In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 377: Avengers 2: Civil War (1)

Chapter 377: Avengers 2: Civil War (1)

In the empty and dark space, the light of the star shone like a lighthouse on a harbor, and several small black dots flew past the sun particles in front of a hot, stirring orange-red light ball, cutting through the storm around the star and causing ripple-like waves.

The area around the star had a visible energy field, like the surging tide of the sea. As the ripples spread out, the small black dots slowly moved towards the direction away from the planet. As they approached, it could be seen that they were several octopus-like spaceships.

The front half of the spaceship was an elliptical cargo hold, while the back half was divided into several longer tentacles, where the main control room was located. Inside the control room of the spaceship, several crew members with monster heads were complaining.

"I don't know what the governor is thinking. He actually sent the star mining team to solve the security cases on the surface. He lifted the agreement not to fire on the surface. We might have to fire at the city with our cannons. If the capital planet finds out, we might be executed!"

Another monster head, slightly taller than him, patted his shoulder and said, "You know, the spare bodies for parasitism are not enough recently. Look, your body is already rotting. Only the governor has the right to allocate the quota for bodies. Let's work hard for him. We might be able to exchange for a new body next month."

"I heard that the threshold for spare parasitic bodies for advanced agents has been lowered. Maybe there will be a steady stream of bodies available for us to use soon. Anyway, let's go back as soon as possible to avoid any problems in the city on the surface."

Just then, a sharp alarm sounded. The monster heads gathered together and looked around. One of them quickly walked to the wall and picked up the communicator hanging on the wall, asking, "What's going on? Why is the cargo ship sounding the alarm? Oh, damn it! What is that?"

As soon as he looked out of the observation window of the spaceship, he saw an incredibly huge, unfamiliar spaceship floating quietly in front of them, like a giant shark selecting its prey.

The monster head holding the communicator was stunned. At this point, the governor's voice came through the spaceship's broadcast system, sounding somewhat angry, "Organize the firepower and fight back quickly! Where is your professional training?!"

The monster head holding the communicator trembled a little, but he quickly put down what he was holding and turned back to the control room. The spaceship's pilot was already busy at the control panel. The monster head who walked in looked around and said, "Quickly activate the defense shield! Their cannons are already charging. They might..."

Suddenly, a silent and intense light swallowed the entire control room. In almost an instant, all the tentacles of the octopus spaceship, along with the Brood inside, disappeared between the astonishingly high temperature and particle collisions.

In the governor's office, Stark looked at the panel on his arm and heard Jarvis's voice in his ear, "Firing complete. Two ships and four secondary guns were used in this attack, and the enemy ship was completely destroyed."

"The firing ships have returned to position, and the cannons are cooling down. The estimated time for the next firing is 3 minutes and 31 seconds..."

Stark looked at the governor opposite him, whose tentacles were trembling. Nevertheless, he remained very tough and said, "Are you humans really going to war with the Brood?!"

"I just contacted our capital planet, and they are sending troops here. You will face an endless fleet of Brood!!"

"But you won't live to see that day." With that, Stark floated up, flew into the air, and opened the cannon on his gauntlet. A beam of light shot towards the governor.

The governor with the monster head dodged in panic, quickly running around the table and slamming open the storage cabinet on the other side of the wall, taking out the weapon inside.

It was a hand-held gun with a large-diameter barrel. The governor quickly armed it on his arm and fired at Iron Man's armor. The energy condensed at the mouth of the barrel, emitting a slight humming sound, followed by a loud explosion.

The entire office collapsed under the energy blast of the projectile, but Stark skillfully avoided the shockwaves of the explosion and continued to chase after the governor who was trying to escape.

Missiles with calculated trajectories constantly chased after the monster head's figure. No matter how he dodged, there was always a missile that could catch up to him and detonate beside him, knocking him over.

Standing on the edge of a high-rise building and looking down, the rain had soaked the streets, and the damp air had entered his lungs. The governor had never lived in such a humid environment before, and he felt that a hazy mist was clouding his vision, making his thoughts become chaotic.

In the neonlights of the city, he saw Iron Man landing on the rooftop, his armor shining in the rain. The governor raised his weapon and aimed it at Iron Man, but his hands were trembling so badly that he could barely hold it steady.

Iron Man walked towards him slowly, his eyes fixed on the weapon in the governor's hand. "Put it down. It's over," he said in a calm voice.

The governor hesitated for a moment, then threw the weapon away and raised his hands in surrender. "What do you want from me?" he asked.

"I want information. I want to know everything you know about the Brood and their plans," Iron Man replied.

The governor sighed heavily, his tentacles drooping. "I don't know much. I'm just a middleman. The Brood are a powerful and ancient race, and they have been expanding their territory for centuries. They see us humans as a threat and want to eliminate us."

Iron Man listened carefully, his sensors scanning the governor's body for any signs of deception. "What about their weaknesses? Do you know anything about that?" he asked.

The governor shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't. The Brood are a very secretive race. They don't reveal much about themselves to outsiders."

