Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 106: A Discussion on Kingship

Chapter 106: A Discussion on Kingship

"Uh, sorry to interrupt, Saber, but you are indeed at fault," Shinji suddenly interjected, just as Saber was clearing her confusion with Scáthach's guidance.

Irisviel glared at Shinji, and even Scáthach couldn't help but give her Master a stern look.

"No one thinks you're mute just because you're silent."

Saber, however, maintained her composure and asked in a deep voice, "Why do you say that? What did I do wrong?"

Shinji narrowed his eyes and looked at Saber's face with a hint of surprise, sighing softly. "That's the expression a blockhead King should have. It seems the old Void is a bit excessive."

"What?" Saber couldn't understand the meaning behind his cryptic words.

"It's nothing, just talking to myself."

Shinji waved his hand, signaling Saber not to mind.

"Don't misunderstand, I have no intention of belittling your kingship. On the contrary, among the four types of kingship tonight, it is your kingship that I admire the most. And the current mainstream values dictate that rulers should abandon personal desires and act selflessly. Of course, very few people can achieve that."

"So, in your eyes, Archer and Rider are the ones at fault?"

"Not exactly." Shinji scratched his head with some frustration. "King of Knights, in this world, there are very few absolute rights or wrongs. Different perspectives lead to different conclusions."

"What is a king? The ruler of a nation, the leader of a nation. What is kingship? It's the way of governing and leading the people. So, whether kingship is good or bad should depend on how those who are governed perceive it."

"Among the four types of kingship, Assassin doesn't lead the living, so let's leave that aside for now. Of the remaining three, Archer follows the path of egoism, placing himself at the center and considering himself superior. Rider follows the path of domination, the path of the conqueror, using strength to overpower others. You follow the path of righteousness, setting aside personal emotions and desires, wholeheartedly serving the country, making the nation the top priority in all matters."

"Kingship itself is neither superior nor inferior. The so-called kingship amplifies a part of human nature, and which type of kingship one would support is based on the instinct of human nature to seek benefits and avoid harm."

"Let me put it this way: If I were a king, I would support Archer because that way I would live the most comfortable and carefree life, doing whatever I wanted."

"If I were a subject, I would support Rider because that way I would have goals, ideals, aspirations, and motivation. By following such a king, maybe one day I could become a king too."

"If I were a commoner, I would support you. What the people desire is nothing more than stability and prosperity. If you can provide them with a good life, they will naturally support you. I am a commoner nowand I have no ambitions to stand above the masses. Without a doubt, I stand on your side."

"In this world, the majority are common people, so your approval rating is the highest. However, no matter the era, it is always a minority who holds the most power of speech, so Rider's dominance also has a market. As for Archer, everyone has that impulse to act recklessly, so even though no one wants such a boss, they can't completely deny him either."

"Since there is no superiority or inferiority in the path of kingship, and the reign of the kings has already passed, it ultimately depends on the will of the kings themselves. Rider didn't get angry when Archer claimed the Holy Grail belonged to him; instead, he acknowledged it and decided to take it in his way. Archer didn't get angry when you, Saber, said he had gone mad, nor did he get angry when Rider said he would seize his 'treasure.' He simply stated that speaking is not a crime, but once you all prepare to seize the Holy Grail, he will mercilessly punish you."

"In comparison, you, Saber, became angry because of Archer's words and wavered because of Rider's belittlement and 'king's military might.' Archer and Rider have both recognized the essence of kingship, but you haven't. That is your first mistake tonight, which makes you the biggest loser in this 'Holy Grail Q&A.' Do you admit to that?"

"I admit it, but there won't be another time," Saber replied calmly, having regained her composure. "You said this is the 'first' mistake, is there a second one?"

"Yes, and it's a fundamental mistake—your wish is wrong."

At this point, Shinji carefully studied Saber's expression and noticed slight changes, but she remained silent. It seemed that her mindset had indeed recovered and become even more resolute.

"I don't mean your wish is problematic in itself. It is not wrong to want to start over, to save a country that destroyed itself. Both Rider and Archer's countries were destroyed after their deaths, so they may not understand your feelings. Of course, I don't either. I'm only speaking to you now as a fan of the King for ten years, with a sudden burst of enthusiasm."

"Saber, do you remember what you just said? In your life, you have no regrets, no shame. Yes, no regrets. Everything you have done is flawless, making you the perfect king. Even if you were given a chance to start over, how would you change this outcome?"

Saber was at a loss for words.

Indeed, she had no regrets for everything she had done. Whether it was not acknowledging Mordred, not punishing Lancelot, or even marrying Guinevere earlier, she wouldn't regret it. Even if given another chance, she would still make the same choices.

At the end of this path, would it be inevitable to avoid the downfall of Britain?

Before Saber could answer, Shinji spoke again.

"Choosing a new king? That's even more ridiculous. Can you guarantee that the newly chosen king will do better than you? It's not flattery, but from what I know, in that era, there was no one in Britain more suitable to be king than you. Whether it's Gawain, Lancelot, or even Gareth, Kay, and Percival, none of them can match your selflessness. Having someone else as king will only result in a worse outcome, and Britain can fall under the hands of invaders."

"However, on the other hand, the era I understand is only through legendary stories. No matter how many people know about it, it wouldn't even reach one-thousandth of that era. Perhaps there are truly more exceptional individuals than you. Of course, the chances of that happening... I can only say that instead of hoping for that elusive figure, it's better to hope for you to have another chance, like a sudden illness causing Mordred to die before rebelling."

"Furthermore, choosing that path means that the journey you've taken, the efforts you've made, and the struggles you've shared with your subordinates will all be overwritten. It not only insults you, who dedicated everything to Britain but also insults the Round Table Knights who fought alongside you."

"Saber, do you want to deny them? Do you want to deny those who gathered under your banner and fought for you and Britain?"

"I—I—" Saber's face turned pale. She swallowed the bitterness in her heart and finally uttered those three words, "I refuse!"

She could disregard what would happen to herself, but she couldn't deny the companions she had fought alongside, those irreplaceable comrades. "What should I do?"

Weakness and helplessness appeared on Saber's face once again.

Shinji couldn't bear it in his heart, but he had to toughen up.

"I can't answer that for you. That answer can only be found by yourself."


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