Paradise Pokeball System

Chapter 105: The Morning After

Chapter 105: The Morning After

The morning sun painted streaks of golden light across the living room, gradually waking me from my slumber. As consciousness returned, so did the realization of the events from the previous day. The collaboration with the Ultra Recon Squad, the looming threat of the Endbringers, and the mysteries surrounding Prisma—all of it weighed heavily on my mind.

Opening my eyes, I found Tallia still peacefully asleep, her head resting on my chest. The warmth of the morning and the serenity of the moment created a tranquil atmosphere. However, the challenges that awaited us outside the cocoon of the couch were far from peaceful.

Cryo materialized beside me, his icy form glinting in the morning light. [Good morning, Landon. It seems like we have another eventful day ahead.]

I sighed, the weight of responsibility settling in once again. "Yeah, and it feels like we're just scratching the surface of everything that's going on. I don't even know where to start."

The sound of my voice caused Tallia to stir. She pulled her face from my chest briefly with squinted eyes before stealing a quick kiss. She quickly pulled the covers over her head and pressed her face back into my chest.

"I don't want to get up yet," Tallia mumbled from my chest, and I stroked her hair.

"You can sleep for a bit longer. I am in no hurry to get up," I said and kissed the top of her head.

After a few moments, Tallia's breathing leveled out. Rather than risk waking her again, I moved my conversation with Cryo to my head. 'What do you think I should start with? I clearly need to figure out what to do about the recon squad, but I also need to start training my Pokémon.'

[It's a delicate balance, Landon. The recon squad is here with their own objectives, and while their assistance can be valuable, it's important to maintain control over the situation. Establish clear boundaries and ensure that their goals align with ours. As for training your Pokémon, enhancing their abilities will be crucial in facing the challenges ahead. Focus on strengthening the bond with each of them and exploring their unique capabilities.]

Nodding in agreement with Cryo's advice, I carefully eased myself out from under Tallia, making sure not to disturb her peaceful slumber. As I stood up, Cryo followed me.

[Take one step at a time, Landon. Addressing the immediate concerns with the recon squad I think is what is most important. You can't be worrying about them, and your girls like Tallia and Jolene who can't enter Prisma yet. The sooner you can capture both of them, the better.]

I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. Cryo had a point, but this catching women business wasn't something that I could rush. The last thing I wanted to do was have another incident like with Lusamine. Yesterday brought that fact back to light.

Even if Lusamine said she was fine about it now, there was no denying that I captured her against her will. That made me feel like a shitty person, no matter how necessary it had seemed at the time. I wanted to make sure that never happened again.

After freshening up, I quietly moved around the living room, but Tallia was still sleeping. While contemplating the next steps, the scent of breakfast wafted in from the kitchen. I looked up to see Jolene was already busy preparing a meal for everyone. It seemed she was making an effort to make the recon squad feel welcome.

As I approached the kitchen, the aroma of cooking food filled the air. Jolene glanced over her shoulder and smiled. "Morning, Landon. Sleep well?"

"Morning, Jolene. Yeah, I did. Thanks for letting us crash here," I replied, appreciating the hospitality.

She waved it off. "No problem at all. Everyone needs a place to rest, especially with everything going on. Breakfast will be ready soon. Sit down, relax."

Taking a seat at the kitchen table, I watched as Jolene moved around with practiced ease. Despite the unusual circumstances, it felt like a normal morning. It was a strange contrast to the complex challenges awaiting us.

"I see that you and my daughter finally got some alone time last night," Jolene said offhandedly as she cooked, catching me off-guard.

"Umm, yeah. The two of us talked for a while and then fell asleep. I think she is still tired from her battles yesterday," I explained, and Jolene laughed.

"I am sure she is. Tallia works hard, but we both know that isn't the life I want for her. I don't think she wants this life anymore either," Jolene sighed but then turned to me with a devilish grin. "That is why you need to romance her more!"

I could only laugh and roll my eyes at her. Jolene was more than just special to me, and her daughter meant just as much. Jolene was just not what anyone would expect of a single mother, or maybe I didn't know enough about women.

"I am trying my best!" I laughed, but then let out a sigh. Tallia was just sleeping in the other room. In fact, she probably wasn't even sleeping at this point. Just pretending so she could listen to her mother and I talk.

Jolene just gave me a playful look that made me roll my eyes. "I am going to go check on the recon squad. I kind of feel bad for Dulse, since I am sure that the women took the bed."

Jolene chuckled, giving me a knowing look. "Well, they're guests, and we should make sure they're comfortable. Just be yourself, Landon. They seem like serious individuals, but a little warmth wouldn't hurt."

With a nod, I decided to follow Jolene's advice. I made my way to Tallia's room, quietly opening the door. Inside, the Ultra Recon Squad members were waking up, their grayish-white skin a stark contrast to the vibrant colors of the room.

Dulse was indeed sitting on the bed, looking somewhat uncomfortable. Zossie and Soliera, on the other hand, were inspecting the various items in the room with genuine curiosity.

"Morning, everyone. Hope you slept well," I greeted them, and Dulse gave me a small nod while the women offered polite smiles.

"We appreciate your hospitality," Soliera said, her professional demeanor intact even in the early hours of the day.

Zossie just gave me a look that said "Don't talk to me unless you want to die." I really didn't know what was up with this girl, but she was starting to remind me of Lusamine. Just more dirty looks than verbal abuse.

"If you don't mind, can we use the bathroom?" Soliera asked. "We have to apply UV-blocking paste."

"Go ahead," I said, and Soliera nodded, and turned to Dulse.

"Come, I will do you first," She said, and Dulse nodded as he slowly got up. The floor had clearly not been good for him last night.

The two of them left the room fairly fast, and suddenly I was left with the doom glare, I mean Kossie. I wanted to leave the room, but she was just staring at me like I had kicked her Pokémon or something.

"Did I do something that offended you?" I asked, and Kossie finally broke eye contact.

"You're nothing but a womanizer!" Kossie growled and then stared back at me. "How do you even sleep at night?!"

Not exactly the words I thought were going to come out of her mouth, but not completely unexpected. She wasn't wrong, but I didn't choose this life.

"I feel the same way," I said, and she blinked at me.

"So then why do you keep catching more women?!" Kossie demanded, and I nodded my head with a perturbed look.

"It is a real pickle. I need help to take care of this world, Prisma, but so far the only help I can get is female. I didn't make the rules, Ultramex did," I explained, and then turned things around. "This same Pokémon that made the one that is inside of me. Is it really good? Are Ultramex's intentions my real intentions, or am I just being used? Is what I am doing right? Can you answer any of these questions?"

Zossie crossed her arms, her expression softening a bit. "It's not about answering those questions for you. It's about figuring them out yourself. We don't know your true intentions, and we can't judge you for the choices you've made. But we do need to understand if our collaboration is based on mutual goals and trust."

I sighed, appreciating the honesty in her words. "I get it. And I understand your concerns. All I can promise is that I'm trying to do what's right, even if it means navigating through a lot of uncertainties. If you have any questions or reservations, feel free to voice them. Communication is key if we're going to work together. Dirty looks don't convey words. Just saying."

Zossie stared at me for a moment, her stern expression softening a bit more. "Fine, I'll keep that in mind. But don't think you can easily win me over."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," I replied with a smirk, appreciating her straightforwardness.

Before she could respond, Soliera and Dulse returned from the bathroom. Soliera had a satisfied smile on her face, having applied the UV-blocking paste, while Dulse looked more awake and less uncomfortable.

"I see you two talked. That is good," Soliera said, but then waved at Zossie. "Come, you are next, and then you can help me."

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