Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 126: Master Repairman

Chapter 126: Master Repairman

"Wuzhou might be their final living member, and the line of the planetless will end with him," said Old Du with a heavy tone.

"Drifting all alone in the boundless cosmos, not knowing where he comes from and where to go? This is too pitiful," said Kelly with sorrow.

Everyone couldn't help but feel sympathy for Wuzhou's lonely life as a wanderer.

"The universe is boundless. How did he find us?" Zhang Bao'er asked.

"Pure coincidence. I can only say that fate brought us together," said Old Du.

Right this moment, some sounds came from within Fearless.

"Shit. We were busy eating and resting, completely forgetting our prisoner," said Bao'er.

"Don't tell me the Gando is awake," I said worriedly.

It would be troublesome if the Gando was truly awake. Everyone ran toward Fearless. Fortunately, the Gando had merely turned around on the floor. It seemed like being used as a generator had greatly exhausted the Gando warrior, to the point he wouldn't be able to recover in a short while.

"This fellow will be a hidden danger so long as he remains here. Let's just toss him out of the ship," suggested Domo.

"No, he was merely carrying out the orders of the emperor. We can't willfully slaughter the innocent," I refused stoutly.

"At the very least, we need to find a place to keep him. We can't take him everywhere," said Domo.

"Let's think of a way to leave first. We'll just hand him and the other prisoners to the league," said General Edward.

"Dondon, Bao'er, go to the bottom level and bring the bound Eternal soldiers over. We'll keep watch over them in this drifting ship. Also, feed them some food in the cargo bay. I'll think of what to do with this Gando," I said.

Zhang Bao'er and Dondon headed out to carry out the task. At that time, I noticed Wuzhou studying our spaceship. After the previous damage, the perfect Fearless had turned into a beaten ship on the brink of destruction. The various internal equipment had been damaged beyond recognition. Wuzhou looked over the damaged equipment again and again. He even carefully rubbed the damaged parts with his hands while in deep contemplation.

"What is this fellow doing? He's not trying anything against us, right?" said Domo suspiciously.

After a short thought, Wuzhou turned and ran back into the drifting ship. At that time, Zhang Bao'er returned from his task.

"How can you let Dondon keep watch over those soldiers alone? Are you not embarrassed about having a cat watching over a bunch of beasts?" I said.

"No big deal. They are all tied up nicely. Dondon is feeding them now," argued Zhang Bao'er.

"A lazy person will always be full of excuses," Domo remarked.

Triggered, Zhang Bao'er said, "Dwarf, repeat your words again if you dare!"

As usual, Old Du appeared to stop Bao'er.

'If Old Du leaves us one day, these two will fight at least once,' I thought helplessly.

Shortly after, Wuzhou returned, dragging a handcart behind him. Numerous containers and bottles were stored in the handcart. Then, he left the handcart behind and returned to the drifting spaceship. A few minutes later, he came out with a massive tube.

"Does this fellow think he's Doraemon or something? What's with all these random things?" mumbled Zhang Bao'er.

Everyone ignored Zhang Bao'er and concentrated on Wuzhou. And then, Wuzhou started repairing Fearless with the tools in the handcart.

"Canyue, I'll replace Dondon. It's not safe to have him alone in there. It's better to have him work with Wuzhou and see if they can repair Fearless together," said Old Du.

I nodded, and Old Du left. Shortly after, Dondon came out. He immediately observed Wuzhou and the repair process.

"My god, this fellow is a genius!" exclaimed Dondon after a while.

"What is it? What genius? Be clear," said Kelly.

"I don't know what materials Wuzhou is using, but he was able to repair the damaged components. More importantly, he was able to use some sort of malleable substance to replace the missing components, solidify them, and install them in the appropriate positions," said Dodo in excitement.

"A malleable substance that can be solidified at will and is suitable as a replacement for numerous components? That is crazy. Is such a thing real?" I exclaimed.

"I wonder if a certain person will start harboring ill will after seeing such a high-tier material," sneered Domo.

"You dumb dwarf. Who are you talking about?" Zhang Bao'er shouted for no reason.

"I did not mention you by name. Why are you in such a rush to out yourself? I had merely remembered someone who had tried to steal my cloak of invisibility, the same someone who had also stolen a chunk of solidified time and placed it in his bag," said Domo.

Surprisingly, Zhang Bao'er did not counter. Instead, he sat down silently, as though he was admitting his guilt.

"What? Bao'er, you really took some of the solidified time from the Dark Hall?" I asked.

"N-no! Don't listen to that dwarf! He knew that my bag was taken by the emperor and that I can't defend myself, so he's framing me!" Zhang Bao'er argued.

