Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 104: Ambassador to Akko

Chapter 104: Ambassador to Akko

"Unidentified flying vehicle, you have intruded upon the restricted area of the imperial family. Leave immediately, or you will be shot down," a mechanical voice warned.

"Please check the serial number of the shuttle. We are guests of the emperor," I replied.

The drones performed a full scan on us.

"Verification successful. A flying vehicle registered with the inner palace. Relevant individuals have been registered in the database. Entry granted." The three drones transformed from military drones to guide drones as they started showing us in.

We followed the drones and arrived at the plaza in front of the emperor's dwelling place. After getting off the shuttle, a familiar silhouette appeared before me. Master Wind and the same two Gando warriors were waiting for us at the square.

"I knew you would succeed. Looks like I wasn't wrong," said Master Wind.

"It was a very close brush with death. We nearly all died," I replied.

After the short conversation, we followed the Gandos and Master Wind to the emperor's dwelling place.

"His Majesty is in a good mood today. There might be a new request for you. Be careful," whispered Master Wind with a tug at my sleeve.

I nodded and continued following them toward the palace building. Since we were unarmed, we were able to quickly go through the checkpoint. After passing through a familiar courtyard, I was once again brought upon Emperor Fille IV sitting upright in the audience hall.

"Young man, you shock me endlessly with how capable you are. A mission the empire hasn't been able to complete over decades was finished by your group in one try," praised the emperor.

'Will he burst with rage if he finds out that we only gave him a duplicate?' I wondered inwardly.

"Since you fulfilled your promise, I will abide by my words. You will be granted shelter in the empire," said the empire.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. The Eternals had also contributed greatly. Lifu was gravely injured and Adelan sacrificed his own life," I said.

"The empire has given them the commendations for their sacrifice. Adelan's family has also been compensated suitably," said Master Wind.

"Thank the empire," Zhang Xingxing said.

"Recently, an incident cropped up between the empire and the Interstellar League. Since your group seems concerned about interstellar peace, I wish to have a talk with you," said the emperor.

"What incident? Please instruct us," said Zhang Xingxing anxiously the moment she heard that the incident was related to the league.

"The Interstellar League had dispatched a large fleet to Planet Akko. Stationing troops right in front of our doorsteps with our vassal has created much resentment in the imperial parliament. The threat of war lingers for both nations," said the emperor.

'The imperial parliament is unhappy? I reckon you're the one unhappy,' I thought.

"With the empire's powerful military, we do not fear any external threats. I intend to launch a large-scale attack on the army stationed at Akko. Since you are fugitives of the league, you are no longer on their side. However, you still have a high level of understanding of the technology available to the league. I wish to hire you as military advisors for the upcoming war," said the emperor.

Everyone was alarmed at his proposition. None of us had expected the situation to deteriorate to such an extent.

"Did Prince Toruse not try to stop a conflict from happening after his return?" I asked.

"After the two princes returned, Prince Arude was placed under house arrest by King Xido," said Master Wind.

"What? Am I hearing things? Arude was under house arrest?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Yes. Arude was placed under house arrest. Your friend, Prince Toruse, had betrayed the empire and allied with the league. He is now the sole heir to the Akkon throne and is mustering an army to go to war against the empire," said Master Wind.

"Th-this is not possible! Prince Toruse is an advocate of peace! He won't do something like that!" I argued.

"Any traitorous act against the empire will be met with extreme prejudice. All lands under the sky belong to the empire. The Divine Empire will not tolerate any infringement upon our lands. A war is already brewing. I will accept your help if you're willing, but even if you're unwilling to help, you won't be able to stop us from eliminating the traitors," said the emperor firmly.

"I have a suggestion. We might be able to avoid war," said Old Du.

The emperor looked at the big guy he had never seen before.

"You must be a Gliesen. Your kind rules the Interstellar League. What do you have in mind? Feel free to say it," said the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I am unclear as to why the league had suddenly stationed a large fleet right at the empire's doorsteps, but I believe there must be a misunderstanding somewhere. If we can clarify things for both sides and perhaps establish a friendship between the two nations, we will be able to prevent a massive loss of lives," said Old Du.

"Can you even do so? Don't forget you're all fugitives. The moment you show yourselves to them, you'll be arrested," said the emperor.

"We might be fugitives, but if the empire appoints us as the envoys for the peace talks, I believe the league will not act rashly," suggested Old Du.

"You're hoping that the empire will appoint you as representatives to prevent this war?" asked the emperor.

"Yes. For interstellar peace, we are willing to make this trip," promised Old Du.

"Fine. Out of respect for the great contribution you've just made, I will give you a chance to resolve this peacefully. Seven days. If we don't receive a proper reason to abort the war in seven days, the empire will launch a full-scale attack," said the emperor.

I turn to look at Old Du. He looked rather confident. Zhang Xingxing also looked at him. Old Du nodded resolutely at her.

"Ok. We are willing to accept this difficult mission. To avoid war and preserve peace, we shall visit Akko as envoys," said Zhang Xingxing.

"Very well. Warriors, if the peace talk fails, the door will still be open for you to serve as my military advisors," said the emperor.

We thanked the emperor and were then escorted out of the hall by Master Wind.

