Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 133: Aerial and Land Combat

Chapter 133: Aerial and Land Combat

King of Heroes, King of Conquest, King of Knights, whose ride is the most badass?

Undoubtedly, it is the King of Heroes. Shining brightly and distinct from any modern aircraft, the majestic spaceship soars through the sky, exuding an unparalleled level of coolness.

In second place is the awe-inspiring Gordius Wheel of the King of Conquest.

To be fair, while classical chariots and modern sports cars may be favored by some, this chariot can fly and emits electric lights and thunder while speeding through the air. With added special effects, it easily surpasses the sports cars.

The following scene unfolds naturally, with the flamboyant "Vimana" and the grandiose "Gordius Wheel" acknowledging each other's presence.

"King of Conquest!"

"King of Heroes!"

The two kings confront each other across space.

Archer's pride remains unchanged: "How is your condition tonight? Are you prepared to be defeated by me?"

Rider's aura surpasses his past self: "You are the one who should be prepared to be plundered by me. Tonight, I have transcended perfection and become more powerful than ever before."

Rider's current strength stems from Waver's three command spells.

When using command spells to enforce mandatory orders, the more abstract the content, the lower the effectiveness. In this regard, Waver's commands lack specificity, resulting in the wasteful consumption of command spells. However, on the other hand, when absolute commands are not used to distort the will of the Servant but rather to act based on mutual agreement, command spells not only possess coercive capabilities but also become auxiliary means to enhance the Servant's abilities.

Although Waver's method of usage does indeed have limited effects, the content aligns with the intentions of the Servant, and with three consecutive command spells, they do impact Rider. As long as Rider acts in pursuit of "victory," he will receive an abundant supply of magical energy.

In short, the current Rider is in an unprecedented "excellent state," an outcome that neither Waver nor Rider himself expected.

Archer's gaze is sharp as a knife as he scans Rider from top to bottom.

"The aura you emit is indeed stronger than usual. Very well, only in this state are you worthy of making me serious. Let's start with the chariot you take so much pride in!"

"Alright then, let's warm up with an aerial battle," Rider responds. In an instant, the immense magical energy contained within the chariot is released, producing thunder and lightning ten times more powerful than before.

Simultaneously, Archer unveils his "Gate of Babylon," with ripples one after another enveloping Vimana, revealing various Noble Phantasms within.

Accompanied by the bellow of a divine bull, Rider launches the first attack. Thunderbolts as thick as water barrels descend from the sky, directly striking Archer's golden spaceship. The King of Conquest, Iskandar, has spent his entire life invading and conquering, and the first strike represents the embodiment of his conquest.

Archer coldly snorts and remains motionless on his throne. When the thunderbolt approaches Vimana, just ten meters away, another thunder and lightning strike occurs.

This lightning is different from the lightning summoned by Rider. The latter lies between blue and white, while the former is a dazzling golden lightning.

Blue and white, intertwined with gold, countless small bolts of lightning dart across the sky. The two colliding lightning bolts neutralize each other, dissipating into a fine web of electricity that fades away.

Archer and Tohsaka Tokiomi on Vimana remain unharmed.

"Thunder and lightning are not your privilege, Rider."

Archer raises his head, looking down upon Rider. The deployed "Gate of Babylon" unleashes six consecutive Noble Phantasms, spears and swords gleaming like shooting stars with radiant tails, confronting Rider.

Rider pulls the reins with force, the divine bull strides forward, and the Divine Wheel of the King of Conquest swiftly transitions from a standstill to high speed, instantly accelerating to a level comparable to professional racing. With the increased relative velocity gained from the sudden acceleration, the chariot finds a hair-thin gap amidst the barrage of projectile Noble Phantasms and maneuvers through.

However, Archer's Noble Phantasms do not give up the pursuit just because one attempt misses. Three of the six Noble Phantasms, the battle-axe, the scythe, and the curved blade, suddenly change direction and continue to closely trail behind the Divine Wheel of the King of Conquest.

Just before they are about to hit their target, the Divine Wheel of the King of Conquest suddenly brakes, as if the inertia from the high speed doesn't exist at all, causing all the pursuing Noble Phantasms to futilely disappear into thin air.

Just as Rider successfully evades all the attacks, the two divine bulls once again transition from a standstill to rapid acceleration, dragging two thunderbolts as they dash toward Vimana.

"Playing these little tricks to the fullest!"

Archer smirks slightly and reaches out to touch the steering wheel of Vimana. The golden ship immediately increases its speed in one breath, displaying a graceful flight that surpasses the aerial maneuverability of fighter jets, effortlessly evading the charge of the divine bulls. The flight speed of this celestial Noble Phantasm, praised in epic poems, is as fast as thought itself, completely defying the laws of physics.

The divine bulls roar to the sky once again, and the thunderous path beneath their feet twists in mid-air, continuing the pursuit of Vimana, which had managed to dodge them momentarily.

However, Archer only responds to the second threat with light laughter. Once again, he deploys his "Gate of Babylon" and retrieves two shields, throwing them into the air to block the thunderbolts.

