Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 106 - One Hundred And Six : Relieved Of Your Services

Chapter 106 - One Hundred And Six : Relieved Of Your Services

Maya's POV

I swear I'm never drinking again.

I felt sick to my stomach and the urge overwhelmed me so much that I jumped out of the bed, racing to the toilet like a fox whose tail was set on fire.

I bent over and vomited everything into the toilet bowl while using one of my hands to gather back my hair which tried to get in the way.

By the time I was done, my stomach was empty, my throat raspy, and aching from retching too much. Exhausted, I leaned against the tiled toilet wall before sliding to the ground.

I was so hungover, I felt like dying. Being in a foul mood today was a given, judging from the splitting headache and body aches I was experiencing right now.

I cursed out loud when a knock sounded on the door. Who was it this early morning?

Oh right, I was still in Sakuzi's place.

Though the bed was empty when I woke, it couldn't be Niklaus on the door. The Niklaus I know wouldn't knock but walk in, so it could only be Sakuzi's people.

I groaned out loud when memories of last night flooded my mind plus the nonstop knocks on the door weren't doing me any good.

Lethargically, I rinsed my mouth and made it to the door but wasn't really surprised when I found out it was one of the maids.

"What is it? " I asked, irritated.

"Good morning ma'am, your presence is requested "

"Alright," I told her, inwardly I had already planned to go lay back on the bed. They didn't exactly specify the time my presence was needed right - exploiting that loophole, how smart of me.

Planning to shut the door close, I was surprised when she added,

"And this " She brought a tray containing a cup of hot coffee to my notice "Sir Niklaus said you should have this "

I shook my head, " I don't think I can stomach that at the moment "

The maid smiled " He knew you would say that, so he told me I should tell you that drinking coffee acts as a stimulant, and helps with the grogginess "

That sounded a lot like the nerdy side of Niklaus but I might die if I drink that.

"Still no. " I refused.

The maid still persisted " He knew you would say that and told me specifically 'Shove it down her throat if that stubborn ass still refuses ' "

I frowned, that definitely came from Niklaus, no need to be suspicious. And whenever he uses that tone, he means it.

"Fine, I'll drink it " I grumbled, took the mug from the tray, and tried to shut the door but the maid put her leg in the way.

My brows raised questioningly.

"He instructed me 'Make sure she finishes everything, not even a drop should remain and confirm it with your eyes ' "

I groaned and ran my hand through my hair vexed. How did this guy know me so well? After taking just a few sips of the coffee, I was planning on getting rid of the rest.

I bit my lips with an annoyed expression "Fine! " and brought the coffee to my lips, the tantalizing smell wafting into my nostrils.

I hoped it tasted as good as it smelt, the last time I tasted his coffee, it was insanely bitter thanks to Izzy's prank.

" Mmm," I couldn't help but moan when the liquid went down my throat, the taste was heavenly.

I had to give it to Niklaus though, he was really good at making coffees. If he quits his job as a CEO and sets up a coffee shop, he would really make millions out of it.

Though I wasn't much of a coffee lover I wouldn't mind waking every moment of my life to his coffee - what the hell was I saying? Both of us weren't together anymore.

My mood turned sour and the rest of the coffee in my mouth somehow tasted like shit but I swallowed them down.

"Done. Anything else? " I said with a sarcastic tone and handed the mug back to her.

"He instructed that you should take a glass of water since coffee is a diuretic and aggravates dehydration and - "

" And what again? " I interjected.

Why was he so bossy this morning?

"You have less than fifteen minutes to get your ass down cause I'm leaving or you can spend the rest of your life here " The maid conveyed with a tone and demeanor that was comically similar to Niklaus'.

"Duly noted, " I said to her and slammed the door shut, albeit not in her face.

It wasn't her fault I was feeling crappy this morning, no one had forced me into drinking - even though she was the same maid that served the wine yesterday.

