Paradise Pokeball System

Chapter 106: Devourer of Light

Chapter 106: Devourer of Light

Leaving the girls to apply their paste, Dulse and I headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Tallia and Jolene were waiting with a large breakfast covering the dining table.

"Seems our guests from another world are finally awake!" Jolene laughed as Dulse and I took seats.

"We didn't want to leave the room until Landon came and retrieved us. It is clear that he is still worried about our intentions, but that is a good trait to have," Dulse explained as Jolene piled food on his plate.

I expected him to start eating right away, but he only stared at all the food with wide eyes.

"Is there something wrong with the food? Or maybe you eat different things?" Jolene asked, starting to sound worried, but that was when Soliera and Zossie came down the stairs.

"We are just not used to eating food like this. A Pokemon named Necrozma stole our world's light, so the food we eat is engineered," Soliera explained as Zossie and her sat down. "This food also smells amazing!"

Necrozma. That was the same Pokemon that had trapped Ultramex, Cryo’s creator. I decided to keep this little fact to myself for now. Once I was sure I could trust these people, I would probe into the situation deeper.

Taking a deep breath in through his nose, Dulse let out a sigh as a sheepish grin formed on his face. "We normally don't have a large budget when we travel to other timelines. That means we have to get the cheapest foods, but this..." Dulse explained, trailing off. "...this not only smells amazing, but it looks good enough to bring a man to tears."

Dulse didn't seem like the emotional type, but I gave him a pat on the back. "While you are here, I will make sure you have a chance to try some good food!" I laughed, and Jolene leaned over to fork another egg and two sausages onto his plate.

The recon squad members cautiously began to eat the breakfast, savoring each bite. It was evident that the taste and quality of the food were far beyond their expectations. Jolene, with a satisfied smile, continued to serve more dishes, ensuring everyone had their fill.

As the meal progressed, the atmosphere lightened. Laughter and casual conversation filled the kitchen, bridging the gap between worlds. The recon squad members, initially reserved, seemed to appreciate the warmth of the moment.

Jolene, ever the hostess, joined in the conversation, asking about their world, their experiences, and their goals. The recon squad shared bits of their journey, shedding light on the challenges they faced in their dimension.

During the meal, I received a notification on my Prisma device. It was an incoming transmission, and the caller ID displayed "Captain Phyco."

I frowned at this, but Soliera spoke up after swallowing her food. "The captain already has your number, and I let him know we made contact with you. He wanted to wait until we had talked and got to know each other a bit before he talked to you."

Nodding at this, I stood up from the table and headed into the other room before answering my phone. "Hello?"

"Landon. Good to finally have a chat with you. I hope that the squad members are all treating you with respect?" Captain Phyco asked, and I held back my laugh.

"Yes, for the most part. I can't blame their uneasiness, but having them here so suddenly puts me in a bit of a bind. I am sure you can understand why," I explained.

"While I do understand, time is not a luxury we have. We have been tracking the unnamed group we labeled as the Endbringers for longer than you have been alive. I have it on good authority that one of them will be entering the timeline you are in within these next two days. We don't know the exact location, or who is coming, we just know something is."

Great. Just what I needed. Before speaking again, I slipped on my shoes and headed outside. Everyone was still eating, but I didn't want to be overheard. This news was already giving me a bad feeling in my gut.

"So, where do we go from here? What can your team do to help me with this, or are they even here to help me?" I asked bluntly. This Phyco was clearly their leader, so if I was going to get some answers, they were going to come from him.

Captain Phyco's voice remained steady as he responded, "Our primary objective is to deal with the Endbringers. We have encountered them in various dimensions, and their motives remain a mystery. However, they pose a significant threat, not only to our world but to multiple timelines. Your unique abilities and connection to Prisma are the first actual direct clue we have. For some reason, your accident interfered with their plans."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I get that, but what can your team do to assist? Do you have any information on the Endbringers that could help us prepare?"

"We have gathered intel over the years, but the Endbringers are elusive. They seem to have a knack for slipping through dimensions and leaving chaos in their wake. We'll share what we know but be prepared for surprises. Our team specializes in interdimensional travel and combat, and we can offer support in dealing with the Endbringers directly," Captain Phyco explained.

As he spoke, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and apprehension. Having an experienced team focused on dealing with the Endbringers was valuable, but the uncertainty of their arrival and the potential dangers that came with it weighed heavily on my mind.

"I appreciate your willingness to assist. We'll need all the help we can get," I replied, my thoughts racing with the upcoming challenges. "What information do you have on the Endbringers? Anything specific that could give us an edge?"

Captain Phyco sighed before continuing. "That has been one of our greatest downfalls. It has also cost us the lives of some of my recon squad. No one survives an encounter with them. That is why we coded them "Endbringers."

My heart sank at the grim reality of their encounters with the Endbringers. The name itself spoke volumes about the deadly nature of these entities.

"I understand the risks, but any information you have could be crucial," I urged, hoping that there might be some details that could help us prepare for the impending threat.

Captain Phyco hesitated for a moment before responding, "The Endbringers seem to be beings of immense power, capable of manipulating dimensions and causing catastrophic events. Before encountering you, we had no idea how they could do this, but I think that you hold the key. There is a good chance that these Endbringers are humans like you and your Pokémon that lives inside of you."

That was bothersome. I barely understood how Cryo worked, or how to use my powers for anything but catching Pokémon and people, along with changing Prisma. These Endbringers had to be masters of their systems, but were they even the same?

"Thank you for everything, and if you notice anything before I do, please give me a call," I said, wanting to end the call.

"Will do," Captain Phyco sighed, but then added, "Before I go, I just want to tell you that we are on your side. The three that I sent have worked with me for a very long time, and I even oversaw their training. You can trust them."

The call ended, and I let out a sigh, leaning against the side of Jolene's house. "What do you think of all of this?" I asked, and Cryo's glowing form appeared before me.

[I can't deny that it is a possibility. I have no information from the timeline that Ultramex is from, nor do I know anything about the Necrozma that trapped my creator. For some reason, Ultramex did not give me that information.]

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