"How amusing... It's been a while since I've played such an exhilarating game. The last time was probably when I competed in flight speed with 'him.'"

The crimson eyes of the King of Heroes gradually fill with a fanatical hue. Vimana ascends rapidly, with Rider's Divine Wheel closely following behind. The two sides rush to the top of the night sky, unleashing an even more intense deathmatch in the extremely high altitude.

One side is the Divine Wheel pulled by the divine bulls, symbolizing the incarnation of Zeus. The other side is the glorious ship from myth and legend.

One side calls upon the lightning authority wielded by the gods, while the other unleashes an endless rain of Noble Phantasms.

This is a confrontation rooted in myth and legend, a competition that surpasses human imagination.

The Hero King of Babylon hailed in the oldest epics.

Having trampled across the continents of Asia, Europe, and Africa, he established an unprecedented empire as the King of Conquest.

These two unparalleled kings engage in a back-and-forth exchange thousands of meters above the ground, refusing to yield to each other.

In terms of the performance of their respective vessels and the variety of their weapons, the King of Heroes holds the advantage. However, the Rider, who manifests as a cavalryman, possesses an A+ Riding skill and compensates for the shortcomings of the chariot's performance and armament with exceptional driving techniques. The aerial battle presents an overall situation of evenly matched forces.

After more than ten minutes of intense combat, Archer begins to feel a slight impatience. Aerial battles may appear dazzling, but in reality, they are a process of exchanging shots and constantly evading. Continuing further would only result in a mundane endurance contest.

"Hey, Rider, it's about time to wrap up this warm-up battle."

"I was just thinking the same. Although aerial battles are entertaining, a true man should keep his feet on the ground. Then, let this strike mark the end of our warm-up."

The magical power entwined around the thunderous hooves and the Divine Wheel of Conquest reaches its peak for the night, becoming synonymous with the authority of the heavenly god Zeus.

"[The Distant Dominance]——!!!"

With a signature roar, Rider unleashes the full divine might of the chariot, hurtling towards Archer with an unparalleled and magnificent force, carrying the thunder of the gods. He charges towards the enemy that the king has identified.

Archer no longer maneuvers and evades like before. He opens layer upon layer of defensive Noble Phantasms and engages Rider in a clash with an equally grand demeanor.

A massive firework explodes in the sky above Fuyuki City, covering the entire Shinto district, and casting a radiance that will be unforgettable for anyone who witnesses it.

The hands of the clock return to their starting position, marking the end of the old day and the beginning of a new one.

The normally bustling streets are now even quieter than usual.

The continuous string of events seems to have terrified the residents who usually stay up late, and in these past few days, they have obediently heeded the call to avoid going out at night and stayed at home. Even the roads are devoid of cars, with only the dim light of street lamps illuminating the cold asphalt exposed to the winter chill.

The deserted streets, devoid of human activity, give the feeling of being immersed in a life-sized toy scenery. If we were to call places that are incomprehensible to ordinary people "otherworldly," then tonight's Fuyuki City truly lives up to that name.

And it is in this "otherworldly" realm that exists for the descent of the two kings from the sky.

Thousands of meters in altitude, enough to turn an ordinary person into a pile of flesh, but not enough to kill the Servants and the Masters protected by them.

If Waver could see the sun of tomorrow, he might never forget this thrilling sensation that sends shivers down one's spine. There are moments in this world that are called "real moments." It is a time when the naked souls, liberated from all deceit and falsehood, gain a profound understanding of the vast universe that lies before them, a moment that shakes their very souls.

Waver is now experiencing this feeling. At this moment, although there are no definite answers, he can accept all the mysteries and contradictions in the world. At this moment, although there are no words to explain, he can feel the meaning of existence and the value of death. It is a moment of supreme happiness, free from all the confusion and chaos that cause suffering in life.

"Are you scared, kid?" Rider notices Waver trembling and quietly asks him.

The young boy doesn't try to put on a brave front and nods honestly.

"Yeah, I'm scared. Or should I say, 'the exhilaration of the soul' in your words?"

Waver's nervous reply brings a satisfied smile to the face of the King of Conquest.

"That's right. The stronger the enemy, the more intense the desire to taste the sweet wine of victory. Hmph, you're starting to understand more and more."

Rider fearlessly speaks with courage.

This is the fourth and undoubtedly the final encounter between the two. The Hero King of Babylon and the legendary King of Conquest. They openly occupy both lanes of the four-lane road at the foot of Mount Enzou.

For them, the only obstacles ahead are each other. There is only one road leading to the mountaintop, with no way to avoid it or retreat. This is the battlefield where the fate of kings is determined when they clash with their dominance.

"Kid, wait here for a moment."


"Tokiomi, wait here as well."


As if they had made an agreement, the two of them confidently approached each other with proud strides.

They were not just martial artists testing their skills; they were rivals competing for dominance. As such, they must adhere to the appropriate etiquette before their clash.