I eyed the bed, it was so tempting, I wanted to have just a little rest but having known Niklaus' attitude, he would probably storm into the room and get my ass moving.

So I ignored the bed, took a glass of water instead as he instructed, and went into the shower.

After dressing up I felt a bit better, though a slight headache still remained. It was better than the dizziness and vomiting.

The moment I opened the door, I was startled out of my pants. Emerald stood right in front of the door as if he premeditated I would be coming out at that exact time.

"Let's go " He commanded and started down the hall.

I calmed my racing heart and followed after him to the living room where the others were already waiting for me.

Judy must have brought a change of clothes for Niklaus cause he was donning an outfit that wasn't from Sakuzi's wardrobe.

"You're here " Sakuzi expression was welcoming as soon as his sight fell on me.

I don't know what was wrong with me, this man was a bad man as said by Niklaus but truthfully, I didn't feel much dislike towards him - I must definitely be insane.

"Good morning Sakuzi " I greeted him without the hugs and kisses.

My eyes met with Nik's and I looked away, the memory of last night coming up in my mind.

It was just a snuggle, nothing else and last night marked the end of it.

"Let's go, " He said to me and I nodded.

"I would love to chat with you over tea sometime Maya," Sakuzi said as soon as I turned and I saw Niklaus pause in his footsteps, his jaw was tight and fist clenched.

I flashed Sakuzi a strained smile in response and left right away with Niklaus.

Alright, I might not feel threatened around Sakuzi but he definitely makes my skin crawl.

Once in the car, I sighed in relief - freedom at last - but my stomach growled loudly that very moment.

My hands flew to my tummy and I glanced sideways at Niklaus, wondering if he heard that.

But the person in question was staring out through the window, arm propped against it and caressing his jaw, as if in deep thought.

"ThankGod, he didn't hear that, " I said inwardly.

I couldn't help but take a second glance at him, he seemed to be lost in thought, was it because of the ledger?

I had no idea what that ledger worth but I wasn't stupid, Niklaus must be in deep trouble for handing it over to his enemy.

Would Adam do anything to him because of it? Well, Niklaus is his son, what could he possibly do to him?

Yes, it was Niklaus' fault I was kidnapped - If he hadn't killed Sakuzi's son - but secretly I was glad he had the guts to come and rescue me.

He knew the danger and risk yet still dived straight into it. But that doesn't mean I'm going back to him. Moreover, Sakuzi was against him settling down or whatever he's planning on doing.

So returning to Niklaus? Mission impossible.

"Stop there," Niklaus said to Judy out of nowhere.

At once Judy pulled up at a restaurant and my cheeks flushed, he definitely heard my stomach rumble earlier.

"Let's catch something to eat, " He said to me and stepped out of the car.

Unlike the restaurant Niklaus frequents, this one was so-so which confirmed the fact he only stopped here because of me.

We picked a table but Niklaus took it upon himself to choose the menu for both of us.

Expecting he would choose one of those sophisticated dishes, I was more than stunned when I was served chicken noodle soup, egg salad sandwich, and coconut juice.

"Stop staring at me like I'm Jesus " he complained when I didn't stop giving him a look.

"What's this? " I tilted the plate of chicken soup for him to take a glance.

"It's good for hangovers. The salt in the broth helps your body retain much-needed water, while the chicken provides protein and boosts liver detoxification " Niklaus explained and took a huge bite out of the hamburger he ordered for himself causing my mouth to water.

My expression was sullen, I didn't want this chicken soup or whatever it's called but there was nothing I could do, it was my fault for drinking.

So I had no choice than to dig into my meal. As awkward as the silence was, we still kept our thoughts to ourselves.

Halfway done with my meal, he suddenly said,

"You don't need to nanny my daughter anymore, you're relieved of your services "

What? A bomb must have went off in the background cause I didn't hear him well

"E-excuse me? "

"I want you to quit Maya "

Niklaus must be pulling my legs.

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