In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 402: Everything is Poisonous except the Snake (2)

Chapter 402: Everything is Poisonous except the Snake (2)

In the international community, the revelation that Hydra helped the KGB infiltrate the US Congress put a lot of pressure on the US. However, the US has never cared about international public opinion. What they really care about is Hydra.

After learning that Hydra may have been infiltrated by the KGB, their enthusiasm for dealing with Hydra skyrocketed.

Hydra may have done many bad things domestically, but they cannot have any relationship with the KGB, such as infiltrating the Congress, buying off senators, stealing intelligence, and attempting to steal the country. The US can turn a blind eye to these things, but if they have a relationship with the KGB, they must be eliminated.

This is the opinion of most people sitting on Capitol Hill. Their severe allergy is almost incurable, so they want to use S.H.I.E.L.D. as a weapon, ostensibly to eliminate Hydra within their jurisdiction, but actually to use S.H.I.E.L.D.'s transcendent power to strike at the KGB.

At the same time, they can also use the struggle between S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, and the KGB to weaken S.H.I.E.L.D., distract Nick Fury, and prevent him from growing stronger.

But will having Nick's name tattooed on his body help Gellert Grindelwald achieve his goals?

Of course not. He is playing both sides. He has connections with snakes on one hand and communists on the other. He has to be tough with both.

On the one hand, he cooperates with Pierce to attack certain forces within Hydra from the inside, catch Hydra agents for interrogation, and deal with the current pressure. On the other hand, he sends S.H.I.E.L.D.'s strongest agent, Black Widow, to communicate with the other side in the most destructive way possible, causing trouble for Congress and other intelligence agencies, and alleviating the pressure in the long run.

So what about Lady Hydra, who was being chased by Loki holding Thor's hammer?

Apart from receiving some absolutely legitimate rewards that are not from the KGB and besides money, he has not forgotten his most important plan.

Previously, DC's personality approached Pierce and made a series of deals with him on a cruise ship. Schiller conspired with Pierce, so Schiller's identity as a member of Hydra is beyond doubt. Later, he facilitated the cooperation between Nick and Pierce.

With Nick and Pierce working together, someone is going to be unlucky.

Except for the Hydra in New York State led by Pierce, other forces leading Hydra in other regions were chased by S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents due to Pierce's betrayal.

These Hydra forces, who were under extreme purging, suddenly discovered that they could not contact the snakeheads throughout the Americas. The previously silent snakeheads had not appeared, Pierce did not answer the phone, Lady Hydra was caught, and the German headquarters was in turmoil due to her capture.

So, whose phone can still be reached now?

Yes, it's the doctor.

After being promoted as the head of Hydra in New York State, Schiller became the head of Hydra in the Americas.

In addition to being able to get more Hydra agents with less effort, Schiller screened out a group of Hydra agents who are more susceptible to brainwashing and are good at persuading others.

Schiller did not use force to brainwash them, but used his identity and status to spread a very credible book to them, which is "Who is Hydra?"...

Some people may say that the content of this book is completely nonsense, and even if it's not nonsense, it's just a bizarre myth. How could anyone believe it?

But that day, the Thunderbolt that struck Lady Hydra was not fake. Although global meteorologists explained it as a special weather phenomenon caused by Earth's climate change, Hydra is not stupid. Which special weather phenomenon would specifically target Hydra and even have identity recognition function?In the book "Who is Hydra?" it was emphasized that Hydra's origin and creator, the earthly serpent, is the archenemy of Thor. Now, a famous Hydra leader is being chased by lightning from the sky and is running in a panic. What does this mean?

This part of the book does not explain, but according to Dr. Famous, a book critic of "Who is Hydra?", Thor has long known that the earthly serpent is his archenemy, and he naturally wants to destroy it before its nine heads unite into one.

The fleeing of Mrs. Hydra, who was chased by lightning, is proof that if Hydra does not unite now, what awaits them is to be turned to ashes under the endless thunderbolt glory of Thor.

