 287: Confused By The Situation_l

Translator: 549690339 |

Soon, Raulsen and Ethan Evans arrived, and the four sat in Charles’ living room to have a good chat.

Charles said, “The fact that Mr. Clark was able to clear his name so quickly wasn’t really due to my personal efforts or lobbying from scholars in Boston.”

Dr. Ethan Evans sighed, “That’s true. Mainly, it was your generous sharing, Mr. Clark, that sparked a consensus in the academic world. As you said, scientists should feel a sense of duty, lead the world, and not be ignorant and prejudiced under the influence of capital.”

Charles coughed violently, feeling very embarrassed.

I’m also a representative of capital.

Raulsen laughed, “Mr. Roler is different.”

Charles admitted honestly, “No, I’m also profit-seeking, but I have faith in Mr. Clark’s homeland and even more faith in Mr. Clark himself.”

Charles continued, “Another crucial factor was the mansion you just bought in Newport Beach, which demonstrated your strong interest in investing in our country. Was that a coincidence?”

Harrison Clark nodded and then shook his head, “Yes and no.”

The three exchanged glances, the amazement lingering in their eyes.

If he didn’t become a musician or a scholar, he could probably be a great politician.

After a long pause, Dr. Ethan Evans said with emotion, “Actually, as early as a century ago, our predecessors stood up when scientists of Pacifican descent were persecuted. But we didn’t expect that today, we would be the ones disappointing them.”

Harrison Clark took out his phone, unfolded it without avoiding Charles, and casually opened a social media platform.

Then he started to scroll aimlessly, and the others didn’t understand his intentions, but they just watched quietly.

After a while, Harrison Clark looked at Charles and asked, “Are you familiar with Rupert Murdoch, Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey?”

Charles replied, “We’ve had dinner together, but we’re not close.”

Harrison Clark said, “Yes, but I believe you all understand that, under their deliberate or unintentional control, the remarks flooding these seemingly free social networks mostly have fixed positions, either obvious or hidden.”

Charles retorted, “But you can still hear different voices.”

Harrison Clark lowered his voice, “But the proportion of different voices is controlled.”

This stopped Charles from refuting.

Harrison Clark said, “The majority of the information received by the audience consists of what others want them to see. They leave some different voices to maintain the illusion of free speech, but the audience’s minds are constantly being influenced subconsciously.”

“This system has been maintaining for many years, and the intensity has not decreased with the advancement of technology but has become even more pervasive.”

“Think about it, every billboard, every TV commercial, every book you can read, including the carefully chosen language in the textbooks you studied from, haven’t you ever felt something strange about them?”

The three of them each recalled their experiences.

All of them were successful people who had never experienced the pain of not being able to afford tuition fees or textbooks during their growth. Thus, they had access to a wide range of knowledge and had read far more books than the average person.

Once, they never felt that there was anything wrong with these things during their gradual influence. Now that Harrison has pointed it out and they rethink, they suddenly feel that there are problems everywhere.

“Shaping a self-serving ideology is the ultimate goal and has been going on for many years.”

Raulsen shook his head, “It’s impossible to change everything; no one can do it.”

Harrison Clark shook his head, “But what if everyone is involved? You think you’ve escaped, but you’re still in the game. What was the wording you used when you were teaching or writing articles? You must have had articles blocked. You subconsciously avoid certain words and expressions when creating and expressing, delivering broken thoughts and prejudices to others.”

They sat in silence for a long time.

Some hidden things that the three of them had never noticed themselves were pointed out by Harrison Clark.

Dr. Ethan Evans nodded and admitted frankly, “Yes, we are also contributors to this infiltration and have become a key part of it. No one can stay out of it. I apologize to my scientific spirit.”

Charles summed up, “So those responsible for this are the massive collective consciousness that hangs over America.”

Harrison Clark shook his head, “Not just that, but also Europe, and many vested interests. Of course, I shouldn’t be saying this in front of you, Mr. Roler. I just wanted to explain the reason why even people like Dr. Raulsen and Dr. Evans might form prejudices.”

Raulsen sighed, “It’s the deep-rooted impact of long-term infiltration.”

Dr. Ethan Evans nodded, “It’s true. It’s terrifying.”

Harrison Clark shook his head again, “Actually, this is not the scariest part. Because human psychology is full of randomness, there is still room for breaking this kind of psychological manipulation. Physiological thought infiltration is far more terrifying, more profound, and irreversible.”

“What? Impossible, no one can do such a thing.”

Harrison Clark shook his head and pointed at the ceiling, “Don’t think of humans as being so extraordinary. In the endless universe, we are just microbes living on a grain of sand. Some influences you can’t see, but they objectively exist, are already there. Our real enemy is outside..”

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