Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead's Counterattack

Chapter 227

Ch 227 Beast Era (9.8)

Yan Luo naturally didn’t disagree with his son. Moreover, this was a precious female. Especially if she could possibly be an angel, he definitely wouldn’t let her go.

“Is XunMi willing to join YanYan Tribe?” No matter what, they still needed to ask for her opinion. They couldn’t force the angel to do something she didn’t want.

XunMi felt overwhelmed from becoming the center of attention. This uncle just seemed so kind. “I am willing. I hope I am not inconveniencing the group.” As long as it was her husband’s place, she was even willing to live in a nook or alley.

“There’s no inconvenience– It’s our honor that you are staying with us. No need to be so polite, please see this place as your own home. Our tribesmen are all very kind. If you need anything, you can ask that Yuan He to help you. He has so much free time every day so just feel free to order him around.” Yan Luo had immediately guessed his son’s wishes but he supported them. He would only be happy to have such a beautiful, warm angel as a daughter in law.

XunMi relaxed her distant courteous manner and began chatting with Yan Luo.

“Yuan He, first get XunMi settled in to her new place. Tonight, we’ll have a banquet and we’ll gather everyone together.” Yan Luo took a look at the sun falling into the horizon.

Yuan He nodded in agreement before turning back into a silver wolf. He leaned down in front of XunMi with his large tail sweeping at her leg, as if urging her to quickly get on. XunMi quickly responded. She jumped onto the silver wolf’s back. The next moment, when she began furiously petting the soft fur below her, XunMi’s entire aura changed.

After watching XunMi climb onto the wolf’s back, no one could doubt that she was an angel. In this world, females didn’t have any special powers. Now, suddenly seeing a female with the ability to fly, they could only assume she was an angel.

The silver wolf gallantly carried XunMi through the plaza before heading towards the cliffs. XunMi observed the caves entrances on the cliffs with curiosity. She had first thought that each cave would only be accessible through flying into the mountains. But now she saw that each entrance had a small path, snaking up from the plaza below all the way up to the caves. It seemed to have been constructed specifically for females.

Yuan He stopped in front of a large opening. Inside was both spacious and clean. It was obvious that this place was regularly tidied up. She tapped her chin, puzzled. There was no sign of anyone living in this place currently so why would there be a need to continue its’ upkeep?

“Mi, this is the designated place where the shaman lives. On your right is where our tribe’s current shaman lives. On your left is my cave. If you need anything, you just need to shout out and I’ll be there.” Yuan He brought XunMi to stand about two meters in front of the entrance and pointed out the two caves.

XunMi took a glance and nodded. En, it was just a small path’s walk away. Looking down, she realized that they were at least 30 meters high. But she could understand. When the rain season arrived, you could only find high ground to avoid being flooded.

“Yuan He, there’s already a shaman in the tribe. Would it really be okay for me to stay here?” XunMi worded her words carefully. She didn’t want her arrive to provoke the shaman. After all, she was here to spread friendship, not start fights.

Yuan He couldn’t resist. He reached out his hand and smoothed out XunMi’s long black hair. “There’s no problem. Uncle Tyre is a good person. He’s just a bit up there in age. He keeps talking about wanting to find an inheritor to his position. But many people just aren’t willing to learn. They think it’s too tiring, too much bitter work. That’s why Uncle Tyre has remained in the position of tribe shaman for all these years.”

Yuan He had quite a lot of respect for Tyre. In every tribe, besides the precious females, the shaman and priest were valuable. However, their tribe hadn’t seen a priest in many years. The previous priest went dormant a hundred years ago (ie in hibernation) and the tribesmen all say that he wouldn’t awaken.

The priest wasn’t selected by the people, but by the Beast God. XunMi didn’t know about this, and didn’t want to understand. She just needed to focus on how to accomplish her task properly.

“I’ll bring everything you need to you shortly. You can rest on the stone bed for a moment.” Yuan He led XunMi to the innermost section of the cave before leaving to grab necessities for XunMi.

XunMi had brought along her items from the forest. Shortly after, Yuan He brought Jacob and the rest over, quickly helping her arrange her things. Following that, Xi brought a large stone container out, placing it at the flat area near the entrance as XunMi requested.

The sun had yet to fully disappear behind the mountains. The cave was still lit with natural light. But as soon as the sun would disappear behind the mountains, the inside of the cave would turn into a plain of darkness.

XunMi didn’t like darkness. She wanted to use an oil lamp. With the help of her survival skill ability, she knew that all she needed was to use a specific animal’s skin, cook until oil came out, congeal it into wax, and place it with wax to fixate the oil lamp. The problem was that, although she had heard of the animal before, she wasn’t sure if they existed on this dimension.

After the entire tribe returned home from their daily activities, a large roar sounded from the grounds below. The light of a fire blaze ignited, casting a beautiful glaze on the plains. XunMi stood atop of the cliff looking down, feeling the simplest display of happiness.

When Yuan He led her down, the people at the bottom had already began to dance. Men of almost two meters tall danced a distinctive and unfamiliar dance form.

“Is this the new female? So white, she’s so small!”

“But she’s so beautiful. She was the one that came back together with the young tribe leader.”

“Guys, don’t all stare at her. Not unless you think you can beat the young tribe leader.” A few beast men sitting together whispered. There was no evil will in their words, it was just the purest form of communication.

XunMi’s lips curled upwards into a warm smile, ignoring the eyes following her as she continued to walk forward. She wanted to keep her calm and collected image.

But truthfully, she was always able to appear calm. Even now, when she saw something up ahead had caused curious tribe members to surround it, she was calm as usual. Even when she heard someone yell “This female is hurt, go get Tyre!”, her expression never changed. But when she saw the clothing on the female currently being carried by a beast man, XunMi forgot all about her calm image.

My god! Who can tell her: who was the girl wearing the same modern clothing as her?!

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