Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 196: River of Time, Passage of Time and Future Aging Sword

Chapter 196: River of Time, Passage of Time and Future Aging Sword

'Time, time is a long river that follows non-stop. Time is the avenue of the universe and once it is disrupted, it will create disturbance throughout the world. But it also depends upon the person. The avenue of time is everlasting, not everyone can make a change.'

'Time is divided into past, present, and future. Going back in past also changes the future, and the result can be disastrous.'

'Past can be changed, future can also be change. But past has an impact in present but the future doesn't. For a future to hold, only one circumstance needs to win among infinite circumstances. If a person changes the future, he only changes the circumstances, not the reality.'

'But all circumstances are related to the present. Finding the true circumstances, changing it can make a powerful change in the present. But Time has different branches for different people, a person can change the others timeline but can't change his own.'

'Dao of Time can control the branches formed within the river of time but not the river of time itself.' Sitting down on the ground, Rose tried to enlighten herself about the Dao of Time. She found she needs to be more careful against her opponent so she must strengthen herself.

The only way is to get stronger and create more skills that can guarantee her survival. At this moment, she began to doubt herself because she didn't think about the safety of Natasha and Ouza. She was slowly becoming more selfish.

'Future Aging Sword allows me to suck the life force of my enemy future. There are infinite numbers of future, among them the best way to suck their life force would be by verdict their weakest future self. Although past has certain weaker self, it would be impossible to change other's past without better comprehension on Dao of Time.'

'Future is something imaginary that would happen but the outcome can't be determined. While the past has already occurred, if a person wants to go back in time, he is not changing imaginary rather things that have already happened. This can cause a huge impact not just on a person but on the world.'

'The only way to stop this is by comprehending the Dao of Time. Better the comprehension, more control you can get over the branches, allowing a person to reduce the aftermath of his intervention in past.'

Rose opened her eyes and took out the black dragon sword in her hand. Gripping the black dragon sword, she closed her eyes again and fall into the circle of Fei. Inside this circle, she can find anything that she wants.

But the premise is her strength and comprehension over Dao of Ruthlessness. Another thing she confirmed was the size of this circle was almost infinite. Even if she ventures far and far, she couldn't see the end.

Of course, while venturing far away she can't try to absorb the knowledge and power of this circle. But she could borrow more power. After three hours of deep meditation, she opened her eyes with the brilliance shining out.

"Sect master, have you recovered?" Ouza saw Rose opening her and anxiously rushed towards her. After opening her eyes, she only saw Ouza which made her frown.

"Where is Natasha?" Rose's eyes narrowed as she saw the ugly look on Ouza's face.

"Vice-Sect Master, she... she went out to ask about Great Fire Emperor." Ouza knew it would certainly dissatisfy Rose, after all, she acted on her own. And her strength was not high either.

Hearing him, Rose face brows shrunk as her mouth opened a little. But she returned to her calm expression and her spiritual sense spread out. Her soul was strengthened a lot during these enlightenments so she easily covered thousands of miles in an instant.

Suddenly, her expression turned ugly when she saw Natasha on the ground. Her clothes were slowly getting torn apart by few ugly orcs. These orcs had gray skin and a bulky body. Seeing this, anger flashed in her eyes.


Without even thinking about Ouza's existence, she used Space Transfer and appeared on a mountain with orcs. At this moment, Natasha's hands were tied with strong metal. At the same time, her mouth was covered with a strange seal.

But tears didn't stop falling down her eyes. At this moment, Rose appeared in the sky. The moment she appeared, she saw the orc moving his hands to rip her blue bra. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed as she summoned the black dragon sword on her right hand.

She immerses her consciousness inside the circle. At this moment, countless memories fell on her brain. At the same time, the passage of time began to act against her. Her movement against the river of time was causing the disturbance in a wide range.

But this was the disturbance to one's future, so the disturbance was only limited to her. Billions of possibilities came to her mind in an instant, for a second, she felt her soul would be torn apart. But suddenly, the circle burst powerful energy into her soul, causing it to be stable.

Among the billions of possibilities, only one possibility came to her mind, a possibility where the orc was an old orc nearing his lifespan. Normally, until now, a person would've been removed from the present existence because of his interference with a river of time.

But the black dragon sword could easily protect her from the passage of time. And so, she was alive while her target was also found. Although it only took few seconds, for her, it was almost a millennium. And that was the power of the passage of time.

If the black dragon sword hadn't protected her, she would've aged with the passage of time. Suddenly, her sword moved out of her hand entered a mysterious time-space. At this moment, the passage of time no longer acted against her because it wasn't just the sword protecting her.

The circle was also the main reason or rather both could protect her. And she also needs both because her sword needs to be used for attack. Of course, her sword was relatively more powerful against the passage of time.

Because currently, she can't access too much of the circle. When the sword entered the mysterious space-time, it directly flows inside the river of time and entering that exact future. Without any further surprise, it completely sucked out the life essence of the old orc.

At the current state, this was one of his future. In another state, there might be another kind of future. But now, this future was down, it directly forced the passage of time to act against the present orc. So the next moment, in front of Natasha's wide eyes, the orc turned to dust leaving its soul only.

But the tears didn't stop falling from her eyes. After the orc disappeared, she saw Rose floating in the air. But Rose didn't speak. The sword reached near Natasha and absorbed the soul of the orc. At the same time, it suddenly knocks on her hand.

"Grab it!" Only when Rose spoke, other orcs found the person behind the disappearance of their comrade. When they saw Rose, they were confused. From their perspective, Rose was only a War Lord, how could she kill Profound-Grade Ninth-Rank Beast without making other notice.

And the ninth rank beast couldn't even retaliate against her. Hearing her words, Natasha finally calmed down a little and caught the sword hilt. Suddenly, the sword disappeared from there and reached near her.


When Natasha floated near her holding the sword, she smacks on her head and scolded "Do you know what would've happened if I was a second late? Don't you know where we are? Even if you feel useless, you are our only vice-sect, do you want to send the sect to ruin? Do you know how angry Johnny will be after finding of it?"

"....Sorry!" Natasha was confused about what to say. She was very confused because Rose was scolding her as if she was a very important person but she knew, she wasn't. But Rose's words did bring happiness to her heart.

"Alas! Well, I need the sword for some time. So, you need to wait for a while."

"Space Transfer"

Using the Dao of Space, she sent Natasha to the ground, a little far away from orcs. The sword returned to her hands as she once again entered the river of time with the sword. But before that, she looked at those orcs and said "I beg you. Please kill me!"

Hearing her words, anger erupted in their eyes. Sure enough, this tactic was the best. Seeing this, Natasha was speechless. Because she felt, Rose was trying to irritate them and make the move first. And they did.

"Bloodline Ability- Trampling Heaven"

But they knew Rose was strong, so they didn't hesitate to use their strongest ability at the same time. At this moment, dozens of Giant Mountain-sized fists rushed against the small figure of Rose. But facing such an attack, she was very calm.

When her body entered the river of time, she searched all kinds of possible futures where her opponent was in his weakest condition. The next moment, her sword entered the mysterious space-time.

"Future Aging Sword"

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