Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Chapter 103 0103: Asgardian Earth

'Ah shit, here we go again…' Alex thought as the container with his dormant body crashed on the planet. He burned some of the biomass that he had stored in his ‹Inventory› and activated that body, disappearing from the location. He'd already sensed Spider-Man approaching and wasn't interested in the scraps that he would get from devouring Spider-Man. Not to mention it could get him the attention of the authorities.

'This seems like a post-Ragnarok scenario where Asgard moved to Earth with its technology and population intact…' Alex thought as he noticed the vastly different infrastructure of central Manhattan. Or at least what used to be central Manhattan.

Although it wasn't all gold, the design and shape of the buildings reminded him completely of Asgard. 'There should be a version of Thor here… I can devour him to truly get my lightning abilities to the next level. Maybe I can even get Thor's lightning divinity…' Alex thought.

'I need information first…' He thought as he found a random pedestrian and went inside them. He was going to read the guy's memories and see what options are available to him.

'Oh, this is an Asgardian?' Alex noticed that the mental defenses of this person seemed to be much more prominent than the average human. There weren't any traces of this being done artificially either, as it had been in the Bastion. This was completely natural which indicated to Alex that this person was most likely an Asgardian. Though he was able to subtly break in after some effort.

'Post-Ragnarok was expected… Dead Odin, dead Heimdal, pity. I could've used his all-seeing eyes, but this helps too, I won't have to think about him spying on me all the time… Loki… Hela… Interesting…' Alex's thoughts were vague as he understood the general situation.

'I should start mapping out this new Asgard that's become the new strongest country on Earth… Far surpassing Wakanda.' Alex decided to lay low for now.

Mostly since he didn't want to pay much attention to this place for now.

That had happened a few weeks ago and quite a bit had happened since then.

Vibranium was a rare metal even in the vast expanse of the universe, and although Asgardians had their knowledge, they didn't have Asgard's resources anymore. This was why Loki— The King of Asgard, wanted the Vibranium in Wakanda's possession for himself.

There was going to be a diplomatic meeting between Loki and T'Challa regarding the Vibranium and an equal exchange. Alex was sure that this was most likely going to blow over and Loki would try to trick T'Challa, inciting a war between Asgard and Wakanda.

He was going to insert himself in this scenario and take the opportunity to bond with Hela. Personally, Alex wasn't that interested in bonding with Hela since her powers weren't the most enticing for him. Her Death divinity was pretty cool, but bringing back armies of the dead wasn't really useful for Alex. Especially since the truly powerful beings couldn't be controlled if they were revived. So all it would do is give him an endless army of grunts.

His only attraction was Hela's death touch that could kill any being as long as she touched their skin. And the fact that he'd had to burn a huge amount of biomass to keep his current body sustained without a host.

'This feels so monotonous and repetitive…' He thought as he made his way to Wakanda in an Asgardian aircraft that he'd taken control over.

The meeting spot was going to be the Wakandan royal castle.

'It's like I'm going to a new earth, repeating the same thing with the same people. It's getting boring… I want to explore the vast universe and I'm here stuck on earth doing the same meaningless routine again and again.' He was bored of this same situation repeating again and again.

'I'm bored of the Earth bullshit. I'm going to look for a way to go off of the planet after bonding with Hela. An Asgardian ship if the Bifrost isn't an option.' Alex decided. He was bored of so many Earth plots. And he was also curious about the situation of the rest of the universe.

He had a lot of questions and he wanted the answers to those questions. And the only way to get those answers was to start moving on a cosmic scale.

'I need to get Nightwalker.' Alex put Nightwalker on a higher priority and decided to start moving on to the X-Men after the set-up of Stacy Industries was completed in Earth-65. 'I'll set a trap o get Nightwalker alone…' He was finally going to start acting on some of his requirements. The main reason for all this was because of the increase in his power.

Just the physical power that he held was on par with an average Asgardian and that wasn't including his lightning and Chaos magic capabilities. The latter of which he hadn't even explored yet. After the Level 3 bond with Wanda, he hadn't yet explored the changes to his use of Chaos energy.

He made many plans on his way to Wakanda.

"Such a nice little paradise you have here. It would be a shame if someone were to… say, destroy it." Loki said as he walked into Wakanda with Hela at his side. He was faced by T'Challa and the Wakandan army who all had grave expressions on their face.

"Mister Loki, Miss Hela. I see that you decided to barge through the borders of my country without any problems." T'Challa said with sarcasm evident in his tone.

"What can I say, I'm not much for mortal customs," Loki said nonchalantly, his magical power radiating from his voice, adding a level of pressure to his words.

"We will not be giving you our Vibranium," T'Chall stated outright.

"Are you sure? We have countless ways to use Vibranium in a more efficient way. The kind of knowledge that could put your entire country and civilization itself on a path of greatness." Loki told him, the dismissive smile on his face infuriating.

"We refuse." T'Challa was stubborn.

"Pity," Loki said with a tone of pity, "Hela, my general. Take care of everything here." Loki told her and crossed his arms. His grandeur oozed out of him at this display. The entire army of Wakanda stressed at Loki's words, everyone taking a position of combat.

"What do you say?" Hela smirked as she didn't make a move and instead looked at Loki.

Loki sighed, "You just have to ruin my moment, don't you?" He asked, "Please help me out here. You happy now?"

"Immensely, darling." Hela smiled a bloodthirsty smile and raised her arms in the air, calling upon her armies of the dead.

Immediately, a green luster took over the blue sky above Wakanda, At the same time, a green mist was released behind Hela, covering the fields in green.

'Shit is going down!' Alex, who was hiding in the body of one of the Dora Milage was excited. He was going to look for an opportunity to bond with Hela soon, 'Thankfully, I have quite a bit of control over Chaos magic now and can use it to hide my tracks from Loki's magical senses. At least when he's not directly looking for me. I'm far from being comparable to Loki in this regard.'

As the green mist behind Hela faded, a large number of troops were seen standing behind her. Her army was ready for war.

Hela's bloodthirsty smile got even more pronounced as she released a war cry before charging at the army of Wakanda, her undead army following after her.

"Wakanda Forever!" A collective shout ran through the battlefield on the side of the Wakandans as T'Challa also charged ahead to meet Hela, followed by his loyal Kingsguard— The Dora Milage, and the entire Wakandan army.

Loki was floating up in the air with an excited smile on his face, ready to see a fun show.

The Black Panther was just about to reach Hela and they were about to meet in the center of the battlefield before there was a blindingly bright flash of light in the center of the battlefield. That flash made everything and everyone pause in their tracks.

Just then, there was a clanking sound and Hela was thrown off the battlefield to the fat back, "You seem to have grown unruly in my absence, Loki. Having the gall to attack my friends." An artificial-sounding masculine voice said as the light faded away.

It was Thor. He had Mjolnir in one hand while holding a sword in the other. It was Heimdall's sword.

'Why is he so lanky and whatever the opposite of buff is?' Alex thought, 'Wait up… That's Mighty Thor,' Alex thought while feeling extremely weird about not recognizing that this wasn't Thor Odinson, 'Is this some sort of Causality thing? It's just half of her face that's hidden and she's completely unrecognizable. Fucking Green Lantern superhero logic…' Alex grumbled.


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