In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 372: Avengers 1 Split (2)

Chapter 372: Avengers 1 Split (2)

Steve walked along the coastline, stepping on the pebbles. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Stark, watching the receding tide. Layer upon layer of white waves surged continuously, leaving behind wonderful patterns. Both of them were silent, but it seemed like they knew what the other was thinking.

At this moment, Strange flew over and said, "What are you guys doing? Stark, I just went to a spaceship to do two experiments secretly. Did you have to blow up this place like this?"

"And you, Steve, you knew that the person with the knife was so dangerous, why didn't you knock him out first? What's your relationship with each other?"

"And what's the deal with that guy covered in yellow light? I was having a great time fighting him, and we were about to subdue him, but he ran away?"

"Peter? Why are you lying here? Why is there blood all over you? Oh my god..."

At this point, Stark and Steve both turned their heads at the sound, looking at Strange together.

Strange was stunned by their gaze and said, "What are you looking at me for? Is there something on my face?... Hey, wait, why did you open the cannon port?!"

With a "whoosh," the circular shield flew towards Strange, followed by the sound of gunfire and continuous explosions. Strange was chased around by the two of them, shouting, "You two are fighting, why take it out on me?! You bunch of lunatics!! Stop it now!!! I am the Supreme Sorcerer!!!!"

After the group ran far away, Peter slowly turned his head and gently pushed away the medical robot left by Stark. In his mind, he said to Red Bee, "Even if you blocked my pain, this is still pretty bad, right?"

"You humans are the most reckless species I have ever seen. You knew his knife was so sharp, why take the risk and approach him?!" Red Bee (symbiote) said helplessly. "Symbiotes have an obligation to prevent hosts from doing such dangerous things. By cooperating with your actions, I have violated at least 400 parasitic rules. If Blue Spirit finds out, I'll be in trouble..."

"But the plan went smoothly, didn't it? Wait, let me see... it seems like they haven't noticed me. Where's the earpiece? Where did you put it?" Peter asked.

Just as Peter finished speaking, a small red slime tentacle reached into his Spider-Man suit pocket, took out a miniature earpiece, and stuffed it into Peter's ear.

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, Schiller put down the communicator, and Nick looked at him and asked, "Who called you? It doesn't seem to be Grant?"

"Indeed not, it's another informant."

As they spoke, they walked into an office where they were not greeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but by a man dressed in a strange manner. He wore a suit, had long hair, and two sharp goat horns on his forehead.

Seeing Nick and Schiller come in, he pulled out a misty light ball from nowhere and handed it to Schiller, saying, "This is the final payment. Our transaction is complete."

"How about those Hydra Souls? They should be good, right?" Schiller asked him.

"They are indeed good. Both in terms of activity and the power that can be extracted from them, they are much better than ordinary humans. After this deal, I won't have to waste my energy tricking those weak and foolish ordinary humans for at least 20 years..."

"But speaking of which, can't you give us a discount? What if there's another cooperation like this in the future? I'm your big client, after all..."

"Mephisto, your greed is the most I've ever seen," Nick said, holding his arms and looking at the man. "Because of your stinginess, we revised the contract 16 times and haven't even asked you for a revision fee."

"Okay, I can unilaterally guarantee that if there is such a thing again, you will be our first choice," Schiller said, holding the light ball and looking at Mephisto.

The content of the transaction between Schiller, Nick, and Mephisto was simple. It was the souls of some Hydra members.

Since Schiller turned Arkham Sanatorium into a base for containing important Hydra agents, he first turned these agents into free labor and then made money from clients who wanted the eternal youth factor.

Then, because he took over all of Hydra's work in New York State, the surrounding big bosses paid him protection money and asked him to use a safe base to preserve their own forces. Schiller took the money and, of course, conscientiously put the people in the sanatorium, although there were many losses during the process, at least one-fifth of the people came to the sanatorium.

The area of the sanatorium is limited. The old bank building located not far from Wall Street is not as big as imagined, and there is no place to stay for hundreds of people.

So, where should the agents go if the sanatorium is full?

Schiller's answer is, of course, to sell them to S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s space is also limited, and Hydra's agents are constantly coming. When S.H.I.E.L.D.'s space is full, where should the agents go?

