Chapter 154 Evenheart to the Rescue

Chapter 154 Evenheart to the Rescue

The helicopter is flying in the buffer zone.?There are hyperbeings fighting the beasts.

A temporary stronghold is surrounded by two to four-meter-tall beasts. The stronghold is made by earth magician.

The beasts are like an anthropod with six tall limbs and a sharp body and head. Their colors match the element they control.

Water bombs are flying to the stronghold.

Boom! Boom! Craters keep appearing on earthen wall. The earth magicians keep repairing them.





Many aura and magic skills are flying in the air.

A hyperbeing saw a blue giant beast moving closer.

The giant beast opened its sharp mouth, and threads of water element gathered and formed an energy ball.

"Shit! Big gun is coming!" Shouted the hyperbeing with sweat on his face.

A high-level hyperbeing ran, he jumped, and then a huge magic circle formed in the air. A fire dragon came out, then the hyperbeing landed on the dragon's head. The fire dragon flies.

He raised his right hand over his head and cast magic. Threads of fire elements gathered over the magic circle, forming a huge ball of fire.

The giant beast fired the energy ball.

Oom! A waterbeam rapidly flew to the top of the wall.

The hyperbeing reached the wall, then he threw the ball of fire.


BOOM! The firesun blocks the waterbeam, then it keeps moving down.

Bang! The firesun exploded with the beast.

The other hyperbeing on the wall wipes his sweat.

"If not for Mr. Sun, the temporary stronghold would have been destroyed. A descendant of the Sun family is really strong." Thought the hyperbeing, then he looks at the big number of beasts.

"Shit!" cursed the hyperbeing.

"Hmm?" The hyperbeing heard a helicopter, then he saw a woman in white armor jumped out of the helicopter.

The helicopter keeps flying away.

"What? One woman? How is that even useful?" thought the hyperbeing.

Merryl casts magic in the air.


Many ice swords came out of the magic circles.

WOOSH! The ice swords flew down with Merryl.

She stretched her left hand as she stands on an ice sword.


The ice swords rapidly fall.

CRUNCH! CRUNCH! SQUEEEK! The beasts scream as the ice swords stab their heads or bodies.

Merryl flew to crowd of beasts and keeps attacking with a rain dance.

The mouth and eyes of hyperbeings on top of the wall are wide open.

"W-Who is that girl?" asked the hyperbeing.

"She is Merryl Co of Evenheart Guild," said the descendant of the Sun Family. He also has an astonished face.

"How did she became so strong?" asked the descendant in his mind.

Merryl saw five big beasts moving to stronghold.

She directed the ice swords to move to the giants.

Rain Dance attacks the giants.

Clang! Clang! Clang! The bodies of the giants are like metal. The ice swords burst every time they hit their bodies.

The giant beasts fired water beams.

Bang! The water beams destroyed the ice swords as Merryl dodged the beams.

A huge magic circle formed in the air.

Merryl flies through the circle.


WOOSH! Merrly stands on the dragon's head. She released a lot of mana. White energy covered her whole body.

The ice dragon opened its mouth, then threads of ice element gathered and formed a huge white energy ball.

The giants are preparing for another attack.

The ice dragon fired the energy ball.


Oom! A white beam flew down from the sky.

Boom! It hits a giant, then it moves to the others as it expand.

All the giants have been turned into ice.

In another area of buffer zone, a temporary stronghold is also built. Yellow beasts are attacking.

Earth spikes are attacking the walls.

Many earth spikes are already stabbed on all sides of the wall.

Susan, wearing black armor, jumped from the helicopter. She spreads her arms and feet, then releases a lot of her aura.


The aura that covered Susan turned into a catwoman. Her fingers are clad with a sharp aura.

Magic circles flashed on her both hands, then threads of wind element rotate around her hands.

Susan rapidly rotates her body in mid-air.


Many wind blades flew down from the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Many beasts are cut. The wind blades that missed hit the ground, leaving blade marks.

Susan rides a wind and moves to a giant beast.

The giant faces Susan. It is forming an energy ball in its mouth.

Susan flies down.

Oom! A yellow beam moves into the air.

Susan jumped with a somersault, then she charges down to the beast as threads of wind rotate on her right hand.

She rotates her body in mid-air.

Flop! She landed on the body and near the head of the beast, then she swung her right arm.

WENNG! A huge wind blade flew from Susan's hand. The anthropod's big head separated, then its body started to fall.

Earth spikes are moving to Susan. She jumped with a backflip, then crossed her arms while her head faces the ground.

She swung her arms toward the beasts that attacked.


Slash of claws flew down.

Crunch! The beasts are cut.

Susan casts a wind wave, then she flies and moves toward the two yellow giants moving closer to the stronghold.

The giant beasts notice Susan.


The feline-form aura went into Susan. Her canine became longer, her iris turned yellow, and her pupil became vertical.

Oom! Yellow beams fly in the air.

Susan moves down. She rotates her body in mid-air and swiftly landed on the ground.

Bang! The ground cracked as she dashes toward the giants.


Five Susans suddenly appear. The other four are not real but are formed by her quick shadow steps.

Wind element flow into her hands as she runs.

Boom! Boom! Two giant earth spikes attacked the shadows.

Susan jumped with a backflip toward the giant.

Her head is facing the giant on the ground, and then she attack while in mid air.

A giant wind blade flew down.

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