Paradise Pokeball System

Chapter 100: Ultra Recon Squad: Introductions

Chapter 100: Ultra Recon Squad: Introductions

"While Landon did take me against my will, I have come to terms with it. I do not feel like he did it for a bad or malicious reason, and I have also gotten to become part of something truly amazing," Lusamine explained, and the woman nodded her head.

"If I was worried, this conversation would not be this friendly. We also would not have left you alone with him for this long if we thought you were in danger," The woman explained and then turned back to me. "My name is Soliera, and I am, or was a member of the Ultra Recon Squad. The other two with me are Dulse and Zossie."

"What do you mean, was?" I asked, but Soliera just waved her hand at me.

"Not important. We are only here to study and observe. We will also offer assistance if you need it," Soliera explained, but this felt sudden, all of it.

"So, can you just explain to me exactly why you are here?" I asked, feeling like I had already got part of my answer, but things were all over the place in my head.

Soliera sighed, her expression becoming more serious. "We're here because of the unusual occurrences related to Ultra Wormholes and the appearance of a strange phenomenon known as 'Prisma.' Our mission is to investigate these anomalies and understand their origins. The presence of the Endbringers and your unique abilities have also caught our attention."

I nodded, absorbing the information. "So, you're here to study and investigate, not to arrest or capture us?"

"That's correct. We have no intention of causing harm, but we need to understand the implications of the phenomena occurring in this region. Your abilities, particularly the ability to catch and control humans, are of great interest to us," Soliera explained.

I exchanged glances with Lusamine, who seemed to be processing the information. "So, what happens now?" I asked.

"We'd like to have a more detailed conversation, gather information, and share what we know. This is a delicate situation, and cooperation would be in everyone's best interest," Soliera said, looking at us with a neutral expression.

Lusamine stepped forward, her tone measured. "I'm willing to cooperate, but I need assurances that our safety and well-being will be prioritized. I won't allow any harm to come to my companions or myself."

Soliera nodded. "Understood. We'll ensure your safety throughout this process. Our goal is not to create conflict but to understand and possibly find solutions to the anomalies we're witnessing."

With that, Soliera led us away from the beach, guiding us to a location where we could have a more private conversation. As we walked, Dulse and Zossie remained silent, their expressions unreadable. The tension in the air was palpable, but I hoped that cooperation could lead to a better understanding of the situation.

As we settled into a more secluded area, Soliera began the discussion. "Firstly, we need more details about the Prisma phenomenon. What exactly is it, and how did it come into existence?"

Before answering, I called Cryo. 'How much can I tell her?'

[As much as you want. You are the only person that has access to Prisma besides the girls. They are asking about it because it is a dimension within Ultra Space. They will be able to track it, but not access it.]

So I explained everything about Prisma, the girls, my Pokémon's Habitat, and the City I would soon be creating. During the entire explanation, the expressions of the three Ultra Squad members shift from indifference, to utter disbelief. I couldn't blame them. 

"So you're telling me that each person gets their own world?!" Soliera burst out, finally unable to contain her questions any longer.

"World is not right, because they aren't that big yet. I would compare it to owning a plot of land, or water in my case. Each plot has some kind of house that is tailored to the owner. There is unlimited food and drink, and we can upgrade our places from spending time with Landon," Lusamine explained, but Dulse let out a sigh.

"That sounds too good to be true, but it probably is for me," He said, sounding dejected.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and Dulse chuckled, pushing his fuschia-colored hair to the center between his visor slits. That was the only bit of hair sticking out.

"From what I can tell, catching a person has something to do with the relationship you have with them, right? That is why all of them are females, right?" Dulse asked, and I nodded.

"That is a fair point, but give me a second," I replied, focusing on Cryo.

I had been curious about this. While it was great having all the women, it would be nice to have a few guys around. There were also some things men did better than women, and vice versa. With my plan for a Prisma city on the rise, it was time to start thinking about how, and who was going to run the place.

[Currently, there is no way to bring anyone into Prisma that is not part of your team. Once you get Prisma City started, I can create special tickets for men, and women so you don't have to sleep with them all.]

That actually made me laugh out loud, making everyone look at me funny. 

"Sorry, Just something I was thinking about," I chuckled and focused on Dulse. "Currently, you are correct, and the only way to get into Prisma is to be caught by me, for now. Later on, I will be able to give out special tickets that will allow people to access the city without forming a personal relationship."

It felt good to be able to talk about Prisma and everything. I could talk to the girls about it, but none of them really knew anything about any of this stuff. Dulse and Soliera were different and seemed to not only understand but hang off my every word. 

The only one who didn't seem convinced was Zossie. While she didn't argue, or reject anything Lusamine, or I had said, she was the only one that seemed unimpressed. I wasn't sure what that meant, but it put me on edge.

Zossie looked like a young girl, but they all had goggles, helmets, and full-body suits that left everything to the imagination. The only things defining about Zossie were her long orange hair tied in twin braids, her short stature, and her flat chest, but I could keep that to myself.

"So, what's your role in all of this?" I asked Zossie, curious about her perspective.

Zossie remained silent for a moment before finally speaking. "I'm here to observe and gather data. My focus is on understanding the potential impact of these anomalies on various dimensions. While I don't share the same enthusiasm as Soliera, I am committed to fulfilling my duties."

Her words were measured and devoid of any emotional undertones. It was clear that she approached her role with a sense of duty rather than personal interest. I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to her than she let on, but I decided not to press further.

"Alright, let's move on from Prisma for now. I'd like to know what you know about the Endbringers," Soliera said, shifting the focus of the conversation.

I shook my head. "Virtually nothing. I know they are after the Pokémon that give me the powers that I have, but I have no clue who or what they are."

Soliera nodded, understanding my limited knowledge. "The Endbringers are a mysterious group that operates across different dimensions. They seek to harness the power of legendary Pokémon and exploit anomalies like Ultra Wormholes for their own purposes. They are a threat not just to your world but to multiple dimensions."

"So, they're like an interdimensional criminal organization?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around the concept.

"In a way, yes. They're a group with their own agenda, and they exploit dimensional anomalies for their benefit. We've been tasked with stopping their activities and understanding their motivations," Soliera explained. "I have been tracking your case for a long time now, and I think that your connection to Cosmog is what started everything."

If someone wanted to exploit Ultra Space, Cosmog was the way to go. Add in me that could ask her to open them at will, and you've got a potent combination. The information shared by Soliera started to connect the dots, and I realized that the entire situation was more complex than I initially thought.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked, looking at the three members of the Ultra Recon Squad.

Soliera glanced at her companions before turning back to me. "We need your cooperation in tracking down and neutralizing the Endbringers. Your unique abilities could play a crucial role in stopping their operations. Additionally, the anomalies related to Prisma must be closely monitored to understand their potential impact on Ultra Space."

Lusamine spoke up, a mix of concern and determination in her voice. "We'll assist in any way we can, but our safety is non-negotiable. I won't put anyone here at unnecessary risk."

Soliera nodded. "Agreed. We'll work together to ensure everyone's safety while addressing the threats posed by the Endbringers and the anomalies. Unfortunately, we will have to wait for the Endbringers to make the first move, but we will be staying close to assist you if we can. Our primary goal is to bring an end to their activities and prevent further damage."

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