I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 450 - 300: The Return of the King

Chapter 450: Chapter 300: The Return of the King

Translator: 549690339

In the history of civilization, there have been many stories of collaboration passed down through the ages.

However, two top music artists, ranked among the top ten and top hundred, working together on a single song was unprecedented and unparalleled.

If this were to happen, it would surely become a famous anecdote that would be celebrated for thousands of years in the annals of art history.

At this moment, however, the two parties involved did not feel much emotion about it.

Although Carrie Thomas and Avril Green had learned from Harrison Clark’s words that they would become very powerful in the future, neither of them were the type to be easily swayed.

Both of them were very calm, knowing that their future achievements were just that – in the future.

If they thought that by doing nothing now, they could achieve those future accomplishments, it would be nothing but a pipe dream.

Moreover, was that really their limit?

Couldn’t they do better?

So, although the two learned about their future, nothing changed in reality.

“You guys chat, we’re going to be busy. Don’t leave yet; we’ll be back in two hours.”

Carrie let out a yell before dashing off, hand in hand with Avril, back into the next room.

Martha Owen’s nephew was puzzled, “What are those two up to?”

Everyone cast a playful, questioning glance at Harrison Clark.

Harrison shrugged innocently, “Don’t look at me. I don’t know anything!”

He said this, but deep down, he felt inexplicably apprehensive.

Ever since yesterday, he had a feeling that something was weird with the two of them but wasn’t quite sure what they were up to.

He had a terrible hunch in his mind, but he thought it was unlikely.

Harrison added, “Never mind, it’s not a big deal. Just leave them be. I think I overheard them talking about writing a song together – Avril as the lyricist and Carrie composing the tune.”

Rainer: “I see, that would be something to look forward to.”

Martha’s nephew chuckled at first, “We’ve got our master here, they’re just showing off.”

But then, he quickly realized something was off.

The situation seemed wrong; their master was a copycat.

Even their master had admitted that the most classic parts of his songs were copied from Carrie.

And Avril Green was no pushover either.

Martha’s nephew suddenly exclaimed, “Holy shit! Masters are teaming up, where do I stand? I have to be part of this, even if it’s just a small role like a secretary. That way, my name will at least appear in the historical records…ah…ouch!”

The shameless nephew, whose skills had surpassed those of his aunt, was dragged back by Harrison Clark by his ear, “Save it. If you do nothing and just stay out of trouble, you’ll already be making the biggest contribution. I guarantee you’ll make your mark on history.”

Martha’s nephew felt terrible and crouched down in the corner, drawing circles.

He always felt that his master targeted him but couldn’t protest because of the truth about his future. It was both frustrating and powerless.

The nephew thought carefully, his master seemed to have invited the others on board because of their abilities, but no matter how you looked at it, he was only there to keep himself away from trouble.

Perhaps it had something to do with their friendship; as potentially the biggest beneficiary from nepotism in history, the nephew felt both happy and unsatisfied.

“Master, can you please tell me a little more about my future? I really can’t accept it. I genuinely want to help you with something.”

Harrison: “Sing more songs? Don’t you like singing? Isn’t the title of folk master impressive enough?”

The young man pondered for a moment, “But the words ‘Chris Owen’s son’ will definitely still come before that. I can’t accept that. It seems that my singing skills alone won’t surpass my father’s brilliance.”

As an ambitious and dedicated son, it was quite troublesome to have such a strong father.

Harrison stared at him, “What, are you trying to de-throne your father? Let me warn you, don’t mess with the Whale Group.”

Realizing his words were too harsh and demoralizing, Harrison had a change of heart and came up with a new suggestion, “Or, you could try having more kids with your wife after your first child is born?”

One of the nephew’s descendants was Martha Owen. If they could have a whole litter of little Marthas at once, wouldn’t it…

Actually, Harrison got so excited that he was even affected by the thought, “Go for it, my dear disciple! I’ll find you some great supplements for vitality later, just give it your all!”

Upon realizing the weight of what Harrison had just suggested, the nephew thought of the hugely important role Martha played in the future and felt a mix of pride and sorrow.

“Oh my God… I… can I really…”

He was torturing himself to the point where he didn’t feel well.

Suddenly, the nephew felt like crying, “Is there anything else I can do besides that?”

Harrison felt a bit cornered, “Just be nice to your father, alright? The old man really has it tough.”

Unable to withstand Harrison’s continuous criticism, the nephew covered his face and fled the scene, likely needing some time to calm down.

Julia Lambert couldn’t help but worry, “He’ll be alright, right?”

Harrison smiled and shook his head, “He’ll be fine. Contrary to his appearance, he might have the strongest mental capacity among all of us. Even if he does nothing else in his life, he’ll still become the founder of postmodern folk music. Hehehe…”

As he spoke, Harrison couldn’t help but let out a sneaky laugh. The wounds he suffered from the young man showing off his unborn child with Samantha suddenly healed.

Realizing that he might be showing his true colors, Harrison quickly composed himself and returned to a serious demeanor, “Ahem, let’s not worry about him.”

Julia Lambert continued, “I actually have a question too. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

Julia asked about the incident when Harrison saved Carrie Thomas and Susan Lambert.

Harrison explained, “The situation was complicated. In the original timeline, Carrie wouldn’t have taken Susan’s car to the airport that day. Only Susan would have driven to pick you up. The car accident would have still happened, and Susan would have died. I’m not sure what kind of impact that would have had on you, as that part of history has been lost, but Carrie was greatly affected and saddened by the event..”

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