Paradise Pokeball System

Chapter 103: Dimensional Hotline

Chapter 103: Dimensional Hotline

I had a hard time putting a finger on this girl. While she looked younger than Soliera, I wasn't about to judge her age. If she was a member of this group, she had to be an adult, but that still didn't explain why she didn't like me.

"It sounds like we have our work cut out for us," I commented, thinking about the challenges ahead. "We need to stay on top of things. The safety of my team, and figuring out what the Endbringers actually want is our top priority."

Soliera nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We'll coordinate with Captain Phyco to enhance the defense measures. Meanwhile, we should also focus on gathering information about the Endbringers. I'll contact our headquarters and get the necessary resources and personnel allocated to this mission."

Dulse added, "We should also consider reaching out to other allies or individuals with relevant expertise. Collaborating with different dimensions might provide additional insights and support in dealing with the Endbringers."

"You can just call people from other dimensions?!" I asked in surprise, and Dulse nodded.

"There are certain groups we have connections with so we have a rallying point when entering dimensions. Since you entered this dimension, we used your entry point, or it would have taken us much longer to get here from the Kanto Region," Dulse explained, and I nodded, mostly understanding, but it was still strange that we could ask for help from people in other timelines.

As the planning continued, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a much larger and more complex journey. The convergence of different dimensions, the mysterious Endbringers, and the unique abilities granted by Prisma were all pieces of a puzzle that needed to be solved.

Jolene, sensing the gravity of the situation, spoke up. "Landon, whatever happens, we're here for you. We'll face these challenges together. Just promise me that you'll prioritize your safety as well."

I nodded, appreciating the support from Jolene and the rest of my team. "I promise, Jolene. We'll navigate through this together, and I won't take unnecessary risks."

With the plans in motion, the Ultra Recon Squad members and I continued our discussion late into the night. The exchange of information, ideas, and strategies formed the foundation of our alliance. It was a strange and unprecedented collaboration, but it felt necessary to confront the looming threats.

As the conversation winded down, Soliera turned to me with a more personal inquiry. "Landon, if we're going to work together, there's one thing I need to know. How did you acquire the ability to catch and control humans? What's the origin of that power?"

I took a deep breath, realizing that sharing the story might provide crucial information. "It all started with a Pokémon named Cryo. He's the one who granted me this ability. I was going to die, and he saved my life and stayed with me for 10 years until I woke up. When I did finally get up, he filled my brain with knowledge and kept my body in great shape. His main objective is to find his master, Ultramex, who is trapped in Ultra Space."

Soliera raised an eyebrow. "Cryo granted you this power willingly? And his master is in Ultra Space?"

I nodded. "Yes, Cryo willingly granted me this power, but they are all to help me and my team stronger. His master's location is one of the driving factors behind my abilities. I understand it may sound unconventional, but Cryo has been a crucial ally, helping me navigate through challenges and providing guidance."

Soliera seemed deep in thought, processing the information. "This Cryo and his master Ultramex... They're entities from Ultra Space with their own motives. It adds another layer of complexity to the situation. We need to be cautious in our dealings with them."

I agreed with her assessment. "Absolutely. While Cryo has been helpful so far, we can't ignore the fact that his goals might not completely align with ours. Even so, I am not sure what I could do if Cryo went rogue on me."

That was something that I hadn't thought about, but Cryo shut that thought down fast, making me sigh in relief.

[I can not do anything that would hurt you, or the people connected to your system. My only two purposes are to help you grow so that you can help find and release my master. A normal Pokémon, or even a legendary wouldn't be able to do it, or we would have picked them. I had to be a human, but not just anyone. They had to be special, and connected to Ultra Space. Because you bonded with Cosmog, you were chosen by my master.]

“Not that I really have much of a choice, but I choose to believe in Cryo,” I said and looked into Soliera’s eyes. “While I can’t prove that he is trustworthy, I personally feel like I can trust him. He not only helps me, but also helps my girls without asking. I think that he would be just worried about me if he was going to use me, or maybe that is what he wants us to think? I don’t know, but in situations like this, you need to make a choice,” I said, putting out both hands.

“Trust,” I said lifting one hand, “Or don’t,” I said lifting the other. “There are two choices we have, but very little evidence that is factual to lean against them. So, that means you have to trust your gut, and mine is telling me that we have a long way to go, and worrying about trust is going to get tiring.”

Soliera observed me for a moment before nodding. "Trust is indeed a crucial element in situations like these. We'll proceed with caution, but for now, it seems we have a common goal in addressing the Endbringers and the anomalies related to Prisma."

As the night wore on, we finalized our plans and agreed on the next steps. The Ultra Recon Squad members would collaborate with our team to enhance the defenses of the dimension, gather information on the Endbringers and explore the potential applications of Prisma for their own dimension.

Jolene, sensing the exhaustion in everyone, offered the Ultra Recon Squad members a place to rest for the night. Soliera accepted the offer, acknowledging the need for rest before diving into the tasks at hand.

As everyone dispersed to their respective resting places, I found myself alone with Cryo in the quiet living room. The glow from Prisma had dimmed, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

[You handled the situation well, Landon. The cooperation with the Ultra Recon Squad will be beneficial in dealing with the challenges that lie ahead. But always remember, trust is a delicate thing, and it should be earned over time.]

I nodded, contemplating the complexities of the situation. "I understand, Cryo. It's just hard to navigate these unknown territories. But we'll face it together, and I'll do my best to make the right choices."

Cryo gave a faint glow, almost resembling a smile. [That's all I can ask for, Landon. Now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day, and the journey continues.]

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