My Servant System

Chapter 1190: Chapter 1189: Another New Battle

Chapter 1190: Chapter 1189: Another New Battle

Leone PoV

I had seen Kat getting whisked away immediately from the battlefield, a blue skinned figure appearing right beside her before disappearing instantly, making me wonder if it was a trick of the mind that I was witnessing or if it was real.

Obviously it was real since Kat was gone, and while the immediate reaction was one of panic I quickly quelled my emotions as best I could and looked towards Jahi next, gauging the reaction of the one person who would know what was happening to Kat despite not actually seeing it.

While she did falter for a moment and messily kill the person standing in front of her, the Demoness clenched her jaw and gripped her blade even tighter before returning to the fight in a more controlled manner, which was all I needed to know for right now.

Kat was likely in a bad situation, yes, but there was nothing that I could do right now since the mark I had placed on her was one that I hadn't particularly studied to perfections just yet, so I had no real idea where she was right about now... all I could tell was that she lived, and that she was far.

Another thing for me to beat myself up over; another shortcoming that could have been avoided if I had only spent more time understanding what I am and what powers I had been born with.

I felt useless and worthless for a few seconds after that, all the talent and privileges I had been born with weighing down heavily on my soul as I tried to come to terms with the fact that, yet again, I had all this potential at my fingertips and yet I wasn't using any of it.

Blood Magic, Moon Magic, an entire bloodline of superior magic and rare traits..!

All of it was damn near worthless on someone like me..!

But those kinds of thoughts had no place on the battlefield, so I squashed them down and focused instead on what I could do, and what I could manage to accomplish to help us get closer to saving Kat.

The Estoc on my back felt heavier than normal as I stood behind a shield wall, but my talents - the aforementioned, undeserved talents - lay elsewhere, and swordplay wasn't something that I could say I was confident in.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

My magic flowed freely, the large reservoir that I had created for myself over the years providing me more than enough mana to incinerate a myriad of the cultists surrounding us as I continued to even the numbers, even if it was only by a little bit.

Spell after spell flickered on my fingertips as I sent bolts of flame hurtling through the air, aiding whomever needed it most - but primarily the dancing Jackalkin that I also loved - and making use of my position to lessen the chaos of the battlefield by however much I could.

The worry remained in the back of my mind the entire time I was slinging spells, but there wasn't anything I could do since even the Sultana seemed to agree that right now, leaving this primary battlefield would put everyone at a slight disadvantage that could turn the entire tide, which...

Couldn't happen, no matter how much my heart ached at the thought of Kat being in danger right now; there was little I could do to hold myself back completely, but this... depleting my Core and killing these unfortunate, misguided souls was just barely enough to keep me here since their folly was directly placing me and my loved ones in danger.

Of course I earned myself a target by burning a few dozen of the cultists all at once a few separate times, but they couldn't reliably reach me through the many shields sitting right in front of me, or at least the normal, mortal cultists couldn't.

To say I was unsurprised that eventually two Fiend's decided to come my way would be the understatement of the century as I simply fine tuned my magic to deal with them instead, hitting the beetle winged and shelled Ka Fiend that was gliding over the battlefield towards me and forcing it to drop to the ground.

The other Fiend was a butterfly winged Tza Fiend that was trying to flutter over to me high in the sky, but after a barrage of exploding fireballs the Fiend descended and used its legs instead, running towards me alongside its larger, meatier and shelled friend.

Anput leapt in front of them both but only managed to stop the Ka Fiend, who immediately diverted its attention towards a foe that would engage it in close combat, leaving the more magically inclined Fiend to deal with me.

Hurling another explosive fireball at its face, I rushed off to the side away from my shields and tried to lure it away, succeeding only after one of the smaller, less explosive bolts singed its wings, enraging the blue skinned insectoid Fiend.

Both of its antenna twitched as it focused those multifaceted eyes on me, raising its thin, glittery arms to shield itself as another fireball shrieked towards its face, and as I continued to run away it revealed more of its elongated, thin body as it dashed towards me.

Its wings helped it off of the ground as it avoided more of my attacks by flying, and with a wave of its arms the glittering powder that clung to its bright blue skin flaked off and began to create a shimmering haze around itself that it was presumably going to use to either attack or to defend.

The symmetrical wings began to glow as well as more and more of that glittery powder detached from its body, and soon I realized that resting on those chitin wings were Ritual Circles, which were absorbing the glitter in abundance as it drew ever closer to me.

Each one was mirrored on the other wing, and each radiated power that I didn't want to witness, so I spun around, dug my feet in and used something that was rudimentary but also something that I had a feeling the Fiend wouldn't expect.

Moon Magic.

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