Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 129: Underground Palace

Chapter 129: Underground Palace

Fearless was able to launch a lightning-fast strike, creating massive explosions in front of the underground entrance. Chunks of siege equipment were sent flying everywhere, and the soldiers present vanished in a sea of flames as their shields fell apart. At the same time, the laser beams shooting toward Fearless were perfectly blocked by the ship's shield.

'These weapons are surprisingly powerful. They cover a super wide range as well, resulting in too many deaths,' I thought with guilt.

"Carter must have improved our weaponry system, and with the addition of the drifting ship's weapons, which are probably stronger than expected, our firepower has risen to an unexpected level," said Zhang Bao'er as he looked at the sea of flames beneath us.

"Canyue, an opening has been created. You should get going now," said Kelly.

"Superior, it's still burning down there. Why are you telling us to plunge into the fire?" questioned Zhang Bao'er unhappily.

"We don't have much time. According to the system, the enemy fighter drones are going to completely surround us soon. Fearless needs to retreat immediately," said Kelly.

"Open the exit at the bottom level. We'll continue the mission," I said, feeling the urgency of the situation.

While I was issuing the order to Dondon, I saw Bulu jump into my backpack.

'Looks like this little fellow intends to go with me. So be it. Bulu might be helpful against the Gando warriors,' I thought.

Dondon did as told and opened the bottom door, allowing me, Bao'er, and Old Du to jump off the ship.

Our thrusters immediately activated, bringing us toward the sea of flames beneath us. The continuous explosions had caused the fire to constantly churn. Its flames danced around us like blooming roses in the depths of hell.

I couldn't help but swallow at the sight. "Prepare to defend against being burned. Charge in with me."

I took the lead and charged into the raging flames. The friction between the fiery waves and my shield created a blue halo around me. The thrusters continued to bring us forward rapidly. In a few seconds, we charged through the raging fire and arrived at the underground entrance.

There, our thrusters shifted slightly, allowing us to smoothly land. Ahead of us were two burning truck-like devices. They were continuously exploding, sending a series of red fiery waves into their surroundings.

"I was wondering why there were so many explosions. Looks like these two were what the empire had prepared to burn the gate down," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Kelly, we have reached the underground entrance. We'll be going in," I said to the communicator.

"Noted. Make haste. I have retreated from the battle. Captain Carter has also responded. Backup will arrive in roughly 45 minutes. Be sure to get the duke and the others out within that time," Kelly reminded.

Next, I stepped through the fiery world toward the gate. The gate was massive and made of steel. On it were two lion-shaped knockers, displaying an imposing presence befitting nobility.

The middle of the gate had caved inprobably the doing of a siege machinerevealing an opening big enough for one person to pass through at a time. However, the gate still maintained its integrity, preventing the empire from entering with larger weaponry.

"Canyue, the empire created an entrance for us. Looks like we can save on effort," said Zhang Bao'er in excitement.

"Everyone, let's go in. This place is too hot. It's draining too much of our energy," I said.

Just as we were about to go through the opening, a massive silhouette rushed out and rammed toward us. The silhouette was moving so fast the air whistled in its path.

"Shit! Take cover!" I roared.

All three of us jumped aside, trying our best to avoid the thing heading toward us. A loud thud sounded as a big hole appeared on the ground. Amid the billowing black smoke, I saw a familiar face. The white Gando.

The white Gando had actually rushed out of the opening to attack us with his hammer. I could see that the damage we had previously done to the hammer had already been patched over with steel.

Before we could regain our bearings, a massive object whistled through the air. The white Gando was sweeping his hammer toward us. In a split second, the hammer reached me. I quickly lowered my head and avoided the sweep.

A loud boom sounded behind me. When I looked back, I saw Zhang Bao'er fly into the wall; he hadn't been able to avoid the strike in time.

"Bao'er!" I roared as I desperately ran toward him.

After creating a massive depression on the palace wall, Zhang Bao'er slid onto the ground.

"Bao'er, are you fine?" I helped his chubby body up and asked.

"It hurts! This fellow is too strong. I wonder if I broke any bones. Good thing I have a good amount of flesh to cushion the impact," replied Zhang Bao'er.

I was slightly relieved to hear him talk. It would seem like the morph-capable shield had resisted a majority of the impact. Otherwise, Zhang Bao'er's body would have been smashed into mincemeat.

Suddenly, gunshots rang out nearby. I looked over. Old Du was furiously shooting at the Gando with the assault rifle that had been on his back. He was constantly avoiding the Gando's attacks.

