My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 134 - 130 - Rakshasa's Super Evolution (3K)_1

Chapter 134: Chapter 130 – Rakshasa’s Super Evolution (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339

Night, inside the Cultivation Quiet Room.

Mu Yuan held two Soul Crystals in his hands, his mind wandered as he practiced cultivation, simultaneously browsing the forum and opening the territory panel with one thought each.

‘Tianyuan Territory1

‘Level: One’

‘Details: Not mentioned…’

‘Upgrade Conditions:’

‘® More than or equal to 1000 Territory Citizens, and more than 10 talents.’

‘® Over 500 units of troops, and having at least 5 first-order troop types.'(v)

Over 100 units of Miracle Buildings, and having at least 3 rare level buildings.'(^)

‘® Area safety index>=6o%.’(V)

’® Territory satisfaction index>=6o%.'()

‘Upgrade Cost: Soul Crystal x20’

Upgrading from level one to level two territory, the conditions aren’t very high.

For the common lords, the third condition is the hardest. Depending solely on their own exploration and monster hunting, they might not gather enough even in a year.

But, the lords can exchange them on the Tixuan Platform, or get them from their ‘back-up’ or ‘financial backers’. With time accumulation, even the slower ones could promote their territory in half a year.

“For me, the weakness lies in the most basic, easiest to reach number of territory citizens.”

Currently, the Tianyuan Territory has 339 citizens and 6 talents.

Apart from Forging Master Li Erniu, the rest are only ordinary talents at N-card level.

The number gap is big, and the refugees attracted by the Guiding Landmarks only come in larger number in the first three days and then only ten or twenty a day afterwards.

With time accumulation, he can manage to gather enough in one month or a month and a half.

But isn’t he wanting to be faster?

“Top second-generation rich kids can use some means to attract refugees from other territories.” He was referring to those who were attracted by the Guiding Landmarks but haven’t officially registered or entered the territory.

If you want to do this, having money isn’t enough, you need connections.

For an ordinary lord like him, it seems that the only options are:

“Release more Guiding Landmarks; find special structures like a refugee camp; or find areas in the wilderness where ordinary people gather.”

Mu Yuan took out the Guide Compass, and injected some energy to start it.

In an instant, the ancient and worn-out compass bloomed with a circle of light. In a blink of an eye, it appeared as if an old object had been renovated. The compass pointer lit up with a pale gold glow, shaking continuously, and in the end, pointing in a specific direction.

Underground, outside the old and broken yet still majestic black ancient city, was one of the tribes – the Spider-Woman Tribe.

The tribe was mainly composed of spider-class monsters and enslaved numerous other monsters, goblins, jackal men, kobolds, humans, etc.

At the top of the tribe’s pyramid, there were only a few dozen spider-women.

They had upper bodies similar to humans, very enchanting, but the lower half was hideously chilling, spider abdomen with black patterns, and spider legs sharp as blades.

At this moment,

They were driving a party of slave laborers, working on a grand construction in the tribe’s central area.

It was the totem pillar of the tribe.

However, this totem was not in the form of a spider, or a spider-woman, but a lifelike serpent as if it were about to come alive.

It suddenly opened its large mouth, shot down from the totem pole and swallowed several slave laborers before coiling back up its body. The snake seemed to say lazily in a hoarse and low voice.

“Believe in my Lord, the great Snake God, and you will receive gifts.”

“Go, take over the surrounding tribes, and find out one by one the territories in Tianming, especially…”

The spider-woman leader had a faint red glow in her eyes, she bent down on her spider legs after a moment of silence.


Compared to the turmoil in the underground world, the surrounding area of the Tianyuan territory is still calm.

Early the next day, the Duo Lai squad set off from the territory with the ‘Guide Compass’.

The squad members included:

Hero Duo Lai;

Camera Bird Jun;

Hong Yi, Rakshasa, and a group of auxiliary resentful spirits, all of them attached to Jun’s claws in the form of Soul Orbs, inside a black hollow claw ring.

The squad was quite elite.

Mu Yuan considered that looking for special buildings could be quite distant. One day might not be enough for a round trip. Moreover, many dangers await in the wilderness.

No matter how strong Duo Lai is, it’s always better to outnumber the enemy.

Within twenty kilometers of the Tianyuan Territory, it’s hard to find powerful monsters. The Duo Lai squad advanced with ease, but upon entering the thirty to forty kilometers, danger increases sharply.

Below was a dense forest with wisps of white fog.

Higher in the sky, the white fog thickens, continuously hitting one’s cheeks. If they fly higher, monsters are few but occasionally giant figures can be seen passing through the depths of the sky.

A diffuse and faint, spine-chilling breath could be noticed.

Jun was immediately taken aback and dared not to fly higher.

Duo Lai wanted to trek through the forest area in the first place, occasionally hunting wild games… no, mapping the wilderness.

Yes, that’s exactly it.

“Boom     ”

A sizeable blazing fireball burst forth from Duo Lai’s polymorphic staff, igniting an eye-catching flame in the forest. This flame completely enveloped a massive stone golem entwined with countless vines and moss, so much that only its silhouette could be vaguely discerned.

