Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 106: Kitsune (VI): Soul Eater

Chapter 106: Kitsune (VI): Soul Eater

[Summon Undead: Intermediate Lvl 1: Summon Twenty Skeleton soldier from the underworld, or Ten Skeleton warriors, Or One Skeleton Mage to help you fight. All skeletons are level 25. Gain twenty extra skeleton soldier ten extra skeleton warriors, and one extra skeleton mage for each level of skill in the Intermediate grade. //Cost: 50 Magic// Cool down: 5 minutes]

At the moment there was a reason why the sheer amount of skill points Rezar had was sitting at a rather measly zero. During and after the course of his short training with Priest that admittedly he was still undergoing before this crisis with the goblin king showed itself. Rezar had used the skill points to level up a few of his new and old skills, and trained hard enough in others to raise their levels a couple of times.

In fact, it would not be too farfetched to say that the strength of his skills were completely disproportionate with his stats, as he could bring out more effects and damage from the way he uses them. with the [Deathwind domain] in place, severely limiting the space of the Kitsunes, and adding in the ten undead warriors that were just summoned out of a swirling magical circle on the ground. Whether the Kitsunes get to escape or not, one thing stands to be obvious, and that's the fact that they'll pay a very heavy price for it.


Ten forms of bleached white bones, flimsy leather armor and rusty looking but sharp swords and shields with jagged edges rushed at one of the Kitsune, shocking the demon fox as they moved in a well-coordinated attack pattern. Spreading out into three groups and leaving a single skeleton to face the wrath of the demon fox's falling claws. The jagged round shield of the skeleton glowed a dull grey light and pulsed, releasing a blast of light that smashed the claw away, turning the fur around its paw white in seconds as time, death and age too hold. The Kitsune stumbled back, and that was enough of a distraction for the other nine skeleton warriors to take the initiative.

Their swords glowed black, with tiny pinpricks of light over it, and they all stabbed out at once, the very moment the first skeleton warrior had pushed back the Kitsune. Rezar ignored the mournful and pained howl he heard from the other Kitsune as he left his focus solely on the one facing him. It took him three hard days of training to be able to train the skeleton captains in tactics as they seemed to be even more dumb than zombies and only knew how to attack instinctively.

Either they now knew how to cooperate and maximize their skills and abilities for maximum damage, and while he had wanted to hand this skill to either the town spire or the dungeon crystal attached to it, he now realized it would only see its full potential in his hands. Besides, he wouldn't like being able to summon an army out of thin air when put in a tough position.

*Bang! *

Rezar shifted to the side, ignoring the six tails that just slammed into the earth besides him, digging so deep into it, that he was sure if those tails had touched him, he would have been left a broken mess. But the Kitsunes were not the only ones with tails or whip like weapons capable of causing harm, and his were a whole lot worse.


The Kitsune didn't see it coming, and that was why this was honestly his favorite skill. His versatility with it was completely unlike his other skills, and the fact that he could actually stack the effects of other skills onto it, more than made him extremely happy. Eldritch black and purple chains with a tinge of red on it stabbed into the body of the Kitsune, easily piercing flesh like it was paper, his Ignore defense skill completely negating any sort of defense the Kitsune might have.

But beyond that Rezar knew these demon foxes were not fighting at a 100%, due to probably being Mind controlled, they could only bring out about 45% of their true power and instincts, they relied more on skills and simple attack patterns than strategy and fighting smart. Which was why there was no way the Kitsune would have seen those chains coming, and even less way that it could see or stop what came next.


The Kitsune began to flow a bloody red light, and in seconds, its massive transformed body began to shrivel and dry up as golden red energy from its body began to flow down the length of Rezar's chain and into his body. And it felt good, this was a different kind of feeding than when he drank blood and it was intoxicating and all so powerful, it was unlike anything he had ever seem felt or experienced before.

[You have absorbed the magic and soul of your opponent. +40 to Magic and Defense, [Feed] has gone into a 72-hour cool down. You can't use the skill within this period.]

[Divine constitution has leveled up to Lvl 2, your senses, defense and physique has experienced an exponential upgrade. Holy Magic Mastery has increased by 4 basic levels.]

[Holy Magic Mastery has leveled up basic Lvl 5]

[Feed Has leveled up to Intermediate Lvl 9]

[Due to the absorption of a soul aligned with illusions and sensory manipulation, the skill Compulsion has leveled up to basic Lvl 3]

[No skills gained from the absorption of this soul]

The body of the Kitsune dropped to the ground with a thud, and subsequently turned grey rapidly, before breaking down and turning to ash that floated away. The other Kitsune was completely bloody by now, as it had been enduring the attacks from the ten skeleton warriors, without ever having a chance to even lay a scratch on any one of them. Rezar felt as if he didn't know himself, but at the same time also realized that he really might be the scariest thing in all of Elysium.

Raising undead, killing people, ripping souls out of their body and drinking blood was one thing, but eating souls? He couldn't help but feel that this was a whole other territory of weird. But since he's gotten into it there would be no going back. He held his scythe and move forwards, his entire form nothing more than a blur as he swung it upwards, reliving the final Kitsune of its head, and just in time too as the [Deathwind Domain] duration finally passed.

Rezar felt weird, not guilty or anything, just really weird. His summoned undead came to his side, lining up in two rows of five and standing at attention. His black armored clothes fluttered in a chilly wind that blew through Kerwood forest, as if to announce that there was no longer just a blood drinker haunting its woods, but also a Soul Eater!

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