My Wife Longs for Divorce Every Day

Chapter 134 - 134:134, you are just the adopted son of our Mo Family.

Chapter 134:134, you are just the adopted son of our Mo Family.

Translator: 549690339

In her daze, her first reaction was that Xiao Yebai had returned.

Forcing herself to fight off the urge to sleep, she strenuously opened her eyes.

The ward was dark, lit only by a small floor lamp.

She saw the door cracked open as the hallway light poured in, with a small white shadow standing in front of her bed.

Mo Weiyi felt a jolt of shock, every hair on her body standing on end.

As the small shadow suddenly moved, she opened her mouth and let out an uncontrollable, hysterical shriek.




Mo Family’s new resort investment was set to hold a press conference the next day, but before the end of work, it was discovered that Huangyou, at their afternoon conference, had chosen the exact same concept as the Mo Family right down to the copy, logo, and even stage design.

Huangyou is Chu Xiuhuang’s investment company that had recently invested in a resort project under Huo Yuan’s real estate company.

The thing most frowned upon in the business world is competition between similar projects, let alone such blatant plagiarism.

Xiao Yebai didn’t have time to speculate whether this was an intentional manipulation issue because of time constraints, so he had to urgently call a high-level meeting to quickly develop a contingency plan.

At midnight, Zhong Kai entered the CEO’s office, “President Xiao, the operations department has chosen Plan B from among several alternatives. This will require only minor changes to the stage design, which can be adjusted on site tomorrow.”

He handed in the documents one by one, “This is the supplementary budget for this incident, this is the legal department’s advice on suing Huangyou and Huo Yuan, and this last one includes media reports on plagiarism allegations.”

Having reported everything, Zhong Kai stood there, as if wanting to say something more.

The man lifted his eyelid, “Any other problems?”

“President Xiao,” Zhong Kai dared to speak, “It’s getting late, and since most of the issues have been dealt with, you should go home and rest.”


Seeing the man return to his work, Zhong Kai, unable to restrain himself, gave a straightforward reminder, “President Xiao, the princess is really happy with the two little dogs.”

“What dogs?”

“President Xiao?” Zhong Kai looked incredulous, “Didn’t you let me buy the dogs for the princess? I chose two Labrador puppies. The princess is thrilled, naming one Bai Xiaobai, and the other one…”

The man’s gaze turned cold, winnering up Zhong Kai. He promptly shut up.

Several seconds later.

“Pass on my orders, finish up the routine tasks and then you can call it a day.”

“Yes, President Xiao.”

Once Zhong Kai left, Xiao Yebai just opened the documents and his phone rang from the side.

It was a call from Mo Yaoxiong, his voice stern, “Yebai, come to the hospital as soon as you are done with work.”

“What happened?”

“Weiyi fell off the bed, and Grandpa is furious.” Then the call ended.

Xiao Yebai immediately picked up his personal phone from the side.

To avoid distractions during urgent work, he would always put this phone on silent.

Sure enough, as he turned it on, he saw several missed calls, from Mo Weiyi, Mo Yaoxiong, and a few from unknown numbers.

He quickly got up, grabbed his car keys, and left.


It was past one o’clock in the morning when he arrived at the hospital.

Just as he entered the hospital building, the butler from the Mo’s mansion, Shi Bo, came over, “Thank God, Young Master Xiao, you’re finally here.”

“How’s Weiyi doing?” Xiao Yebai asked as they walked.

Butler Shi Bo said, “A child staying in the hospital suddenly ran into the princess’s ward, frightening her enough to fall off the bed. It was the hospital that called the mansion, and the old master was very angry. You’d better apologize quickly when you see him, I can’t keep him calm.”


Arriving at the ward on the top floor, as the elevator doors opened, the old master of the Mo Family was being supported by a servant outside of the room.

Their eyes met, Xiao Yebai greeted him softly, “Grandfather.”

The old master of the Mo family held his dragon-headed cane, his elderly but still sharp eyes full of anger, “I thought you weren’t going to show up until dawn.”

Xiao Yebai hung his head low, “It’s my fault.”

“Is this how you treat my precious granddaughter whom I married off to you?”

“It’s my fault.”

Just as he finished repeating the same phrase, a slap landed on Xiao Yebai’s face.

His glasses were knocked off and fell to the ground with a “crack”, the lenses shattered.

His face turned to one side from the slap, his pale and handsome cheek quickly showing a blue handprint.

“Old Master, Young Master Xiao is very worried about the princess’s fall…”

“Shut up!”

Shi Bo lowered his head, not daring to speak again.

“You concealed the news of my granddaughter’s injury, left her alone in the ward without anyone to look after her, the hospital couldn’t reach you by phone and had to call the mansion, leaving an old man like me to rush over in the middle of the night. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Xiao Yebai slowly turned his face.

Even though he was publicly humiliated, he still kept his expression calm, showing no signs of embarrassment or panic.

“It’s my fault.”

He repeated the same sentence.

The old master of the Mo family was furious, he swiftly raised his hand and slapped him again.


Mo Yaoxiong came out from the ward and shouted when he saw what was going on.

The old master of the Mo family glared at him, filled with a strong warning, “Remember, you are just an adopted child of our Mo family. Your existence and value lies in pleasing Weiyi. I only married her to you because she likes you, and Mo Family only entrusted you with the responsibility because of that. Compared to my granddaughter, the company is just an accessory.. If my granddaughter is unhappy, I can make you lose everything you have in an instant!”

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