My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 135 - 131: Hero Duel Arena (Looking for 3K

Chapter 135: Chapter 131: Hero Duel Arena (Looking for 3K

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Indeed, there is a possibility for troops to evolve.

Feeding a large number of rare-grade materials to a common-grade troop and allowmg some time for accumulation could potentially elevate the troop to the rare rank.

However, the selection of feeding materials is a deep, almost bottomless pit of knowledge.

“Theory of Troop Evolution!”

It’s just a bit disappointing!

Apart from artificial and extravagant intervention, troops have a minuscule chance of striking it lucky with spontaneous evolution.

Just like the Rakshasa right now.

He is exceptional, seeming to harmonize well with the evil aura, causing a spark upon contact.

The special Bloody Robe, absorbing countless fresh blood from the battlefield awakened the ‘Blood Clothing1 skill.

The Evil inside this pit, both in quantity and quality, far exceeds the fresh blood absorbed by the Bloody Robe.

The Rakshasa stumbled upon a one in a million opportunity.


“Taking in a large amount of ferocious Power of Evil, there must be some risk involved. This indeed represents a chance, but it’s a chance that requires risking one’s life to capture.”

Under normal circumstances, Rakshasa could only rely on himself to resist.

Either he resists, undergoes metamorphosis and advances; or he fails and explodes at the worst-case scenario.

On Rakshasa’s body, the reddish-brown patterns are becoming more and more apparent, wriggling like snakes.

The situation is becoming more dangerous.


The lord shepherd will make a move.

He concentrated, seeing in his vision multiple light points and several evolution light spheres representing the major systems.

However, they are limited to the Tianyuan Territory and the surrounding areas.

The location of Rakshasa is too far away.

Again, he held his breath and closed his eyes.

In the vast darkness, three lights emerged, one big and two small. The big light represents the Tianyuan Territory, the core anchor point from which everything begins. The small lights represent the two heroes, Dead Bone and Duo Lai.

Heroes are an extension of the Lord’s will!

Mu Yuan’s gaze spreads, finally reaching the Evil Pit.

Outside the pit, Duo Lai, Hong Yi (Red Robe), and Jun could only offer

Rakshasa a bit of spiritual encouragement and nothing else.

Mu Yuan reached out and pointed from afar.

“Hand of Evolution!”

Undead system evolution points -50.68.’

An invisible force descended.

Rakshasa, who was struggling and feeling the pain, his face began to relax, and the patterns climbing on his body gradually melted away.

His aura rose again, abruptly inhaling the last of the evil aura all at once.

‘Tip: Your troop ‘Rakshasa’ has morphed into ‘Evil Ghost General (Excellent Three-star)’ and awoken the talent ‘Evil Body’.’

After a pause,

The Rakshasa finally opened his eyes, his pupils filled with endless menacing intent. His physique was almost as robust as before, but the patterns crawling on him made him seem even more fearsome… and even more formidable.

“Try your new ability.”


Rakshasa looked at his hands, slightly stretching out, one forward and one backward in a fist gesture, forming a reddish-brown long spear interlaced with countless condensed evil energies the next moment.

His spear shot out like a dragon, effortlessly penetrating the earth and rock as if it was thin paper.

After experimentation, ‘Evil coagulation’ was the most optimal weapon shape It wasn’t like the Bloody Robe’s ‘Blood Clothing’, which could easily shape-shift into various weapon tools. Its destructive power was much stronger than the Bloody Robe’s, ripping apart average armor.

After piercing through the armor, the Power of Evil infiltrates the enemy’s body.

And the talent ‘Evil Body’…


Rakshasa’s body suddenly exploded, transforming into a cloud of reddish-brown mist.

The smoke wafted and condensed dozens of meters away, recreating Rakshasa’s figure.

At first, he was somewhat unaccustomed. After practicing, the speed of transforming into the Evil’s mist became faster and faster. Rakshasa’s whole body seemed to be teleporting, whizzing in and out of the pit, leaving behind dozens of afterimages.