"Master Wind, is a war really happening?" I asked Master Wind while standing before our shuttle.

"You're still too young. The mission you had volunteered for was precisely what the emperor wanted out of you. He was able to easily lure you into volunteering with a few simple words," said Master Wind.

"In that case, the threat of war is fake?" Zhang Bao'er asked.

"No. There is indeed a threat of war. We had merely failed to find suitable candidates to make a show at a final attempt at negotiation. The empire needs to uphold its reputation, after all," explained Master Wind.

"It will be a great contribution if we can persuade both sides to stop," I said.

"Hopefully. But I have a feeling there is a massive inside story to this whole incident. It will probably be very hard to stop. Good luck," said Master Wind.

After bidding our farewells, we began to board the shuttle.

"Tell Jin that when push comes to shove, forget about me," said Master Crystal out of nowhere just before I stepped into the shuttle.

I nodded before entering. As we took off, I saw Master Wind's tiny figure waving at us.

The audience with the emperor had ended faster than we had expected. After receiving our mission, we returned promptly to Master Crystal's place.

"You dare to accept a mission this dangerous? You youngsters are truly gutsy," said Master Crystal reproachfully.

"Old Du, how are you sure that the league won't just arrest us?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"I'm not. I was only trying to find a chance to open dialogue with the league," said Old Du.

"Don't worry about being arrested. After being appointed envoys, I reckon suitable staff members will be sent your way soon," said Master Crystal.

"Master Crystal, what do you mean when you say that this is a dangerous mission?" Zhang Xingxing asked.

"While you were away, I had gathered sufficient information on the incident. War is brewing between two powerful empires. The emperor is truly ruthless for sending you as envoys during such a delicate moment," said Master Crystal.

"Whatever. At worst, we'll fight a war," said Zhang Bao'er uncaringly.

"You're from the Interstellar League, yet you're negotiating on behalf of the empire. If war really breaks out, the blame will be put solely on the Interstellar League's side, claiming that the whole war was orchestrated by them. In that case, who will be able to properly explain the truth to the masses? Even if it is obvious that the emperor was the one itching for war, the truth can be bent in a way that the league was the one to trigger the war," said Master Crystal.

Everyone blanked out in shock, and I broke out in cold sweat.

"We did not think that deeply into it," muttered Old Du.

"Master Crystal, do you have a better idea? Please give us guidance," said Zhang Xingxing.

"No. You'll have to improvise as best as you can. You'll have to reach Akko before deciding on your next course of action," said Master Crystal.

"Excuse me, is Lord Zhang Xingxing here?" A loud voice came from outside the courtyard.

"Hehe, as expected. Help has arrived. You weren't even given any time to think about your decision," said Master Crystal with a laugh.

Everyone walked out and saw that a medium-sized shuttle was outside. Five imperial policemen were standing in salute, led by a Liyate. The green-haired Liyate was rather different from the Liyates we had seen in the past. He did not look muscular and instead looked like a gentle scholar.

"Pleased to meet you, Lord Zhang Xingxing. I am the envoy's assistant for this mission. My name is Tasse. I'm honored to join you on this mission," said Tasse, stretching out his thin arm.

Zhang Xingxing shook his hand.

"The emperor is a genius. Even the assistant is someone from Giorno's race. That way, if things turn out for the worse, he can completely absolve himself of all blames," whispered Master Crystal.

"Let's get ready and set off," said Zhang Xingxing as she turned to board Fearless.

"Please wait, lord. His Majesty has arranged an even larger battleship to escort you on this mission to Akko," said Tasse.

"You mean this shitty shuttle?" asked Zhang Bao'er as he pointed at the shuttle.

"No, no, no. Warrior, this is merely a shuttle to taxi us around. The actual battleship is over there," said Tasse as he pointed at the sky.

We looked up and saw the vague outline of a massive battleship.

"Aren't you afraid that we will be misunderstood if we go in a battleship?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"His Majesty believes that a powerful military is required to protect everyone on this mission," replied Tasse.

"In that case, let us get ready," said Zhang Xingxing.

Dodo immediately took out the morph-capable suits that had been fully charged. When we were fully equipped, we stepped into the medium-sized shuttle. When I saw Master Crystal following us silently, gratitude for this chivalrous old man welled in my heart.

"Lords, please be seated. We will be taking off." With one command from Tasse, the shuttle soared toward the battleship.

About a dozen minutes later, the shuttle broke through the atmosphere. For the very first time, I was able to lay eyes on an imperial battleship from such a short distance. The battleship was in stealth mode, and it was as large as a small island. The front of the ship was a semicircle filled with weapons while the back of the ship was also a semicircle, but was instead filled with control rooms and storage rooms. At a glance, I could see over ten thousand rail cannons, laser cannons, and other weapons at the front of the ship.

"This ship's firepower is too strong," exclaimed Zhang Bao'er in stupefaction.

The shuttle arrived below the battleship. There, we were shocked yet again by what we saw. Hanging below the battleship were countless micro-fighter planes numbering in tens of thousands.

"This battleship alone is enough to conquer a planet," exclaimed Old Du.

The sounds of docking came in from outside as our shuttle landed smoothly in the cargo bay.

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