My Wife Longs for Divorce Every Day

Chapter 133 - 133:133, Little Money Lover

Chapter 133:133, Little Money Lover

Translator: 549690339

Huo Zhexi grumbled, baring his teeth in pain. Dodging and complaining simultaneously, he said, “You and dad have been in Japan for so long that I had no money to spend at home. And you come back just to hit me, with no sign of concern for me at all. What kind of mother are you?”

“Except for asking for money, what else can you do? What kind of son are you?”

“Apart from hitting me, what else can you do?”

“I can beat you!”

With each mother and son exchanging words, a huge commotion broke out in the room, leaving Su Wanwan dumbfounded, until…

“Are you all done?”

At the roar of Master Huo, Su Wanwan trembled in fear, and the quarrel between the mother and son finally stopped.

By this time, Huo Nuanyang had stood up and was about to intervene, but then he froze…

Master Huo’s face was gloomy, and his voice was thundering, “After dinner, you two take this troublemaker away. I don’t want to see him flitting around me anymore!”

“Okay, dad.” Mrs. Huo bowed obediently.

Huo Juncheng shook his head secretly and intervened, “Alright, Mingzhu just bring out all the gifts.”

Mingzhu nodded, walked over and picked up two elegant bags from the sofa “Wanwan, these are wedding gifts that Juncheng and I brought for you and ’ Ashen. This is skincare I brought you from Japan. It’s really good and suitable for all skin types. And this is a new girl’s handbag from ceilgod. But it’s pink, not sure if you like this color?”

“Thank you, uncle and aunt. I really like it,” Su Wanwan accepted smilingly.

But surprisingly, the old Mrs. Huo also had gifts. “Wanwan, your grandfather and I also prepared two school-opening gifts for you.”

“Oh no.” Mingzhu slapped her forehead, “Sorry, I didn’t know it was Wanwan’s school opening today. I’ll make it up to you another day.”

Huo Zhexi grunted twice, rubbing his ear while sitting next to Huo Nuanyang, “When are you planning to go back to the team, second brother…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Huo Nuanyang stood up, picked up the gift boxes and red envelopes on the table, “This is my gift.”

Huo Zhexi.”…”

Damn it!

Huo Zhexi was fuming.

Was this supposed to be the Huo family’s banquet?

Or was it a gift-giving ceremony for that girl?

As for Su Wanwan, she was thrilled to receive a pile of gifts from her elders for no apparent reason.

She initially thought she was just coming for a meal, but didn’t expect to get skincare, jewellery, and designer bags. Especially from Huo Nuanyang, who sent an entire set of Apple products plus a… big red envelope!

Su Wanwan thought: Apart from Huo Zhexi, the Huo family was really kind to her, especially Huo Nuanyang. The young soldier was so generous, giving her such a thick red envelope, much more generous than that old man Huo Jingshen!

So, she enjoyed her dinner particularly well. Despite all the talking by Mrs Huo and the old lady keeping the mood lively, the men remained silent throughout.

By the time dinner ended, it was already late. The Huo family left in three cars with the staff helping to put the gifts into the cars. Huo Jingshen then drove Su Wanwan home.

Halfway there, Su Wanwan couldn’t resist opening the thick red envelope that Huo Nuanyang had given her.

“Wow, it’s so thick, how much money could be in it?”

Huo Jingshen glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

She was bent over her lap, her face almost buried in the red envelope, like a little money-grubber, actually starting to count the money!

He coughed softly, his dark eyes looked at the road sign ahead, then made a turn into a narrow, dark alley.

Su Wanwan didn’t notice until the car suddenly stopped. She looked out the window and asked, “Where are we?”

And then, the light inside the car went out.

She was engulfed in darkness.

Su Wanwan quickly turned around and asked, “What happened?”

Huo Jingshen didn’t answer. In the darkness, he reached forward, and with a click, unbuckled the seatbelt.

Next, Su Wanwan felt the car seat tilt backward abruptly.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!”

“Stop screaming,” Huo Jingshen covered her mouth, “I haven’t even started.”


Start what?

With her mouth covered by his big hand, Su Wanwan could only blink her innocent and simple eyes in confusion.

In the darkness, Huo Jingshen’s low voice rang out again, “Are you happy with

all the gifts you received today?”

