Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 109: “The Swordswoman and the Observer Break Up”

Chapter 109: “The Swordswoman and the Observer Break Up”

But you still havent solved your most imminent crisis.

Sonya rested her chin on her hand, Listening to you, the Blood Moon Tribunal on the 27th will definitely result in many deaths. What if you get put on the list for the Blood Moon Tribunal? It feels like some kind of omen the more perfect your plan is, the less likely youll survive to carry it out.

Of course she didnt stretch her long legs over, it wasnt actually comfortable lying on the boat since it wasnt a bed. She was just feeling playful and wanted to provoke the Observer a little, to test his tolerance limits towards her.

The result was naturally very ideal.

Soon, soon, the day she could free the Observer from his shackles and make him her own chariot was approaching!

Ashe naturally didnt know about Sonyas wicked thoughts. His eyes were fixed on the virtual world map in the light screen as he said, Then lets just initiate the plan directly, cause a massive prison riot.

But we dont have a ship

Even without a ship, there are other methods to get through the shark swarms in Shattered Lake. It will just require some bloodshed. The biggest inconvenience without a ship is not being able to get ashore safely. When we arrive, there will definitely be hunter squads surrounding the escaped death row convicts. Although its basically impossible to escape, its still better than waiting to die in the Blood Moon Tribunal.

Sonya nodded. This was indeed the best option in the worst case scenario. However, in her mind she refreshed her perspective of the Observer a little. Because of last nights coquetry, she thought the Observer was someone indecisive with delicate thoughts. She didnt expect that when it came time to be ruthless, he would be just as decisive.

Even though Sonya said easily in front the Obeserver, but in truth, if she was locked up in Shattered Lake Prison, facing the heavily guarded isolated institution controlled by chips, she might not have the resolve to attempt a prison break, let alone plan a riot.

Because a prison break was more than just breaking out of prison, it was resisting national institutions and challenging the ruling class. Even if she succeeded in escaping, what awaited her would be endless pursuit and manhunts. Every time she opened her eyes she would have to face ubiquitous malice. Even in the sprawling city there would be no safe place for her.

Compared to death, such suffocating pressure was perhaps even more terrifying.

However, while the Observer sometimes revealed his weaker side, he was unambiguous about the prison break. He knew the might of Blood Moon Kingdom well, he was even captured by the Blood Mad Hunters himself. He knew even better about Blood Moon Kingdoms strong control over society, and he knew the precarious life of constantly looking over his shoulder that awaited him after the escape.

Yet in his words, he never revealed a shred of fear towards Blood Moon Kingdom.

Sonya could only attribute it to the self-confidence brought about by his revival of the strong, or perhaps

He was fearless by nature.

Theres an adolescent Slash Fish Dragon up ahead, wanna take it down?

Lets do it! I just thought of an amazing opening move, maybe we can knock out the Slash Fish Dragon in one hit.

As the small boat cut through the white fog, Sonya soon started getting scattered senses: the sound of fish scales scraping the sandy ground, the Slash Fish Dragons bubbling, the smell of the sea Although not as perceptive from a distance as the Observer when it came to cognitive creatures, Sonyas Expel the Arcane Venom allowed her to collect biological information about cognitive creatures through the fog, letting her prepare for battle early. Her right hand lightly grasped the hilt of her sword.


The small boat suddenly took a sharp turn, instantly dissipating all the momentum Sonya had gathered. She complained, What are you doing?

There was some excitement in Ashes voice. I discovered a very strange place behind the Slash Fish Dragon, it might be a Miracle Isle.

In the Virtual World Map, he saw silvery radiance spreading out behind and to the right of the Slash Fish Dragon, forming a sparkling prompt:

Come quickly!

Weve finally encountered another Miracle Isle? Sonya straightened her back, This time we must round up all the spirits! Not a single one can escape!

But as they drew closer to the target area, Ashe and Sonya both felt something was wrong the fog here was as dense as milk white, visibility lowered until Ashe and Sonya in the small boat couldnt even see each other!

More and more knowledge flowed into their consciousness. Ashe was fine, but Sonyas mind flashed continuously as she felt she had broken through one barrier after another in her swordsmanship, quickly resolving all her current difficulties. All that was left was to practice it in reality to confirm her thoughts and ideas!

Sailing through the virtual world absorbing the fog itself increased faction experience. Although Ashe and Sonya had both awakened their Silver Wings, unable to continue aggregating arcane power, their swordsmanship factions that hadnt broken through to gold level could still gain experience from absorbing the fog.

However, these fog experiences were very subtle, often only taking effect when the sorcerer researched or did battle. Fog as rich as this that allowed sorcerers to continuously break through obstacles was almost comparable to Experience Orbs!


The moment the small boat stopped, the fog in front of them roared open, revealing the small island hidden within.

The next second, Ashe and Sonyas expressions changed dramatically!

If there were cognitive creatures, sorcerer projections, or other sorcerers on the island, they wouldnt be so shocked.

However, what entered their vision were two chairs!


They exchanged a glance. Ashe instinctively lowered his voice to ask, Do you know what this place is?

No memory of it. Should we leave? Sonya was also a little cowardly.

Their fear was natural. If it was just one chair, they definitely wouldnt think much of it, but two chairs meant this island knew two people would come!

Yet besides the two of them, all the sorcerers in the virtual world travelled alone!

It was like when travelling in an unfamiliar city, suddenly finding a hundred dollar bill, only to discover upon closer look it said: Hello Ashe, take this and spend it.

That chill and fear of being watched by an unknown existence, anyone would be afraid.

Ashe took another look at the Virtual World Map to confirm it really did say Come quickly. Determined, he steeled himself to go ashore: Dont be scared. At worst we just give up a life in the virtual world. Weve both awakened our Silver Wings anyway so theres no real loss if we die.

But what if its another certain death situation like Expel the Arcane Venom?

Trust me!

Seeing Sonya was still reluctant, Ashe directly pulled her onto the island he was afraid too, he needed someone to acompany.

The chairs were very ordinary chairs. They exchanged another glance before taking a deep breath and sitting down together.

Nothing special happened. The chairs didnt grow tentacles to tie them up either.

A while later, they sensed something and lowered their heads, only to find a piece of paper on their laps that hadnt been there before.

The instant they picked up the paper, they knew the game rules: Answer the questions that appear, answering incorrectly immediately ends the game, answering correctly allows you to continue answering. If the number of correct answers is greater than or equal to 1, the answerer gains the right to ask questions.

When Sonya looked at the paper, rows of words emerged:

Question Multiple Choice: What is the fundamental reason the Swordswoman and the Observer broke up?

1. The Swordswoman hates the Observers coldness

2. The Observer believes the Swordswoman is beyond control

3. Unequal division of spoils

4. All of the above

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