The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 105: First place!

Chapter 105: First place!

Oh God! Why was he watching her like that?!

Could he be shocked from her performance?

But the most baffling thing was that Nangong Jun Xi suddenly turned around and walked away. He didn't say a single line to her.

"What's wrong with him? Did he eat the wrong medicine?"

Le Yao Yao didn't want to analyze Nangong Jun Xi's strange behaviour anymore. After her performance, she was tired. So, she went to watch the performances with those who had already performed.

In no time, she had forgotten about Nangong Jun Xi. So naturally, she didn't know that after Nangong Jun Xi had left the stage, he went to an area where there were no one around as he clenched his fists and punched a tree.

"Damn it! I think I actually like the servant! What am I going to do?! What should I do?! Oh God!"

The performances were completed by sunset. After the judges took some time to discuss and add up the points, the results were finally released.

First place went to Le Yao Yao. Second place went to Nangong Jun Xi. Third place went to one of the ten maidens.

Le Yao Yao was ecstatic that she managed to attain first place. Although she knew she didn't have much competition, there was still Nangong Jun Xi. His flute music was very touching and intoxicating.

So, her biggest competitor was him. Yet, she managed to beat him!

She was so excited that she felt like she could fly.

Le Yao Yao hugged Xiao Mu Zi and the two of them jumped up and down.

"Wow! Xiao Mu Zi, haha! I got first place! I'm so happy!!!"

"Haha, congratulations, Xiao Yao Zi! But honestly, your dance was amazing! How come I never knew you could dance?!"

Xiao Mu Zi was confused because Le Yao Yao clearly came from a poor family. Yet, he knew how to dance?!

"There are lots of things you don't know, Xiao Mu Zi! Didn't you know, I, Xiao Yao Zi, am a person of talent!?"

"Haha." Seeing how Le Yao Yao was bragging about himself, Xiao Mu Zi laughed in response.

Soon, it was time for the winners to accept their prizes on stage.

When Le Yao Yao had both hands on the embroidered case of a hundred silver taels, she began to smile foolishly.

Oh God!

It was a hundred silver taels!

In three years, she will be able to leave the Prince's residence and not worry about money anymore!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao became more and more emotional.

As for Nangong Jun Xi, he didn't even look at the fifty silver taels he had won.

To him, fifty silver taels were nothing.

After getting his reward, Nangong Jun Xi immediately turned around to exit the stage.

At this moment, Le Yao Yao rushed in front of Nangong Jun Xi and blocked his path with both her hands.

"7th Prince, hehe, you haven't forgotten about our bet, right?!"

While Le Yao Yao was contemplating on how she should punish Nangong Jun Xi, she noticed that Nangong Jun Xi was acting kind of odd.

The way he was looking at her with his long peach blossom eyes was strange.

But she didn't really know how to explain it.

Could it be that the 7th Prince was upset he lost to her?!

"What do you want from me? Tell me."


Le Yao Yao's brows were raised. He gave in so easily? Originally, she thought he was going to renege on the bet!

It was a good thing that he kept his word. But Le Yao Yao couldn't think of what she wanted the 7th Prince to do for her.

So after a long pause, Le Yao Yao said, "I can't think of anything right now. But when I think of something, I'll let you know."


Then, Nangong Jun Xi took huge strides and walked away from her.

His actions were very unusual. Le Yao Yao was confused as she muttered to herself, "Why is he acting so weird today?"

All of a sudden, Le Yao Yao noticed the bloody injury on the back of Nangong Jun Xi's hand.

"Oh my goodness! His hand!"

Why was he bleeding?! And it was quite serious too! Doesn't he feel pain?!

Based on his injuries, it looked like it was inflicted upon self.

Could he have punched something to vent because he lost?!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao came to a realization.

"Oh, so the reason why he is acting so strangely today is because he is a sore loser!!"

After the competition, Le Yao Yao and the rest of the contestants were taken to a specific courtyard to rest.

But Le Yao Yao knew that they were only going there to fool the evil cult.

Later on, there will be people to secretly replace them.

So, Le Yao Yao calmly followed the group. First, they went to the courtyard. Then, Prince Rui sent other people over and arranged another tunnel for them to depart from.

The maidens were confused, but since it was Prince Rui's orders, they had no choice but to comply.

As for the thirty little eunuchs, they knew about this plan in advance, so they were very calm as they entered the tunnel.

However, the tunnel only allowed one person to enter at a time. Since there were forty of them, the imperial guards were rushing them to hurry due to time restraint.

Le Yao Yao was no exception. She was tightly shoved amongst the group. But she had no choice. Once they exit from the tunnel, it will be fine.

However, after exiting the tunnel, Le Yao Yao felt like she was missing something.

She shifted her hands and instantly cried out in alarm.

"Oh God! Where's my money?!"

She clearly recalled clutching the box of money around her chest before entering the tunnel. But now, her money was gone?!

Could someone have known she had money and taken advantage of this opportunity to steal it while they were squished in the tunnel?

But Le Yao Yao quickly eliminated that thought.

First of all, if someone wanted to steal her money, the money would clearly still be in his/her possessions. It would only take a search and the thief would be caught. The people here weren't stupid. So obviously, they wouldn't do something like this.

But if no one had stolen it, then could she have dropped it while she was going through the tunnel?!

Mmm. That was the most probable case!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao began to feel very anxious.

After all, it was a hundred silver taels!

Even if she worked at the Prince's residence for half her life, she will not earn that much!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao felt chest pain.

No! She must not lose a hundred silver taels just like this!

So while the Imperial guards looked away, Le Yao Yao sneakily returned back to the tunnel.

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