Iron Man nodded slowly, then turned to leave. "Thank you for your cooperation. I'll make sure you're treated fairly."

As he flew away, the governor watched him go, his thoughts in turmoil. He had never expected to be caught by a human, let alone by Iron Man himself. He knew that his life was now in the hands of his captors, and he could only hope that they would be merciful.

"He took a few steps back, revealing the scene behind him. It was a control room that the governor found somewhat familiar, with many control panels and monitoring devices. The man wearing the Joker mask burst into a series of laughter and said:

"You thought my first stop here was the television station? But that's just what I told you, and you actually believed it."

"I introduced myself and told you that I had just arrived here. But in reality, I just came from another place..."

"Where is that?" The man put his hand behind his ear and made a listening gesture. The governor whispered, "The weather control tower... You madman! You're the one who created this crazy weather!"

The person on the screen probably couldn't hear the governor, but he seemed to anticipate what the governor would say. He said, "That's right, it's where you control the weather!"

"You have developed this planet to such a high degree that you can control the water cycle on the surface. After I subdued the staff here, I asked them to do me a little favor..."

"Look up at the sky and see those beautiful, glistening raindrops. Don't they look like grains of salt sprinkled from a salt shaker?"

"Have you smelled the haunting fragrance of the wine? It comes from the other side, the deepest chaos and madness..."

His tone began to soften, like reciting a romantic poem, or singing a requiem. The man in the Joker mask stood up straight and took a few steps back. Another black figure suddenly appeared on the screen...

He turned around and faced the man with bat ears, then asked him, "When justice and evil, order and chaos begin to reverse, when a madman uses his crazy brain to do something just, how do you judge who is guilty?"

"Look at those monsters moving in the dark streets. They are shameless insects that steal human bodies, parasitize them, kill them, and control them..."

"But those ordinary people you swore to protect, their minds that are conforming to order, are these insects..."

"Can you see it? They infiltrate human bodies, manipulate their thoughts and actions, and make them do despicable things. And I, the poor madman in your mouth..."

"I am their savior. I am driving those ugly and despicable insects out of their bodies. Can you see it? Like this..."

The firelight shone through the raindrops on the windowsill, and another building was ignited. A man with a monster head cracked his mouth open, as if he was about to laugh.

Looking at this crazy scene in front of him, the locals didn't feel scared. They slowly gathered around, watching the rising flames, feeling the pleasure of disrupting order take root and sprout in their hearts. The illusion of freedom made them feel happy.

In a daze, Eddie saw that all of this was just his illusion. The so-called monster heads did not actually have terrifying faces. They were just a group of ordinary people, but the pleasure of sin twisted their faces into monsters.

He shook his head hard, but Venom spoke with a hoarse voice, "Because sin will always happen in order, let everything return to chaos and disorder. Do you think you're upholding justice? No, you're just venting your madness..."

"Do you plan to save them? Let everything return to order, just like you've done countless times before... Are these people really worth saving?"

Through Eddie Brock's eyes, one can see the surging ocean waves. Unlike the dazzling light of the stars, the black ocean is calm and distant, with no end in sight.

Like a sea breeze blowing over the surface, reaching the far shore, where another Soul stands on the beach.

His gaze seems to penetrate the distant space, passing through the barriers of the world, seeing the race with monster heads and human bodies, but from them seeing deeper philosophical meanings, and hearing those crazy words.

"Human beings are parasites of the mind, unable to fully control their bodies. What do you want to save, their bodies or souls? Which one is worthy of salvation? Which kind is worth upholding justice for?"

Eddie saw the man wearing the Joker mask slowly walking to a broken window, rain blowing in through the window, creating a misty haze around him. When the light shone on him, his voice spread out with the mist.

"The human body can be healed, but their minds are hard to change. Their situation can be altered, but their nature cannot be rewritten..."

"In the process of Space falling into chaos, building a shelter to protect the body cannot change anything..."

Eddie heard a series of laughter, gradually turning from madness to low-spiritedness. He saw the man standing in front of the window, arms outstretched, with a night sky lit up by fire behind him.

Suddenly, he fell silent, then pulled out a button from his pocket, laughing and saying, "What did I just say? That my first stop on this planet was the weather control tower?... No, no, I'm sorry, I lied to you, but I had no choice..."

He then looked at the camera, raised the button in his hand, and said, "Guess where I buried a big bomb?"

At this moment, Stark in the governor's office heard the same sentence and ran out, but was too late. The violent blast wave directly knocked him out, and after stabilizing himself in mid-air, Stark pressed his hand on his face mask and said, "This damn lunatic! I knew he was a bit abnormal!"

Just then, Jarvis's voice came in, "Warning! High energy readings detected, location at 1328 meters underground, rapidly rising, take cover immediately! Take cover immediately!"

"900 meters... 500 meters... 300 meters..."

Stark directly lifted the armor to several thousand meters high. In his sight, a huge tentacle broke through the ground, followed by an endless sea of tentacles. Soon, a huge monster climbed up from underground.

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