Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 98: Yellow Monster's Rebirth

Chapter 98: Yellow Monster's Rebirth

The monster instantly felt the pain from having its back penetrated. Yellow substance instantly gathered on its transparent back as a reaction to the attack. I could clearly see the flowing substance gathering in its head and back as it attempted to resist the invasion of the green substance.

Things did not look well for the mother beast either. The monster's powerful attacking tentacles had injected a large amount of yellow substance into the mother beast's body. The battle between the two substances was akin to an intense and cruel chemical reaction.

As the three parties battled, even more transparent creatures emerged from the tunnel. These were probably the final remnants of Bulu's race. After hundreds of transparent creatures rushed out of the tunnel, no new creatures came out.

"These are probably the mother beast's last children," said Old Du.

Although the transparent creatures had a much lower number than before, the newcomers granted them enough strength to form a brand-new green beam. The smaller green beam quickly penetrated the monster's waist, and the green substance carried by the green beam immediately started devouring the weak spots in the monster's body.

That seemed to be the final straw as the tide of the battle immediately shifted. The monster started losing ground against the three attacks. It realized that the foe it had suppressed for hundreds of millions of years thanks to a geographical advantage was a foe it couldn't defeat face to face.

That was a moment of life and death for the monster. Shrill shrieks started ringing again as it gave up completely on its back and gathered all the yellow substance in its body into its tentacles before stabbing them into the mother beast's body. The powerful attack wreaked havoc in the mother beast's body as the tentacles madly pulled at the mother beast, attempting to tear the mother beast off the monster's head.

However, the mother beast stubbornly resisted the violent battle within its body and remained wrapped around the monster's head. At the same time, it injected even more dark green substance into the monster's body through its tentacle.

The other transparent creatures accelerated their attacks when they saw their mother's predicament. Two thicker green beams shot out with a far higher intensity than their previous attacks.

The intense attacks continued pushing the monster back. It suffered so much damage it wobbled as it walked forward. Its wobbling revealed an opening on its back, giving us an excellent opportunity to attack.

"Fire with everything you have! Help the mother beast!" Master Crystal commanded.

I immediately raised my laser gun and madly shot at the monster's back. The powerful attacks finally surpassed the monster's limit. Its tentacles continued tearing at the mother beast madly while its body swayed about. Then, it lost its balance as it took a step forward and dropped into the tunnel.

"Shit! That fellow brought the mother beast into the tunnel," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Looks like they will have another intense fight down there. But the monster looks like it is already badly injured," said Old Du.

As we spoke, the ground started shaking, to the point I lost my footing and fell onto the ground. A violent white shockwave shot out of the tunnel and then rippled outward.

"Shit! The monster is probably trying to self-detonate! Careful, everyone," shouted Master Crystal.

I roared, "Everyone, turn your shields to the maximum capacity. Don't bother saving energy. The core of this planet might explode."

Immediately after I spoke, I felt the white shockwave ripple out even more violently. Although I couldn't see my surroundings, I could see the green creatures extinguished one after another, as though they had all been subjected to a powerful attack.

"Everyone, try to protect as many of them as possible," I roared.

These intelligent green creatures noticed that my surroundings were safe, so they started gathering around me. Suddenly, I noticed a flickering red light not far away from me. It remained in the same spot, looking like it was stranded.

'Bulu! It's trapped!' A thought rose in my mind. 'I need to help it.'

I immediately tried to expand the range of my energy shield, but Bulu was too far for my shield to reach. One green light after another extinguished around Bulu while the shaking intensified. It felt like the entire planet was going to break apart.

I steeled my heart, removed my shield generator, and tossed it at Bulu. The moment the shield moved away from me, a solid object struck my head. I immediately lost consciousness.

Everything sank into silence. I remained unconscious for an indeterminate amount of time. My hazy brain made me feel like I was floating amid the beautiful outer space, bearing witness to the universe's mesmerizing star systems while bathing in the warmth of a star. While enjoying the rare peace and comfort, a voice suddenly intruded, a voice calling upon my name.

"Canyue, Canyue, where are you?" a familiar voice rang out.

"Canyue, where are you? Please reply," more familiar voices came.

"Canyue, are you fine? Say something!" Zhang Bao'er's voice came.