Duo Lai did not continue its assault. Instead, it seized the opportunity presented by the uprising fire and signaled to Jun for a swift retreat.

“If it continues fighting, it might attract more and stronger monsters. The wilderness is filled with dangers like this, one must always be cautious.”

Duo Lai conveyed solemnly.

Repeating the Lords’ zealous instructions, it whispered in his ear just a while ago.

Their flight speed had notably slowed, weaving with the wind vigilantly against any rustling in the vicinity. They continued to glide downward in the direction of the compass, as silent as the wind.

“The Duo Lai Squad has delved dozens of kilometers into the wilderness.”

“The good news is that the compass isn’t pointing to the ‘Blessing Temple.’ The bad news is that special buildings seem to be quite rare. Could it be that they would have to go hundreds of kilometers deep to find one?”

If that’s the case, he could only halt his search plan.

The current Tianyuan Territory isn’t capable of exploring further into the wilderness yet.

Moving a few hundred kilometers to the south was possible, but Mu Yuan speculated that special buildings discovered and occupied by other Lords would also not be indicated by the compass since they were within the “in possession” category.

The direction indicated by the compass could not be cancelled or reset. His view followed the Duo Lai Squad, embarking upon countless thrilling combat encounters.

Suddenly, a faint golden light column on the compass pulsed with a “ding-dong” ringing.

“Have… Have we arrived?”

Duo Lai looked around anxiously, finally unearthing the object the golden beam was directing— an ancient statue buried deep within the bushes, with a hint of divine aura wafting off of it.

‘Alert: You have discovered a special building, ‘Statue of Abundance’.’

‘Statue of Abundance: This is a statue of the Goddess of Earth and Bounty. Gaining the blessing from the statue grants your territory a speed increase in crop growth by 50% for the following month.’

‘Note: Only a Lord or a hero can visit the statue.’



Duo Lai reached out its tiny hand and lightly touched the statue. Suddenly, the aura of the goddess of abundance erupted before it. It seemed to see endless stretches of golden wheat fields, the indescribably majestic bounty goddess herself, and—

A sky ablaze with red clouds, golden rain pouring down, and the heavens and the earth crying out in grief.

When it came back to its senses, the Statue of Abundance that was engulfed in a divine glow vanished abruptly, as if it had never existed in the first place.

The ‘Guide Compass’ in its hand also faded, and the number of uses remaining was showing ‘(2/3)’.

Duo Lai continued to use the compass.

With a buzzing sound, the compass needle started spinning again, and it pointed unwaveringly in a new direction.

“Let’s go!”

Three hours later, the Duo Lai squad found the second special building.

This place was far more conspicuous than the Statue of Abundance. It was surrounded by several monsters. Fortunately, they weren’t too strong. Duo Lai, Jun, and a few Resentful Spirits spent some time quietly killing these monsters.

‘Alert: You have discovered the special building ‘Evil Pit.’ By visiting this building, you can gain the ‘Power of Evil’ which increases your troop’s attack and destruction capabilities. This enhancement lasts for a week.’

The second building didn’t offer too much improvement.

You could say it was better than nothing.

“After all, not all special buildings are treasures; some are useless as chicken ribs. It’s already not bad that we didn’t find those kinds.”

Mu Yuan took out the map and marked the location of the Evil Pit.

It was almost a hundred kilometers away from the territory.

To run a hundred kilometers for such a minor boost… was not very worthwhile.

Just then, the Rakshasa, with its green face and sharp fangs, seemed somewhat restless.

His intuition told him that he should move forward.

“Then go.”

Mu Yuan said.

The Rakshasa also had unique qualities – a peculiar appearance and compelling aura.

So, he moved straight forward without hesitation.

Standing at the outskirts, he didn’t just touch or visit the building like the others. Instead, the entirety of his ghostly form plunged into the pit that was visibly humming with brown- red evil energy.

The next moment, the entire Evil Pit erupted as if boiling water, steaming and churning to the point of submerging the Rakshasa that seemed to have sunk without a trace.

“Could it, really have sunk?”

The intuition of the troops is not foolproof.

There are all sorts of opportunities in the Eternal World, as well as all kinds of accidents.

Right as Mu Yuan was thinking this, the chaotic energy inside the pit started to recede as if the sluice gates had been opened at the bottom, forming a visible vortex.

“Wow- Oho ”

The bystanders gasped in awe.

Before their eyes, numerous streams of evil energy pervading inside the pit began to dissipate, revealing a sturdy, closing-eyed Rakshasa standing erect at the bottom of the pit.

He had obtained tremendous escalation in this opportunity!

‘The Rakshasa’s level has been increased to 1st Stage Level 5.’

‘The Rakshasa’s level has been increased to 1st Stage Level 6.’

‘Alert: Your troop, ‘Rakshasa,’ has absorbed a massive amount of evil energy and has awakened the skill ‘Evil coagulation.”

‘Hint: Your unit ‘Rakshasa’ meets the special conditions and is undergoing mutation evolution…’

Inside the pit, brown-red lines began to crawl up on the Rakshasa’s body.

His aura continued to rise, but his face showed a hint of pain..

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