My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 136 - 132: Lord Shepherd Has Surpassed

Chapter 136: Chapter 132: Lord Shepherd Has Surpassed

Ghosts (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339

Hero Duel Arena, another entrance.

A ‘New Lord’ who had descended for two years and seven months, was taken aback as he watched a notice float above the Light Gate, “This guy really is a top-notch second-generation! He has entered the Artistic Conception Level in such a short time.”

“Ha, he just received special training from an early age, I bet I can do it too.”

Another lord, who had also descended for over two years and was nibbling on a lemon, paused and added, “Even newcomer lords are pondering over Artistic Conception now, we can’t be left behind. Remember, we were once the proud geniuses who topped the leaderboard!”

However, the prestige of topping the leaderboard back then was nothing compared to that of today’s edition.

The Lord Trials occur every six months, and the Hero Festival every three years. This means that the ‘New Lords’ who enter the Secret Realm to participate in the festival have a seniority of over two years in the Eternal World.

Thus, they have naturally done more work.

Even though the festival’s recruitment does not focus on Combat Power, it’s clear that a hero would choose a territory with well-established facilities over a territory that is still in the pioneering stage and does not even have a toilet.

Similarly, the personal charm and ability of a Lord hold significant weight.

Heroes like Liuyun Swordsman, who appreciate ‘superb skill’ and ‘outstanding combat power’, are not few.

This is why leaders like the Lord of Bamboo Sword Territory and Ba Shi Lord are willing to spend a fortune buying the use time of the Duel Arena.

Otherwise, even if they are ‘front-line charge type lords’, they wouldn’t be willing to spend so much money on themselves.

It’s not worth it.

Even if one steps into the Artistic Conception Level and greatly increases their Combat Power, how can it compete with recruiting more types of troops, or spend a great cost to obtain rare High-order Troops?

Even if the High-order Troops have ordinary skills, they can still crush everything.

Moreover, the outstanding individuals in the common troops may be one in a thousand, or even one in ten thousand, but among the High-order Troops, they are one in ten or even all outstanding.

They clearly crush in terms of basic qualities, possess advanced skills, and can also crush common troops and even Lords in terms of skills and more.

And heroes, often come from High-order Troops.

Acquiring a hero, even a high-ranking hero, is worth any cost!

“It’s our turn!”

They looked at each other, confidently stepped into the Light Gate.

‘Tip: Your hero Duo Lai has entered the ‘Hero Duel Arena’ and is undergoing trials.’

Duo Lai disappeared into the light of the gate.

General Dead Bone can do the same, descend directly in consciousness- as long as Duo Lai is still visiting this building.

“I should go and do some training now.”

Mu Yuan looked on, sighing slightly.

He had always been a greenhorn, never killed a chicken before and had to give it everything he got to fight a southern cockroach, having ten rounds of intense battles before he could kill it.

Combating isn’t easy. You may understand something in your mind, but you aren’t able to perform it normally with your hands and feet.

The recent fully-powered validation in Training Field made Greenhand Mu slightly pressured.


Everyone has to take this step.

Improve his combat ability, no longer be weak, isn’t it what he wanted?

“Time to go.”

He took a deep breath, strode forward, and entered the gate glowing with white light.

Holy shit!

The aroma of plants, the earthy scent penetrated his nostrils. This wasn’t any combat arena, it was an expansive prairie environment.

A gray-furred giant wolf had appeared from the edge of his field of vision, barking and rushing towards him.

Mu Yuan could clearly see the fierce teeth of the giant wolf and the small chunks of meat caught between them. A faint odor of blood was blowing in his face, nauseating him.

He also received a tip in the spirit realm:

—The enemy’s level is the same as yours. Kill monsters and pass the challenge to get higher ‘Training Gains’.

In short, throw everything else aside, heart undisturbed by anything, just fight.

Mu Yuan loaded the ‘Rakshasa Template’, and a maroon spear formed in his hand at his command. He thrust the spear hard at the rushing giant wolf, the blood flying onto his face was warm and it smelled disgusting.

A little nauseated.

He could load the Duo Lai Template and kill the giant wolf from a distance,

Or, he could load the Lu Liu Template, wrapping himself in an iron can, so even if blood splashed, he would not be hurt.

But, Mu Yuan still chose the Rakshasa Template, without any armor.

A real hero has to fight bravely!

After all, he had ‘seen’ corpses before. He licked some of the blood, feeling only a little uncomfortable, and swiftly killed all of the giant wolves.”

The giant wolves weren’t strong.

After all, they were only ordinary Three-star Stage, their strength, speed, compared to him, there was a qualitative gap under the same level.

But he was still a bit struggling to kill them. He was not mentally prepared enough.


He didn’t need to say it. As the last of the giant wolves were killed, the environment in front of him silently changed.

The vast prairie transformed into a forest with towering trees. Great trees, tens of meters high, stood erect. The dense canopy blocked the sky, with only slivers of sunlight filtering through, casting mottled light and shadow on the forest floor covered with dead branches and fallen leaves.

Several silhouettes also appeared before his eyes.

Goblin Warriors.

So, the enemy of the second challenge is already so strong?

He lifted his spear to meet them, the maroon spear was swung fiercely in his hand, astonishingly suppressing several formidable green-skinned warriors with his own strength.

