Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 68: The dog is good (1/2)

Chapter 68: The dog is good (1/2)

Ning Fei, these three are the leaders of the Geology Bureau and the Forestry Bureau, and have come specifically to look for you. Qin Zheng walked over and politely said to Ning Fei.

Geology Bureau, Forestry Bureau?

Hello Mr. Ning, I am from Qincheng Geology Bureau, my name is Zhu Mu. This time Im here mainly to thank you for your significant contribution to the discovery of the stalactite cave, Zhu Mu happily extended his hand and took the initiative to shake hands with Ning Fei.

Now Ning Fei is the mascot of the Geological Bureau, the discovery of the stalactite cave in the Qinshan Mountain Range is simply rare good news for their Geological Bureau!

If the government wants to develop it, how much funding will the Geology Bureau get! They are all public officials, their waist is hardened!

Its just a coincidence that Im here. Ning Fei shook hands with him and said politely.

You are too polite, this is the funding specifically requested from the province to reward you for your outstanding contribution, a total of 50,000, dont mind the small amount. There is also this certificate, which is also specially issued by the province.

Zhu Mu hurriedly took out a card that said Bonus 50,000 yuan and a certificate and handed it to Ning Fei.

You need to confirm it at the back, and the bureaus finance will credit the money directly to your card.

Thank you. Ning Fei took the reward, and then took a few pictures with Zhu Mu.

Local public officials usually take photos to promote their work.

At this time, the netizens saw this situation and looked at each other, especially those black fans, who didnt know what to say.

Hahaha, the Geology Bureau people personally came out to dispel the rumours!

Hey, are those sprays still awkward?

Shoot away, dont bring rhythm in Ning Feis main live broadcast room!

Really, how good was the atmosphere in the live room.

Ning Feis fans instantly felt raised eyebrows, happy to speak.

There are still sprayers who are not willing to try to say, What if, this Forestry Bureau people are also fake?

Here you can see that some sprayers are really no brain, live impersonation of state officials, but all the compulsory education is impossible to do such things, that is to eat jail time!

But dont say it, someone really believes this.

Yes, all stalactite caves are faked. Isnt it normal to fake awards?

It must be fake!

However, these black fans did not have time to revel in, they were hit in the face at light speed.

Its in the news! Everyone go to the news! The headlines of all the major news apps!

One admin posted this pop-up several times in a row.

When netizens saw this, they immediately opened the news software, which they dont usually use, and took a look, and sure enough, the most conspicuous news was.

Famous anchor finds wild stalactite cave, may become a big miracle in the geological world!

Other news headlines are more or less the same, click in and you can see that people from the Qincheng Geological Bureau have found the stalactite cave at this time and entered to explore it, and some reporters are taking pictures.

The photos were taken just to send the news, and the people from the Geological Bureau protected the site at the first time. They respect nature, just for research, and do not destroy.

By this time, it was completely certain that the stalactite cave discovered by Ning Fei was real.

So many news software, including the official confirmation of Qincheng, after that, all the major newspapers, media, and even the news of local stations, broadcasted the incident.

Moreover, that night, the matter was also on the 7:00 p.m. news broadcast of Huaxia TV-1.

The introduction is: The outdoor anchor explored the stalactite cave and made a significant contribution to the study of Chinas geology.

The program selected the picture of Ning Fei exploring in the stalactite cave and broadcasted it for about 2 minutes, which was very respectable in the news broadcast program of an inch of time and an inch of gold.

This time, those marketing numbers and water army dumbfounded.

The marketing number is fine, the soft text does not have a big impact on them. But those fake anchors on Douyin, in turn, became the object of the netizens attack.

Fake Aaron was directly sprayed into a sieve by countless netizens, and the number of fans dropped drastically.

Other anchors are similar.

The other anchors are also similar. They were still clamouring for a fake fight, but they just made some waves and were instantly shot down in smoke.

At this time, Li He, the manager of the Tianjun Trade Union, was so angry that he slapped his desk in his office and roared.

Which SB came up with this idea! Its a fake! I dont know if people from the Geological Bureau will verify it?

Several members below dare not speak, thinking that you were not the one who made the decision, and said that this idea is too good, Ning Fei waiting to die such words.

The network is buzzing, but Ning Fei did not pay too much attention to this matter.

After he and the Geology Bureau people took pictures, the Forestry Bureau people with the Wildlife Protection Bureau also came to thank him for discovering the South China tiger.

Mr. Ning, can I ask why the wild South China tiger is so docile to you. The man from the Forestry Bureau couldnt help but ask.

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