I merely gave him a glare, not even bothering to say anything. Meanwhile, Wuzhou continued repairing the various damaged parts of Fearless at an astonishing speed. Before we knew it, three hours had passed, and a majority of the damaged parts had been repaired.

Even more surprisingly, apart from the flight system, Wuzhou had even installed the weapons of the drifting ship onto Fearless together with the ammunition required, causing Fearless to regain its offensive capabilities.

All of Fearless's parts were repaired, making it look like a brand-new ship. Finally, Wuzhou inserted the massive tube he brought into Fearless's energy system and recharged the ship with a seemingly endless stream of energy.

Fearless's energy indicator started blinking non-stop. After roughly half an hour, the ship had recovered 80 percent of its functions. At that point, Wuzhou, who had been laboring silently, sat down in a tired manner. Dondon immediately performed a full check on the spaceship before looking at me with disbelief.

"Fearless has been fully repaired," Dondon announced.

"Great! We can contact Captain Carter now!" said Kelly in excitement.

"Yes. Am I permitted to contact Captain Carter with the coordinates?" asked Dondon.

"Do we fly over, or do we have Carter come to us?" Kelly asked General Edward.

"Since we need to make a report, we need him to come for us immediately," said General Edward.

Dondon then started contacting Captain Carter.

Shortly after, a concerned voice came from the communicator, "Kelly, I heard what happened. Are you and Father well?"

Upon hearing Carter's voice, Kelly immediately snatched the microphone and yelled, "Carter, Father and I are fine. You need to come get us immediately."

"Sure. I have the coordinates. The battleship will be there shortly," replied Carter.

To prevent the league's fleet from seeing the drifting ship as a threat, Dondon, General Edward, Kelly, and I stayed on Fearless and left the drifting ship. We waited for Carter's spaceship, Star. After five minutes, a massive wormhole appeared in front of Fearless. Then, a Zeus-class battleship came out of the wormhole.

A shuttle flew out of the battleship and stopped beside Fearless to commence the docking procedure. After three minutes, Captain Carter and four of his subordinates appeared before us. Thanks to the power of technology, a distance of one light-year was covered in only eight minutes. As a Blueling, I enjoyed marveling at the advancement of technology.

Carter's actual military rank was colonel, and he was around 30 years old. He had long, yellow hair and carried himself with a mature and dependable temperament.

"Father, after we lost contact with you and Kelly, I searched the space around Akko several times with Star. I attempted to pick up your emergency gamma signals, but I wasn't able to find anything," said Carter.

Kelly said, "The goddamn emperor brought me and Father to Eternal. He even forced Father to defect and become their envoy for peace talks, intending to use Father as an excuse to hide the fact that he was the aggressor. However, Father rejected him."

Carter looked at his father with a look of respect in his eyes.

When he saw the Gando warrior lying on the ground, Captain Carter asked, "Gando warrior? How did you subdue an enemy so powerful? How did you escape?"

Kelly looked at me and said, "All thanks to him and his team. We escaped the emperor together and were able to catch some captives while escaping."

'At least this lass isn't heartless. She still remembers our help,' I thought.

"Thank you, brother. I had heard of you. The league was grossly mistaken to turn all of you into fugitives. I will make a plea for all of you!" said Captain Carter as he stepped forth and gripped my hand tightly.

"You're too polite, sir. We were merely doing what was right," I said, somewhat embarrassed at Captain Carter's immense gratitude.

"How did you escape the emperor? Can you tell me? I also want to learn more about Eternal," said Captain Carter.

I was stunned to hear the repeated question. It would be too tiring to tell him the same story all over again, but then I suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhang Bao'er's longing gaze.

'That fellow must be waiting for a chance to show off. Great! I'll grant his wish!' I thought in joy.

I then signaled Zhang Bao'er.

"Sir, Private Zhang Bao'er knows the whole situation better than me. I'll allow him to give you a full report," I said.

I had barely finished when a stream of words poured out of Zhang Bao'er's mouth like a machine gun.

'He doesn't look like he's great with his words normally, but in front of a senior official, he carries himself rather well,' I thought with a sigh.

Zhang Bao'er was very excited in his narration. Of course, he frequently attributed himself with a lot of our successes and frequently belittled Domo's contributions, to the point Domo's expression turned ashen. Captain Carter frowned when he heard that the emperor intended to execute all of us. Zhang Bao'er took an entire hour to finish his story, and Carter patiently listened until the end.

"In other words, King Xido, Duke Yidon, and the others are all trapped in Akko's underground palace. Should we try to rescue them?" Captain Carter asked General Edward.

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