Such an overpowering approach!

Not only that, the more he swung his spear, the more skilled he became. From a beginner to proficient, to highly skilled, it all happened within a short span of time.

It was as if he was a genius unmatched in the world, breaking through in every battle, making rapid progress in the heat of the fight.

But in fact, it’s just the effect of the Hero Duel Arena.

Mu Yuan’s progress in the Training Field was much slower than it was now. Here, he could throw everything away and fight in his most unfettered style, which was like having divine help.

If the Training Field was a Rare Level building., then this Hero Duel Arena was at least an Epic level or even a Legendary Level building.

Three hours of grinding time, too short!


Behind him, ripples of light and shadow suddenly rose, a black blade violently stabbed out. The Great Lord Mu Yuan, who had focused all his attention on the Goblin Warriors, had been pierced right through the heart.

The blade entered from his back and came out from his chest. When Mu Yuan looked down, he saw the tip of the short blade which was still dripping blood.

He was somewhat stunned.

He wasn’t entirely dead yet, but it felt like something had drained his physical strength, and his chest was throbbing with intense pain.

It got more and more painful!

Too painful!

The sneak attacker twisted and withdrew the short blade, splattering a red spray of fresh blood.

Mu The Greenhand knelt on one knee, his spear pole falling and disintegrating into a mist.

His pupils contracted sharply, and the last thing reflected in his eyes was the shadow of the Goblin Warrior’s massive blade.

“Damn it!”

Mu Yuan grabbed a handful of grass, his heart thumping. He clenched his chest armor tightly, his knuckles turning white from the strain.

Even now, it felt as though a blade was still inside him, stirring back and forth.

It hurt a lot!

This was indeed just a residual illusion, but the experience of dying was all too real.

Mu ‘Who needs anesthesia for surgery’ Yuan could hardly bear it.

The Duel Arena was as merciless as it was intense; the pain was heartrending!


He was given no time to grieve or ease his emotions. The familiar figure of the Goblin Warrior once again appeared before him.

Mu Yuan’s heart tensed up immediately, and he raised his hand to load Lu Liu’s template.

He paused midway.

He bit his lip, clenched his fist, and bravely continued to load the unarmored Rakshasa template.

“Just great!”

After 196 seconds, Mu Yuan still died at the hands of the Shadow Assassin.

“Four Goblin Warriors and two Shadow Assassins, that seems to be all the enemies in this round.”

His stats were far superior to his enemies.

His skills weren’t bad either.

He was simply lacking experience and was not mentally prepared.

Mu Yuan no longer sought to improve his skills, but to learn the most fundamental…fighting instinctively!

On his third attempt,

After a 223-second battle, Mu Yuan, at the expense of two wounded ribs, had eradicated all enemies.

By the end of the battle, he was drenched in blood, waves of pain tugged at his nerves, but he gritted his teeth and thrust his spear through the air again and again.

“The Art of Battle, I’ve mastered it, hahaha !”

The third round,





In a mere few hundred seconds, Lord Shepherd had died four times.

There was only one opponent in this round, but it was quite challenging.

– ‘Leader of the Tauren (Excellence One-star)’

This was a monster about three to four meters high, draped in thick black armor over its dark red body. Its mane was dense, and in its hand it held an enormous battle ax, which it swung with enough force to split mountains and shake the earth.


The hulking body of the Leader of the Tauren rushed forward, trailing a series of dark red afterimages.

Too fast! Even the smoke-form of the Great Lord barely avoided the attack, only for the battle ax to swing towards him in the next instant.

His mist form couldn’t escape an energy-charged attack… Mu Yuan had to materialize, striking the side of the battle ax repeatedly with the tip of the spear, nudging the massive battle ax aside.

Yet, the moment the Leader of the Tauren planted his foot on the ground, the earth shook violently, and countless stones whirled up and transformed into a hail of bullets shooting towards him.

He turned into mist but was still penetrated by the Leader of the Tauren’s punch.

Great Lord Shepherd fell dead on the battlefield once again.

“Damn it (An element)! How to defeat this Leader of the Tauren?!”

“Loading Lu Liu’s template would only lead to a more tragic death. Using the Duo Lai template for long-range bombing might work, but…”

He refused to accept that.

Today, he would fight to the end with a single long spear! The unbearable pain seemed a little more bearable now.

In the rocky terrain, Mu Yuan’s figure reappeared, spear at the ready.

Half an hour later,

“Notification: You have defeated the third round’s guard ‘Leader of the Tauren’, and have entered the fourth round.”

“Notification: You have gained a higher practice boost.”

“Notification: Due to your outstanding performance, you are awarded an additional 2 hours of usage.”

At almost the same time,


“Gurgle?? !”

“Slap???? ”

Duo Lai, who was flying mid-air, once again turned into Duo Lai sauce.

Duo Lai: “o(-n-?-n-)o”

It was a tough world. If you win, you can’t celebrate. If you lose, you just suffer in vain. Wuu wuu wuu!

While Mu Yuan and Duo Lai were constantly getting beaten up (scratch that), and constantly honing their skills, General Dead Bone finally returned to his territory and logged into the Hero Duel Arena through his consciousness.

He stepped in..

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