Schiller and Nick's answer is, of course, to sell them to Mephisto.

One fish, three meals, and one sheep, three shearings.

The dimensional territory controlled by Mephisto is a dimension with special properties. In order to maintain the existence of this dimension, Mephisto needs to draw power from the Soul. In Space, the energy carried by human Soul is particularly abundant and precious. Therefore, he is willing to spend a lot of effort to lure humans into signing contracts.

Some may wonder why he doesn't just create a disaster and harvest a large number of human Souls?

Ignoring the power of Odin and The Ancient One, the more important reason is that after human death, they should not return to Hell or Heaven, but to "Death," which is one of The Five Beyonders, "Death."

No one can violate this principle. Even if Mephisto can create a major disaster, the dead will still go to "Death," which has nothing to do with him.

The only way to intercept Souls from Death is to let humans voluntarily sign contracts and sell their Souls to him. Therefore, he is willing to spend a lot of time and energy to deceive and ambush them one by one.

But now, Schiller and Nick have proposed a new way of trading. As the busy lord of Hell, why bother to come to Earth to deceive people secretly? Leave the deception to us, and you can sit in Hell and wait for dinner.

Of course, there is a small fee for this process. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to extract information from those determined Hydra members and then force them to sign the Devil's Contract, which also requires some effort.

Also, Mephisto's judgment standard for the abundance of Soul energy is "sin" and "pain," which happens to coincide with Nick and Schiller's goal of screening important Hydra members.

After contacting Mephisto, Schiller took him to Arkham Sanatorium for a tour. When Mephisto said whose Soul was delicious, Nick directly took the person away. How sinful and evil must this person be to have their Soul energy deemed abundant by the devil? Their intelligence must be valuable.

Using this method, Nick also caught two snakeheads hidden among ordinary agents. These two people played the trick of the cicada shedding its shell, saying that they wanted their subordinates to take refuge, but actually hiding themselves among these ordinary agents to take advantage of Schiller's safe haven to avoid being purged.

S.H.I.E.L.D. obtained a lot of useful information from them, including the location of the Winter Soldier's storage base.

Mephisto paid the deposit to S.H.I.E.L.D., and Schiller collected the final payment and received the Soul energy essence extracted by Mephisto. Satisfied, Schiller returned to his office and took out his umbrella.

He looked at the handle of the umbrella left and right, becoming more and more satisfied. Then he placed the energy on the tip of the umbrella and said to his new umbrella, "I don't know what you like to eat, but I think this thing is good. You can try it."

After speaking, he glanced at the list of security personnel on his desk and said, "If you like it, there will be more in the future."

Before the Curse Spirit residing in the umbrella could answer, a series of dissatisfied emotions came from Schiller's mind. Schiller comforted him, "Do you eat this?... What? You eat this too? I thought you only ate emotions?"

"Do you want to try it too? Okay, I'll split it in half for you two. Don't say I'm biased..."

As he spoke, a small tentacle made of gray mist extended from his arm. After the mist took a bite, it made a few "ptoo" sounds. Schiller laughed and said, "It seems that symbiotes can't eat this. Be careful not to upset your stomach. I'll find something else for you to eat another day."

The gray mist grumbled in Schiller's mind, and Schiller could only say, "Okay, you can have a little bit of alcohol, but not too much."

The mist exclaimed "Yeah!" and happily drank the alcohol, seemingly not paying attention to the Soul energy in Schiller's hand.

Schiller shook his head helplessly. Then he saw a black energy appear on the tip of the umbrella, gradually penetrating into the Soul light ball in his hand. After a while, the light ball shrank by a circle.

"It seems that you like to eat this. That's a relief. If you were as picky as the mist and stole alcohol every day, I would have a headache."

Curse Spirit didn't seem to have a particularly clear consciousness, so he didn't respond to Schiller. He just followed his instincts and continued to absorb the power.

At this moment, the door of Schiller's office was knocked, and Peter walked in with a backpack. He still had a lingering smell of blood on him, but he looked happy. He put his backpack on the sofa and said to Schiller, "The plan went smoothly, Professor."

"Did they make up?" Schiller asked.

"More or less, but they are both fighting Mr. Strange together. Is that really okay?"

"It's fine. He is the Supreme Sorcerer after all."

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