Suddenly, I noticed a massive shadow cover both me and Zhang Bao'er. I looked back and hissed in shock. How unlucky. The black Gando had appeared behind us with his gigantic sword. Before I could even think of a solution, the sharp sword slashed toward us.

'Shit! The attack is too fast!' I wailed inwardly.

I tried my very best to drag Zhang Bao'er out of the way, but he was too heavy. Even with the help of my thrusters, I wasn't able to move both of us away in time. In less than a second, the massive sword reached my forehead.

'It's over,' I thought as I quickly let go of Zhang Bao'er and spread my arms. I stood between Zhang Bao'er and the sword. The only thought in my mind was to keep my brother safe.

'I wonder how much damage the shield can block. This fellow's sword is too big,' I wondered.

But even after a few seconds, the awaited hit did not arrive. I opened my eyes in confusion. The sword had actually deformed the shield when it had descended, only to be stopped centimeters away from my head.

"Bulu!" I understood what happened.

I quickly placed my backpack down and lifted up Bulu. At the moment, Bulu was like a miniature sun, shining with a blinding light. The substance within its body was flowing madly as it used all its strength to restrain the Gando.

'I need to quickly do something to avoid Bulu from overdrafting itself,' I thought.

I then signaled Zhang Bao'er with my hands, indicating that we should work together. Both of us jumped, each aiming for one of the Gando's legs. Our goal was to attach cluster bombs to his legs.

The black Gando seemed to have realized what we were doing; it tried breaking free from Bulu's control with his impressive strength. Slowly, his two hands, which were gripping his massive sword, started moving. Bulu was shining as brightly as ever, looking like a star that was about to explode.

"Shit! Bulu might have reached its limits. Bao'er, install the bomb quickly," I shouted anxiously.

We accelerated and attached the bombs before Bulu collapsed. After planting the bombs, I immediately jumped back, lifted Bulu, and ran away. The moment I left the explosion radius, the light on Bulu's body dimmed. The substance in its body also went still.

The black Gando immediately regained his ability to move. He took a wide stride forward as he brandished his threatening sword. When he was two steps away from us, the two bombs detonated, creating a dazzling eruption at the Gando's ankles. The Gando felt acute pain, which accompanied the loud sound, in his legs. After swaying about for a bit, he collapsed onto the ground.

"Hah! What does it matter how ferocious you are? Can you be as ferocious as my bomb?" said Zhang Bao'er smugly as he fired several plasma bullets at the Gando's head.

Meanwhile, Old Du was in a melee with the white Gando. The white Gando kept trying to hit Old Du with his hammer, but the hammer was too slow to actually fatally wound Old Du.

Old Du kept dodging while shooting at the Gando with his laser gun, but the Gando protected his vitals well. In fact, things did not look good for Old Du. I did not hesitate to launch several cluster bombs at the Gando. I also switched my gun to tracking mode, aimed at the Gando's head, and pulled the trigger.

Thousands of tracking bullets tore through the air and flew toward the Gando's head. Layers of light flickered as a reinforced shield snapped into place around the Gando's head. He seemed to have learned a lesson from our previous encounter, putting more emphasis on protecting his head.

He managed to block all my bullets. At that point, the white Gando finally saw his fallen companion. The sight caused him to rage as he ignored Old Du and rushed at me and Zhang Bao'er with his giant hammer.

"Bao'er, his shield is focused on his head. I'll continue attacking his head while you aim at the other parts of his body and look for an opening," I said.

Countless bullets whizzed forth, assaulting the Gando from all directions. A series of clanks rang out as Zhang Bao'er's bullets penetrated the shield covering the Gando's stomach, allowing the bullets to land on his armor.

"The shield on his stomach can be penetrated. Focus there!" Zhang Bao'er quickly reported.

I changed my aim and shot at the Gando's stomach, and we successfully caused the Gando to slow down with our hail of attacks. Old Du also unleashed a ferocious attack from behind the Gando. Things looked unfavorable for the Gando; he was stuck 30 meters away from all three of us, not knowing which direction he should prioritize.

When things were looking more and more favorable for us, I suddenly heard a loud sound to the left of us. I quickly looked over and saw that the black Gando was scrambling back onto his feet. It didn't even look like he was too badly harmed.

"Inferior beings, do you really think we will commit the same mistake twice? Today, all of you will fall here!" announced the black Gando coldly.

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