Unable to speak, Su Wanwan just nodded.

Was she happy.

’Honey, I also have a school-opening gift for you. Do you want it?”

Su Wanwan kept nodding.


Of course, she wanted the gift!

But she was also curious about what he would give her?

Another piece of jewelry maybe?

The big hand on her mouth loosened, “Take it yourself.”

“Huh?” Su Wanwan was taken aback…



Imperial Court Villa.

In the living room, Fu Qi glanced at the wall clock.

It was eleven o’clock in the night.

The servants were off duty, and Fu Ziyang had long since gone to bed. The TV

was on but without sound, making the quiet villa seem somewhat eerie.

But Huo Jingshen still hadn’t come back.

Today, Su Wanwan went to school. Was it that Huo Jingshen had gone out for entertainment because his wife wasn’t at home?

She knew that most men, after getting married, would show their true colours.

Just like her big brother, Fu Xihan, who wouldn’t come back home until he was dead drunk, with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes all over his body?

And he’d been kicked out by his wife, forced to sleep in the guest room multiple times, which she had secretly witnessed.

As Fu Qi was lost in her thoughts, the sound of a car engine suddenly rang out.

She immediately got up and ran towards the front door.

“Brother Jingshen, Brother Jing…”

Her next words were abruptly choked in her throat.

That’s because the car stopped right at the doorway, Huo Jingshen made his way around the car hood, opened the co-driver’s seat, and then lifted Su Wanwan out from there, and moreover…

carrying her like a princess!

Su Wanwan was dressed in the red, patterned dress she wore when she left home in the morning. Her eyes were closed, as if she was asleep, giving her cheeks an adorable rosy hue.

Huo Jingshen had one hand supporting her shoulders, and the other supporting the back of her legs.

After a second’s glance, Fu Qi quickly turned her gaze away, feeling that a man carrying a woman, especially a woman who was fast asleep, was somehow… provocative.

“Go to sleep early, Ji Jie will pick you up at eight o’clock tomorrow to take you

to the airport.” Huo Jingshen’s voice echoed.

By the time Fu Qi reacted, he had already carried Su Wanwan into the villa.

Unable to suppress her curiosity, Fu Qi followed, “Brother Jingshen, Brother

Jingshen, can I stay a few more days? I want to…”

“Fu Qi.” Huo Jingshen stopped at the stairs, but did not turn around, and merely said indifferently, “You are an adult now, you need to consider appearances. If you insist on staying, move out and live on your own. However, in that case, I can’t guarantee your safety to Xihan.”

With that, he went straight upstairs.

Fu Qi stood there, her fingers tightly clenched.

Was he implying that her stay here would affect their marital relationship?

Did he like Su Wanwan that much?

Was he worried that she would get the wrong idea?



Upon reaching the upstairs, Huo Jingshen just managed to settle Su Wanwan into a bath full of warm water when a mobile phone ringtone sounded from outside.

He returned to the bedroom, picked up his phone and glanced at it.

“Ye Qitian”?

With a slight frown, the handsome and mature man stood there, dexterously dialling a few numbers with his slender fingers, he silenced the phone and then tossed it back.

Sometimes, a silent refusal can be far more effective than any verbal threat.



Nangong Hospital.

In the ward, Mo Weiyi put down her phone.

Aunt Jiang had gone home, and she was the only human in the ward, along

with four silent animals.

Xiao Bai hadn’t finished work yet, she didn’t dare sleep alone, so she tried to call Su Wanwan to chat, but was consistently told that the other line was busy?

That damned girl, who on earth was she chatting with in the middle of the night? Didn’t Mr. Huo keep a check on her?

Mo Weiyi lay down on the hospital bed in annoyance.

Unable to resist, she picked up her phone again and opened WeChat. Xiao Yebai still hadn’t replied to the message she had sent half an hour ago.

Xiao Bai was probably busy with work, wasn’t he?

Every time he got busy with work, he was like a workaholic. Was staying late in the office his normal routine? He wouldn’t have forgotten to eat dinner, would he?

So Mo Weiyi lay there, looking at her phone, fretting, and eventually, too late in the night and unable to fend off sleepiness, she gradually drifted off to sleep. She didn’t know how long it was before she heard a rustling sound reaching her ears..

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