Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 109: Kitsune (IX): Self Sacrifice

Chapter 109: Kitsune (IX): Self Sacrifice

"you guys stay here; I'm going in. don't make a move until I tell you too or give you a signal." Lenore and Kari had their eyes opened wide in surprise, obviously what Rezar was doing was nothing short of suicide. There was no need for him to walk through, the mist curtain was an illusion, it could not stop attacks from going into the village, and the people within the village couldn't attack outside as that would deactivate the illusion. Even they had no idea who and what was waiting for them on the other side, they still had the advantage and Rezar was putting himself in harm's way, and they didn't know why.

Rezar rushed forwards with Tony, it would be better to just call Ant Tony, Tony seeing as he felt Anthony would be a little generic and plagiaristic. Never the less he didn't want to give them any answer, for some reason he felt as if it would shake his image as a cold hearted vampire overlord if he told them he was putting himself in danger for a bunch of kids. He was in front of the curtain of mist before they knew what was going and in just a second he disappeared into it.

Lenore, Gynaika, Priest and Kari had their jaws open wide in surprise as his impulsive behavior, watching as he disappeared into the mist was like watching a beast swallow him whole, and they could not for the life of themselves figure out why he would do such a thing. As for Rezar he felt a chill go up and down his spine the very moment he went I to the mist. The scene in front of him rippled a bit, before he suddenly found himself in front of close to 300 kitsunes, with about a 100 of them being young or adolescents standing in front of him, [Fox Fire] all at the ready and poised to strike.

Rezar knew he only had a second to react to what would obviously be a very painful death, so he acted immediately. [Deathwind Domain]. His domain shimmered into existence, however this time the dome was much smaller as it just covered Rezar. This skill had two effects, the first was as an amplifier for his abilities, he would be faster and stronger when under the domain, but it was also born from a defensive skill. Once the domain went up, all attacks coming from outside of it would be defended against, but against such an intense barrage of flames, there was no way the domain would last for this long.

A variety of different colored fire balls pelted the domain and pushed Rezar back as he could do was hunker down and watch as the durability of the dome went down. He could feel the drain on his magic as the domain drew on it to repair the damages it received. But Rezar knew he had to hold on, just as Lenore and the others were waiting for a signal from him, so too was he waiting for a signal. He had no idea how long it would take, so he had to hold on for as long as he could.

He looked up at the eyes of the children all arranged in front of him, their attacks were barely causing any damage as it was the older Kitsunes who dealing more damage. What he could really see was fear, looking closer he noticed there wasn't even a hint of an NPC on them. the youngest person to have the NPCS attached to them looked about 18, which meant they probably could attach themselves to children younger than 18. So without a doubt, the fear in their eyes, the quivering of their lips, the way their furs bristled and stood on end and their jaws clenched tightly with tears clouding their eyes.

They've been through a lot, even if they were not under control, their parents, uncles, siblings were a prey to the NPCS. They had no choice, but to do this, they weren't fighting just because of fear, they fought for love. Or maybe not. This might just be a way for him to reaffirm to himself no to take their lives. He was still a kid himself, so maybe he felt a certain sense of camaraderie with them. it was weird but he felt jealous.

They had parents, a community, a family. People that would fight for them and people they wanted to fight for, but he had none of that. None of those people on the other side could be considered his family, he felt that he was maybe friends with them, but even that relationship was built on equivalent exchange. It was built based on the understanding of his potential, a potential that they all wanted to exploit. And with that realization, for the first time he truly and severely felt alone. He felt empty.

*BoooM! *

An explosion the likes which these Kitsune have never felt before rocked the environment, their attacks came to an abrupt halt as Rezar could see the eyes of the older Kitsunes widen in shock as they turn to look at the massive plume of smoke that rose up in the distance. Rezar finally got a good look the village, it was beautiful. It had one major street with traditional Japanese houses lining the street on each side.

Their red roofs, bright paper lanterns and the rows upon rows of sakura trees planted in front of each of those houses and all in full bloom. But they were all on fire, but even more was the petals that scattered along with the wind, heralding the arrival of a very pissed off Neema as he happily planted her axe in the skull of the largest Kitsune amongst the group in front of him, and blasting its pristine white fur covered head to pieces, splattering blood and brain matter everywhere.

Rezar imagined that the Kitsune who just died was probably very important to the village, but he was or she was dead now. And the signal he was waiting for was already here. So while this was a hit and run attack, it wouldn't be fait if he didn't attack a bit before running now would it. Rezar pulled out his scythe with a smile, a promise of carnage hidden behind that amused look on his face.

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