Slowly, I regained consciousness. I found myself lying on the ground in darkness. The flickering green creatures were nowhere to be seen. Similarly, the intense earthquake had stopped.

"Canyue, Canyue, please reply if you're still alive. Fearless will be withdrawing in 10 minutes," Zhang Xingxing's calm voice came.

"I'm still alive, but my head hurts," I gathered all my strength and mustered a response.

"He's alive. See, I knew he wouldn't die so easily," Zhang Bao'er's excited voice rang out.

"Canyue, don't move. We will pinpoint your location from your reply and come for you right away," said Zhang Xingxing.

I lay on the ground silently. After a few minutes, the loud sounds of an engine rang out above me. Soon, I felt four strong and familiar arms grabbing me.

"Canyue, it has been 24 hours. We finally found you. We had thought that the shockwave had killed you," said Old Du.

"Thanks, brother. I'm alive," I said.

"Titan, lift him and get him back," said Old Du.

Four strong arms lifted me and brought me toward Fearless. My surroundings were still pitch black, but I felt safe. A sense of gratification from having survived death filled my heart.

'Looks like the heavens still care for us,' I thought to myself.

Suddenly, I felt an intense shaking. The grayroid started rocking violently as if it had been activated by some mysterious power.

"What is happening now?" Old Du said.

The sound of the ground tearing apart rang out. When I turned my head to look in the direction of the sound, I saw an even bigger shining figure emerging from the ground. The transparent creature was shining with yellowish-green light and was a few times larger than the yellow monster I saw before. It was as though the yellow monster had undergone a rebirth and become this new monster.

"What is this? Don't tell me that our brainwaves are being controlled again?" Old Du said.

His words confused me. I started wondering if I was still alive, wondering if this was a dream. I tried biting my tongue. Yes, I could feel the pain.

"Old Du, Titan, ignore the monster. Retreat immediately," Zhang Xingxing's urgent voice rang out.

I felt myself enter Fearless with Titan's and Old Du's help a few seconds later. Due to the grayroid's effect, it was completely dark inside the ship.

"Take off immediately. Leave this place," Zhang Xingxing commanded.

"We might need to eliminate that monster with the Pointed Snake. If we let it survive, it will become a calamity to the universe," said Master Crystal.

A blinding beam shot past the ship.

"This is bad. The monster is attacking us, and that was a real attack," Dodo exclaimed.

I did not know from where I gathered my strength, but I suddenly stood up and looked outside the window. The yellowish-green monster could be seen standing straight while blindly firing light beams into the sky.

"That fellow has gone crazy. It's like it has too much energy, so it's letting the energy leak everywhere," said Zhang Bao'er.

"We need to put it down. If it is allowed to reach outer space, more planets and lives will be lost," I said.

"Release the Pointed Snake and destroy its brain functions," commanded Zhang Xingxing.

"Lifu, how should we operate the Pointed Snake?" asked Master Crystal.

A long silence descended.

"Lifu, what's wrong?" Zhang Bao'er asked.

"Pointed Snake only has the option of instant detonation. It also can't be fired from a distance. Its range of explosion is big enough to cover an entire planet," Lifu's voice came from the darkness.

"Instant detonation? Why in the hell would your people design a bomb like that?" roared Zhang Bao'er.

"Because the emperor does not intend to let the one carrying out the mission return alive," I said.

"What should we do now? Do we really need to leave someone behind to detonate the Pointed Snake?" Old Du asked.

Everyone sank into silence.

After a long while, a voice rang out, "I'll go."

"No, Master! You still have many important things to do. You can't sacrifice yourself so easily. I'll go instead!" Sarje protested loudly.

"You can't go. You're too young. You have yet to experience the myriad beauties of the universe," said Master Crystal.

Outside the window, the yellowish-green monster was still madly shooting energy beams into the air. The beams were powerful enough to shoot through the atmosphere and reach outer space.

"A sacrifice must be made. Don't hesitate. After leaving, we won't have any chance to return anymore. Put it down. This fellow must have successfully devoured the mother beast and accomplished a goal it has been working on for hundreds of millions of years. If it leaves this planet, many other planets will suffer," said Master Crystal.

"No! I firmly disagree, Master!" Sarje continued protesting.

Suddenly, an overcast voice rang out, "Stop arguing. I'll go."

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