My Wife Longs for Divorce Every Day

Chapter 109 - 109:109, Princess, are you jealous?

Chapter 109:109, Princess, are you jealous?

Translator: 549690339

Her tall figure was fully displayed by the goose-yellow floor-length dress she put on, her hair was styled into a Korean bun by the hairstylist today, and she wore delicate nude makeup. Apart from the two band-aids that were a bit of an eyesore on her neck, from head to toe, she was the picture of perfection!


Time was running out.

Mo Weiyi set about to run a bath.

After taking a bath, she applied a fragrant body lotion, changed into bunny pajamas, wrapped up in a bathrobe, and lay on the bed, waiting for him.

However, as time flew, and she kept waiting, but he didn’t arrive, her eyelids got heavier and heavier.

It was already her usual time to sleep.

Mo Weiyi, clutching her phone, nodded off little by little, like a chicken pecking at the grains. Eventually, she couldn’t resist the sleepiness. Her head tilted, and she closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep.



The next day, a shrill ringtone on the phone abruptly woke her up.

Mo Weiyi opened her eyes to find that the day had already dawned.

She was lying in bed, all alone in the massive presidential suite.

Where was Xiaobai?

The phone was still ringing, she wasn’t able to think through, so she decided to answer the call first, “Dad?”

“Weiyi, where are you?” Mo Yaoxiong asked.

“I am…”

“Hurry to the hospital.” Mo Yaoxiong cut her off, “Zhiwei returned home last night, her condition isn’t good. Xiaobai stayed with her overnight. You need to come quickly.”

With that, the call was disconnected.

Mo Weiyi frowned her delicate eyebrows.

It took her a moment to fully comprehend the meaning of his words.

So, Xiaobai didn’t come last night because of Xiao Zhiwei?

She closed her eyes for a moment and she could feel her body trembling slightly.

A few seconds later, Mo Weiyi got up, got dressed, washed her face, and put on makeup.

After finishing everything, she gave one last look at the carefully decorated room, picked up her bag, turned around, and quickly left.

She took the elevator downstairs to the lobby, marched straight out of the hotel.

It was six o’clock and there weren’t many people in the hotel, so Mo Weiyi walked fast and was just about to step out of the hotel’s entrance when a figure came darting from the side.

She was knocked aside, and almost fell on the ground.

Just in the nick of time, a man’s hand gripped her arm, preventing her fall.

The strong smell of tobacco and alcohol invaded her nostrils.

Mo Weiyi quickly regained her footing, “Thankyou!”

“Long hair cascading over the shoulders, wearing a bewitching yellow dress, with a face as beautiful as Shunhua and eyes as lovely as the spring water,” a familiar deep male voice said, “Little Princess, where are you off to?”

While the tone of his voice was slightly frivolous, upon seeing the man’s face clearly, Mo Weiyi’s eyes instantly flashed with surprise.

It was Chu Xiuhuang!

The notorious playboy from the Chu family.

Most importantly, she had almost become engaged to him two years ago!

Though at that time, she purposefully agreed to the proposal just to provoke Xiaobai, their parents had met, and the gifts from the groom to the bride’s family had also been given. Almost everyone in Nancheng’s high society was aware about it.

One could say, apart from the final wedding feast, there was no difference between them and an engaged couple.

But then she jumped into Xiaobai’s bed, successfully won over that iceberg, and the matter concerning her marriage to Chu Xiuhuang was left unattended.

She was just eighteen at the time. Being young and inexperienced in dealing with such complex relationships, she turned to Mo Yaoxiong to cancel the engagement and promptly eloped with Xiaobai to their honeymoon.

Upon returning home, she heard that Chu Xiuhuang had been carelessly frolicking with a bunch of women, changing his girlfriend almost every month. Hence, she decided to move on from the incident.

Over the past two years, since the Chu family was an aristocratic family of scholars and the Mo family was in business, there was little interaction between the two families. Therefore, they hardly had any opportunities to meet. Little did she know, they would meet here.

It was a little awkward.

Seeing that Mo Weiyi appeared lost and didn’t speak, Chu Xiuhuang raised his eyebrows again and continued in a joking tone, “Well, Little Princess, you’re not here to rent a room with someone, just like me, are you?”

At his words, Mo Weiyi glared at him with her rounded cat-like eyes, “You think everyone is like you!”

Chu Xiuhuang smiled indifferently with his handsome face looking exceptionally charming, “Where are you going? I’ll give you a lift.” “No need!”

“Little Princess, if I’m not mistaken, we have had a bit of a fleeting relationship in the past…”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Mo Weiyi exclaimed, her pretty face turning red, “All I did was dump you, alright? What fleeting relationship are you talking about? Can you please not spout nonsense?”