Yesterday, the great creator was divided into nine and became the most terrible nightmare for all kingdoms in the world. Today, their final battle is coming, and they will unite and bring about a terrible twilight for the gods.

This explanation seems a bit bizarre, and most people do not believe it. But as Nick said, many people are not talking about ideology, but rather business. As long as they can profit from it, they can be followers of any religion.

The absence of Mrs. Hydra and Pierce gave many of the heads who were originally under their control a glimmer of hope. They wanted to gain higher positions to rule others, but they were hindered by the rules of the organization and were afraid to be the first to act and be attacked by the group.

The ultimate answer to any society's events can be found in human history. In the end of an empire's collapse, a decree can cause chaos and war. What creates war is not bullets, but the people who already have guns in their hands and want to make bullets for them.

In a dimly lit safe house, Grant looked at the body lying in a pool of blood. He reloaded his gun, then took it in both hands and stepped over the body to a communication device.

The person on the other end had already heard the gunshots and the screams of the safe house owner, so his voice was trembling. He said, "Who are you? Why did you kill him?"

"Fool, the war has already begun. I don't want to be Mrs. Hydra, I don't want to be struck by lightning, or fall into the hands of those damn Russians..."

"We don't need nine heads anymore. Someone will always be eliminated, and you're still thinking about finding allies. You're foolish..."

After finishing his lines, Grant hung up the phone.

Grant Ward's assassination was like sounding the horn for this Hydra massacre. No one knew where the chaos began, but it happened suddenly.

Everyone shouted, "Today we unite as one!"

They all shouted, "Before the great Hydra returns, I will be the only voter," and then they began to ruthlessly kill their former colleagues...

The situation became chaotic in an instant, because it happened too suddenly. Everyone did not have a clear target, and it was just a melee. At the end of the fight, they were not sure who they were retaliating against, or who was retaliating against them.Most of them have not even read the book "Who is Hydra?", so their understanding of the doctrine cannot be said to be clear and profound. The views of everyone on Hydra and the earthly serpent are not highly unified, but rather varied.

However, because so many members of Hydra were involved in this melee, there were bound to be a few who stumbled upon something important.

One morning, Jormungandr, the earthly serpent, who had been sleeping in the Earth's ocean, was gently awakened from his slumber.

Jormungandr, like most Spacedemon gods, was born from the origin force of Space. This serpent, which is coiled from head to tail, represents the principle of circulation in Space and is very powerful, described as even stronger than the thunder god Thor.

At the same time, Jormungandr is also an intelligent creature, although still chaotic, but much smarter than other chaotic creatures.

But just awakened Jormungandr couldn't understand why someone was calling his name, and not just calling his name, Jormungandr felt a surge of upward force entering his body.

As mentioned before, humans are special in Space, and their beliefs can provide Spacedemon gods with more power.

So, although there aren't many true believers in the earthly serpent being Hydra, there are still many believers. Regardless of why they believe in him, they do believe, and so they provide Jormungandr with a lot of power.

Jormungandr hates Odin, who threw him into Midgard, and he has long wanted revenge. But the new influx of these powers is still not enough to support him in defeating Odin. Jormungandr is very aware of this and urgently needs more power.

So he began to study the source of these sudden beliefs, and he discovered that, somehow, in the thousands of years he had been asleep, there were still people who knew of his existence and believed in him.

Jormungandr wanted to go to Earth to investigate these few believers, but he knew that Earth was Odin's territory. If he caused too much commotion and Odin sent down a thunderbolt, he might not be able to withstand it.

Just as he was about to sneak into Earth, a mysterious communication suddenly connected to him.

A pleasant customer service voice said to him, "Hello, this is Sanctum Sanctorum, the only Space creature service agency in the nine kingdoms. We provide a variety of services, including cross-border contact, finding agents, enhancing power, crossing dimensions to seek revenge, and more..."

"Join as a member now and enjoy discount offers. There are different member gifts every quarter. Buy now..."

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