“The Evil Body has greatly enhanced the Power of Evil inside Rakshasa, and it matches well with the advanced skill Evil Coagulation, making his combat power increase many times over.”

“Transforming into the Evil Mist, Rakshasa can move without a trace, making him incredibly elusive.”

Who knew that you, a man with bushy eyebrows and big eyes, could take the path of an assassin.

Since that’s the case…

In the future, Rakshasa can be assigned to do some exploration work, so there’s no need for Dead Bone, who ‘really wants to play safe but doesn’t have many skills to do so’, to carry out tasks that are not suited for him.

The Duo Lai squad came and left.

Only leaving behind the empty Evil Pit that has lost its enhancement capabilities.

It’s not too early to return home anymore. Under Duo Lai’s strong insistence, they hunted a giant bear for a feast. Despite Rakshasa and Hong Yi both saying they don’t need to eat, they couldn’t resist the warm hospitality of General Duo Lai.

Jun started eating early.

After having their fill, while darkness hasn’t yet fallen, Duo Lai, equipped with the Ever-changing Wings, zoomed ahead, headed to the final destination.

The trees here are growing even taller, towering tens or hundreds of meters high.

As the target is a special building, and they are also in a hurry to return home, Duo Lai is unusually cautious on the journey, avoiding fights where possible. ’ Even so, he still encountered many formidable foes.

There were a group of wild giants acting like primitive men, wielding massive bone clubs, roasting an unknown monstrous beast around a bonfire.

Duo Lai looked on tearfully but reluctantly departed.

There were also some quite tricky creatures.

-Bloodthirsty Vine Tree, the main body of which is a lush tree, which is not noticeable among the flourishing forest. Once prey steps into its range, sturdy vine tentacles, like pythons, will fall and tightly bind the prey until its blood is completely drained.

Jun fell into it at that moment.

Duo Lai was at a loss-bombarding it with fireballs and lightning would probably take Jun away with it.

It was Rakshasa who made the first move, his Evil coagulated blade slicing through the sturdy vines, before making a swift retreat.

They had already encountered formidable foes such as ’Wind Tooth Dragon’, ‘Flying wing bee swarm’,’Fallen Black Crow’, etc.

Duo Lai grumbles, “This is too challenging.”

Its hair appeared disheveled, even though it had managed to crush everything in its path during the Hero Trial!

This region can be called the Forest of Giant Trees.”

Due to their lack of understanding of this area, Duo Lai and the others moved much slower, at a snail’s pace.

Soon, night had fallen.

However, considering they had already been traveling for quite a while, they thought it wouldn’t be appropriate to turn back now, so they cautiously continued to move forward.

The light golden pointer finally began to waver, signaling that their destination was not far off.

Suddenly, danger invaded them out of nowhere.

A giant Tauren Warrior wielding an axe emerged from a multi-meter high pile Of grass, the glowing red axe light slashing towards Duo Lai at the very front.

Slime was taken aback!

The Ever-changing Badge flew out, transforming into a prismatic shield absorbing the full force of this strike.

The prismatic shield resonated, finally repelling the attacking Tauren.

But m the blink of an eye, several other bulky Tauren Warriors emitting faint light from their bodies leaped out from a distant tree trunk, a nearby pit, and the close-by grass clusters.

Duo Lai could see a corner of a grand building partially concealed by the forest from afar.

Could this be a trap laid out by the Taurens?

It pondered unsurely, preparing to demonstrate the power of Duo Lai Hero to its juniors.

But Rakshasa was faster.

His entire body exploded apart, turning into smoke and fog. In just 0.03 seconds, he dashed in front of the attacking Tauren Warrior like a swift arrow A cloud of brownish-red smoke gathered, presenting his figure.

He held his long spear and swiftly, accurately, ruthlessly stabbed it forward.