Chu Xiuhuang still laughed devilishly, “Right, you dumped me. You’re the second woman in the world who has had the audacity to do so.”

“And you’re still hung up on that?”

This is not the first time I’ve been dumped!

“Because.” His smile suddenly disappeared, he retorted, lowering his voice, each word spoken with a chilling tone, “The first woman who dumped me is already dead.”

Mo Weiyi felt a shiver run down her spine, “You…”

“Oh, I’m just joking with you.” Chu Xiuhuang quickly resumed his charming smile and bent over in a gentlemanly way, “My secretary has arrived, let’s go. I will drop you off on the way.”

“I’m not going!” Mo Weiyi felt this person was too ominous.

Xiaobai was much better, although icy cold, he did not repeatedly scare people unpredictably.

“You might have trouble hailing a taxi right now.” Chu Xiuhuang said as he headed towards the stairs, seemingly not insisting, “Nancheng is welcoming several foreign leaders today, the whole city is on high alert. If you don’t leave now, you probably won’t get home until noon.”

Mo Weiyi:

No wonder there are so few cars on the road.

But she still had to go to the hospital to find Xiaobai.

Looking at the Black Cayenne parked by the side of the road, a few seconds later, Mo Weiyi was compelled to hurry up and follow.



“Where is Little Princess going?”

After getting into the car, Chu Xiuhuang asked lazily.

“Nangong Hospital.”

“Secretary Shi, first take Little Princess to Nangong Hospital.”

“Okay, Young Master Chu.”

After the female secretary responded, she quickly and proficiently drove the car out.

Although Mo Weiyi was still studying, she occasionally attended gatherings in the upper-class circles and had heard gossip about this female secretary of Chu Xiuhuang.

Because the Chu family was an aristocratic family of scholars with several generations involved in literary and artistic work, only Chu Xiuhuang was a rebellious heir who ventured into the business world.

He spent his days indulging in nightlife, drinking, racing, and playing with women. It is said that almost all company matters were delegated to this female secretary to handle and manage.

It was rumored that the success of Chu Xiuhuang’s investment company was largely credited to this powerful woman behind the scenes.

Mo Weiyi couldn’t help but take a few extra glances at her.

But this Secretary Shi was dressed in a conservative black professional suit, her long black hair covered most of her cheeks, and she was wearing huge black wide-framed glasses.

In summary, she hid herself so well, her focus never straying from the road as she drove, her facial expressions remained neutral… you couldn’t discern her specific appearance.

Finally arriving at the hospital, Mo Weiyi quickly opened the car door and got out, “Goodbye.”

Never to meet again!

A figure in a light yellow outfit limped towards the hospital, Chu Xiuhuang gazed at her out of the corner of his eyes for quite some time, until…

“Young Master Chu, can we go now?” The crisp and clean voice of the woman broke the silence.

“No.” Chu Xiuhuang didn’t even turn his head, “I’m not done watching.”


It wasn’t until Mo Weiyi got out of the car that she realized she had twisted her ankle.

Limping to the ward, she opened the door, and saw Xiao Zhiwei, who was leaning on the head of the bed.

She was wearing a blue and white hospital gown. The morning sun coming in from the window fell on her, accentuating her cold, indifferent eyes and frail figure.

Her hair was a bit longer than four years ago, but it was still only shoulder length, black and rigid, without any styling.

Her disposition was somewhat similar to Xiao Yebai’s, both were usually expressionless and cold.

But their looks were worlds apart.

From Mo Weiyi’s discerning point of view, Xiao Zhiwei’s features were very ordinary.

Whether taken apart or put together, at most, they could only be considered delicate, which completely clashed with her superior green tea bitch attitude.

After all, shouldn’t the face of a green tea bitch match the look of a viral selfie-taking snake?

“Princess, you look really pretty today.”

Xiao Zhiwei was also observing Mo Weiyi. Although she spoke words of praise, her tone was obviously mocking.

Mo Weiyi curled her red lips and laughed.

Her laughter was bright and sweet.

“Thank you. I am this beautiful every day. It’s probably because you haven’t seen me for four years, so you’re momentarily dazzled. I can completely understand your feelings.”

These words instantly stiffened Xiao Zhiwei’s face, making her look unsightly.

She truly despised Mo Weiyi’s way of speaking.

It’s always so high and mighty, from confident to bloated, from proud to arrogant.

Did she really think of herself as a princess?

“I heard that you’re not feeling well?” Walking in her elegant high heels, ignoring the pain in her ankle, Mo Weiyi walked over with style, “You got sick as soon as you returned to the country, that’s quite a coincidence, isn’t it?”

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