Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 111: The King's Guard (I): Goodbyes

Chapter 111: The King's Guard (I): Goodbyes

[You have conquered the Kitsune Village: Honoka! Your village has leveled up to 4, You have gained territory skill book [Grand Illusion: Mist Wall], Your barracks can now train the military class Samurai. Build a mage tower or Academy to unlock the Mage class Illusionist. Honoka Village Spire has been absorbed, defense of territory increased by 15%, resource gathering speed increased by 20%]

[you have gained 384,098 battle exp]

[You have reached a milestone! You went head to head against an incursion of off world NPCs and won! +20 to all stats to everyone in your territory. +50 to all stats for you.]

[Strike of Nothingness has leveled up to 2]

[Bind has leveled up!]

[Deathwind Domain has leveled up to 2]

[Your named Undead Neema has been killed. You have received 50% of her total exp gains, and the Trait [King of the Underearth] and the skill [Undead Telepathy] has evolved to [Telepathy]. You have gained 1.34 million battle exp]

Rezar sat in front of the beach, watching as the quiet waves moved the burning pyre further out to the sea, he was depressed, like fucking depressed. Anger, frustration, annoyance, hope, amusement, little bouts of happiness and satisfaction. Those were the emotions he knew how to handle and deal with, grief on the other hand was like a knife constantly being stabbed into his gut. He hated the feeling, but it was not as if he could do anything about it. He wanted it to go away, but it refused to, and so he watched on in pain as her body floated away.

His knees were drawn close to his body as he watched, and right beside him were Screet, Brutus and Jason. They weren't as broken as he was, they were undead, positive emotions like joy, love, happiness was foreign to them. of the negatives all they were familiar with was anger and irritation. So they couldn't bring themselves to feel sad over the loss of Neema, because frankly speaking they couldn't feel sadness.

After that tower went up in flames, the NPCs were like a body without a head, confused and scared and defeated. It was not too hard to gather and imprison. The Kitsunes didn't have much of a choice after most of their village went up in smoke, a diplomatic meeting had turned into a conquest. Everything went completely out of hand and all Rezar could do was go with the flow, he massively regretted doing this. He should have never given a damn, he should have just left the Kitsunes to burn. But he let Priest talk him into this stupid and foolhardy propaganda.

He was no hero, he wasn't trying to be a hero either, and while he wasn't completely heartless, he wasn't one to go put his head in other people's problems, and yet he did so this time and he has paid the ultimate price for it. Rezar shuddered a bit, the air seemed a lot colder than normal, and he felt even more alone than most. Neema was the first of his undead to gain intelligence, the first he had a proper attachment with.

"Master, if you would be so kind as to tell me; why the hell is that Kitsune still alive!" Screet asked as he looked back at the Kitsune that was currently standing behind them a distance away and surrounded by his people. There was enough of them with animosity and rage in their eyes, after being freed from the possession, they were too weak to bring up any sort complaint about Rezar torching their village and conquering it.

But more than enough of them knew that they were alive now because of Rezar and his choices, and he had paid a price for it. So in a way, the former villages of Honoka village were caught between being extremely grateful and absolutely hating his guts for destroying the only home they've ever known. If it came to a fight, they knew they could cause enough damage to his territory, and that now that they were in control of themselves, fighting Rezar would be a breeze given how powerful they were and how weak he was to their [Fox Fire]. But unlike other clans of Kitsunes, it seems the Honoka clan had more honor than most and were unwilling to bite the hand that save them.

"He's alive because I deemed it so, his hands took her life, but it doesn't mean he was the one who did it. The one who is responsible has been captured, but in the end it is only just an echo from another world." Rezar said with a somber tone.

"Then what are you saying Master! Are you saying we can't take Revenge for Neema!" Screet asked, loud enough that everyone else could hear, as the Kitsune's bristled in preparation for a fight.

"Don't be stupid Screet, do I seem that benevolent to you? I will have my revenge, but the Kitsunes are inconsequential and were just a medium. Killing one man, or a village of weak minded animals who were unable to resist being taken over by squids would not sate the fire burning in my chest Screet. They are barely enough to be even considered an appetizer, so what I'll do is find my way to their world, to the place where these fucking NPCS come from." In that moment Rezar was cut off as Gynaika came forwards, her steps steady as she came to stand behind Rezar and placed her hands on his shoulders, much to the annoyance of Screet.

"And then what? What would you do when you find this world? How do you intend to get your revenge?" she asked, her voice sultry and flowing like milk in and out of his ears. Rezar knew she was manipulating him, that she was playing on his emotions and trying to get him to go on a rampage. This would just be another way that would draw him closer to her, but he didn't care, Neema was dead, he was done caring about a whole lot of things.

"I will Burn them... ALL OF THEM!"

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