The Tauren Warrior seemed to want to defend with his axe, but he was too slow. The Evil Spear had already penetrated his neck armor, stabbed through it and then got drawn out.

When the axe slashed out following its inertia, it was only able to sever a few strands of brown smoke.

Rakshasa appeared on the side of the second Tauren Warrior, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth.

Five figures possessing burly bodies and dark skin wrapped in wisps of brownish-red smoke appeared beside the monsters, at the same time, all brandishing their spears.

The next moment,

Bang !

The smoke dissipated, and these Taurens with not low-grade, who had already entered the mid-late stage at the professional level, were instantly killed like the little monsters such as Goblins.

A one-shot kill.

Spectacularly quick Rakshasa!

Duo Lai gaped in disbelief: “0_0”

It hadn’t even taken action yet.

Wait, since when did Rakshasa become so powerful? It always had this feeling of illusion that even if it went all out, it might not be able to kill all these not-so-weak monsters in two seconds.

Right, it must be an illusion.

“There is nothing better than not having to fight.” said HongYi, who yawned leisurely.

She was drifting nearby, standing guard.

Duo Lai picked up all the Soul Sand and Remnant Souls released by the monsters, also conveniently taking the valuable armor from the bodies of the Tauren Warriors.

Through Jun’s eyes, Mu Yuan scanned the building hiding in the Forest of Giant Trees.

The building was simple yet grand, in the shape of a flat cylinder, looking like a huge ancient sports stadium.

‘Warning: You have discovered a special building ‘Hero Duel Arena’.’

Explanation: This place used to be where the ancient Bright Empire trained and honed the fighting skills of heroes. No actual deaths will occur in the Duel Arena; challengers can progress rapidly in their battle skills and energy-utilizing techniques while fighting here.’

‘Reminder: Only heroes and lords can enter the ‘Hero Duel Arena’, which can be entered with consciousness.’

‘Reminder: Each hero or lord only has a free usage time limit of 3 hours. Obtaining Bright Empire medals and other methods can extend the usage time.’

Mu Yuan, the Bright Empire Greenhand, had heard about the place, seemingly it was one of the most potent countries in the history of the Eternal World.

However, it has already been destroyed and become a part of history.

So where was he supposed to find a Bright Empire medal?

“It doesn’t matter, there’s still three hours of free time.”

“It’s just a special building after all, which is more than a hundred kilometers away from my territory, I don’t have the time to run all the way here often.” The Duel Arena looks like an open-air building from the outside, but you can only truly enter it through the main entrance.

As soon as Duo Lai set foot inside, it felt like it had entered a unique space Mu Yuan also received a “whether to descend with consciousness” prompt message.

He didn’t rush to make a choice.

Through Duo Lai, who serves as an anchor, he could already quietly observe the surroundings.

The floor was paved with smooth and polished flooring, which was completely dust-free. Not far away, a gigantic light gate stood erect. Only by stepping into it can the duel grinding truly commence.

Mu Yuan also descended with his consciousness. In the dark, he learnt more information about the Hero Duel Arena.

Skills also have limits.

Breaking through these limits allows one to step into a new world.

During the Hero Festival, the senior hero ‘Liuyun Swordsman’ broke away from the mundane with his swordsmanship, reaching the Artistic Conception of the sword.

This is a domain that only talented lords or heroes are qualified to glimpse. Ordinary troops? Their self-consciousness hasn’t even awakened, their skills at best are just proficient, how could they possibly break through?

“So, the Hero Duel Arena is a treasured land for honing heroes to help them break through their limits? In that case, three hours of free time indeed seems a bit short, damn it.” he thought.

Words suddenly floated up in the sky above the Duel Arena.

‘Hero Loki initially entered the Gun’s Mentality.’

‘Lord Wangba initially entered the Blade’s Mentality.’ Lord of Wangba Territory is actually so horrific!

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