"You won the warm-up battle, King of Conquest. I won't give you any more chances from now on."

In the final clash in the sky, Vimana's broken wings came first, followed by the shattering of the divine chariot's wheels. Although this mutually destructive result could be considered a draw, the pride of the Hero King does not allow him to do so.

Rider, victorious in the initial battle, exudes even greater momentum. "I will keep winning until I achieve ultimate victory. But between our last feast, we should have had an agreement. Before we determine life and death, let's finish the remaining wine. Although it was disrupted by that clueless bastard last time, there's still a bit left in the bottle. You can't deceive the eyes of this king."

"Indeed, as the King of Usurpers, you keep a close eye on everyone else's possessions."

Archer forced a bitter smile as he retrieved a complete set of drinking utensils from the "Gate of Babylon" from another world. He poured every last drop of the divine sake remaining in the bottle into two cups, and the two kings, like boxers throwing punches, solemnly clinked their cups.

"King of Babylon, this is the final question of the banquet."

"I grant you permission. Go ahead."

With the wine cup held in his hand, Iskandar's expression, though serious, still retained a mischievous childlike innocence in his eyes as he began to speak.

"If I were to arm my 'King's Military Might' with your 'King's Treasury,' there is no doubt that we could form an invincible army to conquer the world. That guy called the President in the Western countries probably wouldn't stand a chance, right?"

"Hmm, and then?" Archer responded.

"Would you like to become an ally of mine? As long as the two of us form an alliance, we can surely conquer the ends of the stars."

The King of Heroes burst into laughter as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"You are quite an amusing fellow. Only someone who isn't a clown could say such foolish things and make me laugh so heartily. It's been a while since I felt this way."

Although Archer laughed, the chilling aura emanating from him showed no sign of diminishing. For this Golden King, the desire to kill was almost synonymous with pleasure.

"However, unfortunately, I don't need a second friend. From the past to the future, I have only one friend—and the world doesn't need two kings either."

Upon hearing this resolute reply, the King of Conquest did not show a disappointed expression. He simply nodded silently.

"So, it's the solitary path of kingship. Let me challenge your unwavering ideals with respect, then."

"Very well. Show your true self, King of Conquest. You are a thief who deserves my judgment."

The two kings finished the last drop of the exquisite wine, discarded their empty cups, and without looking back, turned and returned to their original positions.

Waver nervously witnessed the final toast between the two, sighing as he welcomed the return of the kings.

"You two get along quite well, don't you?"

"Somewhat, but we are about to face each other in battle. He may be the last person I will ever have an eye-to-eye confrontation with in my life. How can I not treat him with respect?"

"Don't say such silly things."

Waver replied in a low voice, contradicting Iskandar's half-joking remark.

"There's no way you could be killed. I don't agree with that. Have you forgotten my incantation?"

"You're right, that's true."

Rider revealed a determined smile and drew his sword from his waist.

"Gather, my comrades! Tonight, our heroic figures will leave behind the strongest legend!"

In response to the king's call, the raging sandstorm echoed and howled.

Gathered from the other side of time and space, the longing of the spirits who once shared the same dream with the king took shape beneath the sword of Sepulcher.

United as one, everyone looked towards the hazy horizon, blurred by the heat, as if trying to see through the vast and boundless blue sky.

The hearts of the heroes, yearning for the battlefield, transcended time and eroded reality, transforming the silent mountain foothills into a hot sand plain ravaged by fierce winds.

One after another, noble spirits rushed to the prepared stage of the decisive battle.

"Ah, ah..."

For Waver, this was the third time he witnessed the might of the Ionioi Hetairoi. Though no longer surprised, after understanding the profound meaning contained within the ultimate Noble Phantasm that embodied Iskandar's kingship, he couldn't help but feel a touch of reverence.

The resplendent elite cavalry—the bond between the King of Conquest and his vassals that transcended the boundaries of the mortal realm and the underworld.

This group of warriors, elevated to eternity, cared not where the battlefield manifested—as long as the King of Conquest raised the banner of dominion once again, his subjects would immediately rally to his side, no matter where they were.

That was the glory of being with the king.

That was the joy of fighting alongside a king, a thrill that made the blood race.

"The enemy is the invincible King of Heroes, and I have no complaints about facing such an opponent! Men! Let us show our dominance to the ancient heroes!"

"Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh!!"

In response to Iskandar's roar, the army let out a resounding cheer that shook the heavens.

Facing this vast and numerous army alone, Archer showed no trace of fear on his face. He stood calmly and proudly, like a majestic solitary peak. Only a demigod Heroic Spirit could possess such sublime and awe-inspiring power.

"Come at me, Lord of Conquest. Now you shall witness the true form of a king..."

With Waver by his side, the King of Conquest mounted his steed, Bucephalus, and led the army of Heroic Spirits in a wedge formation charging towards the Hero King.

Rider, taking the lead, let out a resounding howl, and the cavalry echoed his cry. Amidst the thunderous sound of their charge, Waver, with his still youthful voice, shouted as loudly as he could in unison—



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