The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 103: The Drunkard

Chapter 103: The Drunkard



[The Quest GAIA'S TERRITORY has been completed]

[Claim The Rewards]

1] Gaia's Legacy

2] 10 Stat Points

3] 1 LIFE


"Huh? What's with more rewards?"

He was confused cause he had got the rewards just a moment ago.

"This reward... is it for completeing the quest? Then the previous one...", he tried to recall and after recalling he understood that the previous reward was a sub-reward for the [KILL AND SURVIVE].

"Uh, I have to check the inventory too but these rewards keeps popping up."

"It's not like I'm complaining or something but it should pop up at the same time and not separately.", he kept on saying many stuffs about the system's problem and all.

It was literally time pass and nothing else which he realised soon enough after 10 whole minutes.

"Hmm, but this is weird... 1 life!!?", he was intrigued by that word which was new to him.

It seemed that he had seen this word somewhere before but wasn't able to remember. But it was indeed new to him since he had never hit such a thing as reward.

'What's this 1 life reward?', he asked this to the system in his mind.

Immediately after that another system notification popped up.




-> A Specific characteristics given to the host that would allow him to resurrect one of his minions.

-> 100 life (points) would eventually turn into 1 resurrecting point which would essentially revive the host himself.


"The fuck!!!?", he was completely awed by the texts.

His mouth was left open and so were his eyes which appeared as if they would pop out any moment.

He could hardly believe at what he read because he was literally being given 2 lives!

"T-that's insane!!!", he screamed again because of the sudden shock that he got.

His mind was puzzled and wasn't able to comprehend what he had read just now.

"That's good... I mean I can easily go to fights without being worried much... but before that I need to collect Life points."

He thought for a minute and said, "System, show how many life points I have!"


Life: 01


The system immediately showed that he had only one life point right now which meant he couldn't use it on himself.

"Hmm, maybe I should try and get more life points somehow...", after saying this he took a look at the 10 stat points which he was aware of since earlier.

He just skipped seeing that or thinking much about it and then took a look at the first rewardnof this so called quest which was - 'GAIA'S LEGACY'

"Hmm, so what's this GAIA'S LEGACY?", he asked himself.

He turned back a bit only to find Wolfy in deep sleep so he just went and sat on the small sofa that was provided in the room.

"Let's take a look at what this is...", while saying this he immediately asked for its details.



-> A legacy left by The Great Wise man Gaia.

-> He discovered a secret power which swelled inside all living as well as non living beings.

-> It was similar to the so called mana but was quite advanced.

-> It would never deplet on it's own and would be regerated immediately.

-> Essentially it could be concluded that mana was derived from Gaia.

-> The Legacy Contains 3 things in total:

1] Skill : Gaia Sense

2] Gaia's Armour

3] The Black King's Crown


"Wow... this person Gaia, he sure is amazing to find these out.", he thought for a second.

All the things that were mentioned were out of the ordinary so it was obvious to get shocked.

"And I got another skill? What's with this influx of so many skills!!!? On top of that an armour and a crown too!?"

It was too weird because the system was never so generous to offer so many things at once.

More than that, the skill and armour were a bit worrisome.

He took a look at the last part of the legacy and asked himself, "What was the black kings crown doing with Gaia?"

There were too many mysteries which were confusing him even more so he decided to just accept all the rewards.

"Okay, accept everything.", he didn't check what the characteristics of the skills and armours were.

Neither did he check the function of the crown. He was already exhausted and that was why he decided that he would see them sometime later.

"Phew, I'm too tired right now to even check the inventory...", he said.

Then he jumped on to the bed and closed his eyes expecting a nice and comfortable nap.

But the moment he went to the bed, his heart started to beat even faster.


"What's this sense of uneasiness that I'm feeling.", it was too weird for him.

Everything was too quiet as if there was no one in the dorms.

Usually the boys would stay up late and play games and make fun which would be easily heard by Jay but right now there was no one.

He wasn't even able to feel anyone's presence.

He immediately got up and opened the door and looked outside only to find the campus completely empty.

There were no lights on and there were no watchmen or guard either.

"That's why no one came and said anything when I had screamed earlier...", he sighed.

"But where might have they gone?", only his room lights were on in the entire campus so he was feeling a bit ominous.

"Wolfy Let's...", he was about wake Wolfy when suddenly he felt someone standing behind him.

"Who!!!?", he immediately turned back only to find a shabby looking drunk yard standing in front of him.


The man was still drinking alcohol in front of Jay and was staring at him.

He then suddenly pointed his finger towards Jay and said, "You... I have kidnapped your sister."

"Huh...?", suddenly Jay got angry by listening what he said.

But he didn't believe his words since he could see that the man was clearly a drunkard whose words couldn't be believed just like that.

Jay immediately pulled out his phone and called her sister.



"Huh? That's weird... she isn't picking up?", it was somewhat understandable that it was already late and maybe that's why she wasn't picking it up.

But he knew his sister well. She was a type that would gossip and boast a lot.

She wouldn't just cease her chatting even until late night and would sometime be talking till the morning.

That was why he and his mother were forced to shut her and say her to sleep many times.

He called her again but yet again there was no response.

It would ring but she wouldn't pick it up and it would end with a missed call.

The drunkard gulped some alcohol and said, "She won't pick her call no matter how many times you call her."

*gulp gulp*

He had drank almost half of the alcohol and was still drinking.

Jay suddenly stared at him and said, "How the fuck do you know that?"

His eyes had a weird reddish black Shine as if he was glaring at the drunkard.

Jay called his sister's phone again but still she wasn't picking it up.

"Fool, didn't I just say she won't pick it up? See here...", the man flashed a phone to Jay.

"Huh? That phone... why does it seem similar to my sister's?", he asked.

"It can't be...", he failed the number again only to find that the light was shining from the phone which marked that someone was calling.

Jay finally realised that it indeed was his sister's phone but he couldn't believe that she was kidnapped.

He had placed an artifact that was like a talisman on her and even if someone touched her, he would easily know so it was definitely weird that he didn't feel anything wrong happening.

'Was it when I had fainted?', he thought.

After the quest he was tired and exhausted due to which he had fainted so he thought that it might have been at that moment when such a thing might have happened.

"WHERE IS MY SISTER?", Jay asked this while letting out a huge amount of murderous aura.

The drunkard didn't cease drinking.

He said, "Your sister? Hmm... take this phone away from me and I will tell where your sister is."

*gulp gulp*

Immediately after saying that he started drinking again.


Jay immediately rushed towards him with all his power while giving out a large amount of killing intent.

The man easily dodged and vanished the next moment.

"Where the fuck did he go?", he started looking here and there when suddenly he heard someone shout.

"Oyeee, you are so slow!", the drunkyard shouted from the next building that was in front of him.

"Fuck!!!! Just you wait! TELEPORT!"

Jay immediately vanished from where he was standing and appeared just right of the drunkard.

"Hyaaaa!!!", he rushed towards him to grab the phone when suddenly the man vanished again.

"You?!", he used the skill dash due to which he became several times faster but even after doing that he wasn't even able to catch upto the drunkard's shadow.

'Huff huff, who the fuck is he?', Jay clearly felt the difference in their power.

"Is that all... THE BLACK KING?", the man grinned when he said that.



"What did you say?"



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