My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 108 - 107 Player Corpses (Requesting monthly pass) _1

Chapter 108: Chapter 107 Player Corpses (Requesting monthly pass) _1

Translator: 549690339

The exact start time of the Hero Spirit Festival is not accurate, with an error of more than two months.

He checked the information and found a huge Hero Tavern there for many Lords to compete in.

Not only are there ordinary heroes here, but there are also a few who have made a name for themselves in the history of the Eternal World with legendary deeds.

The competition is not entirely based on strength, sometimes it’s all about the luck of the draw.

Therefore, many ordinary Lords howled excitedly.

Mu Yuan looked in the mirror.

He was majestic, but he preferred to rely on his talent to earn his living.

“Forget it, we’ll see when the time comes.”

At this moment, he received a message from General Dead Bone.

Familiarity, who had been exploring and delving deep into a certain place for a long time, had finally returned.

During the Lord Trial, there were two big Monster Tides attacking Tianyuan Territory.

The Goblin tribe has already been discovered, and the other one…

Mu Yuan’s perspective followed the Camera Bird to the northwest of Tianyuan Territory, just over a thousand meters from the border of his territory.

There, the earth had sunk and formed a massive pit sloping downward.

He had a Skeleton Warrior kick down a few chunks of debris. The debris rolled down quickly and then disappeared without a trace or echo.

The pit was deep, and Dead Bone had been exploring along it before, but now they had made a discovery.

“Are you saying that not only is there a tribe underground, but there’s also a vast underground space?”

“There is a 99.98% likelihood.”

Dead Bone said.

Mu Yuan could see the serious expression on his skeleton face, which read: This is too dangerous! The number of enemies is unknown, they are hiding underground, the threat to our territory is too great! What’s worse is, if targeted by the underground enemy, will the surface of Tianyuan Territory collapse?

Indeed it’s risky.

Mu Yuan nodded, his worries were justified, and it was necessary to work out and eliminate the underground threat as soon as possible.

For this mission, the General Dead Bone called upon Bone Two Bone Three Bone Four, as well as Hong Yi and other powerful beings in his territory, together with dozens of Elites to descend into the pit.

The path along the way was winding, with dust occasionally showering down and stones occasionally hitting the helmet of the Skeleton Warriors, creating a crisp clanging sound.

Such underground tunnels are, of course, extremely dangerous, and if attacked by an ambush, it could easily lead to annihilation.

Prudent Dead Bone would have anticipated this.

He had Resentful Spirits such as Hong Yi traverse the rocky crevices, scouting hundreds of metres around in advance, to eliminate the possibility of any ambushes.

Occasionally, the traces of artificial excavation could be found at some narrower junctions.

After advancing several thousand steps like this, the narrow tunnel suddenly opened into a large hall. The floor was flat, like hard tiles had been laid. Stepping on it produced just a dull sound. The walls were lined with burned-out torches, revealing traces of civilization.

After leaving this hall, the environment returned to its primitive state, nevertheless, it was not dim.

In the rugged and complex underground space, moss could be seen everywhere, growing on the rock walls, and spreading a faint fluorescence in the dark silence.

The arrival of the skeletons broke the silence, and the banging sounds echoed around the cavern, reverberating uncountable meters away.

With more manpower this time, Dead Bone commanded his troops to scatter and explore in all directions.

Soon, Mu Yuan summed up two pieces of news.

The good news is that the underground space is also extending in the northwest direction and is not located directly under his Tianyuan Territory.

The bad news is that this place is a bit too big.

Is it reasonable for such a vast, mysterious, and dangerous underground space to exist next to the territory of a rookie like him?

Its existence is logical, Mu Yuan continues… With the perspective of the Camera Bird, he keeps moving forward.

Along the way, his troops killed numerous monsters attracted by the noise.

Cave’s people, Crypt Spider, Ghoul, Skeleton Soldiers, and so on.

Skeleton Warriors, when slaying Skeleton Soldier monsters, were equally decisive, even more efficient – thanks to their familiarity.

Thus, they explored and slew enemies along the way, and by following some noticeable traces, Mu Yuan’s skeletons and ghosts found a monster tribe in less than half a day.


A tribe where the campfire has burnt out, stone houses are broken, and corpses are scattered all around.

These corpses include Cave’s people, Crypt Assassins, worms, and so on. There are also two powerful beings who appear to be Dark Night Stalkers, seeming as though they were smacked dead against the rock wall by some enormous force, their bodies blurred and half blurred into paste.

Huge claw marks are left on the rock walls and on the ground.

These are claw marks larger than humans.

In the heart of the tribe, they find a blood altar, but the altar has already completely shattered. Even when Dead Bone went forward and lightly touched it, no prompt sound arose.

Mu Yuan rubbed his chin.

“It doesn’t seem like this tribe of monsters evacuated like the Goblins did. Some stayed behind, but their power was much weaker and they quickly fell prey to a powerful beast, eventually being wiped out entirely?”

This tribe is just as bloody and primitive as the snake man tribe but seems more advanced in some ways.

Dead Bone found a dungeon here and discovered several prisoners who had been locked up but were already dead and cold. Some corpses resemble humans.

“Are they actual humans, or human players, or human monsters?”

Some corpses have been dead for some time, wearing only ordinary clothes and armour, revealing nothing.

But one of the bodies, in handcuffs with dishevelled hair, can still be seen wearing exquisite half-body armour.

“This is the Generation Three, Light Armor ‘Teenage Turtle Dragon1!”

“Is this a player from Xuan Country?”

Dead Bone ordered the skeleton to sever its handcuffs and turned the corpse over, scrutinizing it again and again.

Except for the damaged Turtle Dragon’s third-generation armour, it seems to have nothing else of value on its body.


A yellow, damp and slightly mouldy notebook fell out from the seam of the armour.

Dead Bone picked it up and delicately opened it.

‘…By the time you read this diary, I’m probably already dead.1

Tm an adventurer who has been qualified to play games for eight or nine years, and I have been physically present in the Eternal World for three and a half years… Yes, I am a senior member of the True Body Experience Association and have married several concubines in this world, all of them have slender waists and round buttocks…’

The next few pages are all about the adventures of some adventurer and his concubines.

Mu Yuan:

Who will write a diary about these ‘vivid’ and ‘graphic’ stories? But in order not to miss any important information, Mu Yuan read it word by word and sentence by sentence. Soon, he finally saw the adventurer’s exploration experience.

‘I shuttle, jump, undergo hardships, break through barriers, and finally glimpse a subterranean city from a distance. It’s already decaying but still magnificent.’

‘I wanted to go and explore, but I was attacked by a formidable ‘Earth Rock Dragon’. When I escaped, I was seriously injured, and nearly all the troops I had on hand were dead or injured.1

Tm not dead yet, but I have no strength to flee to the surface.’

‘If I wasn’t physically present, I could still contact my friends for help in the real world, but I have no regrets.’

‘Later, I was caught by some Cave’s people and locked up in a dungeon. This seems to be a tribe led by a Dark Night Dancer.’

‘Ah, the taste of a Dark Night Dancer is really not bad. I have no regrets in death..’

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