The First Store System

Chapter 1488 Trial of Power(10)

Chapter 1488 Trial of Power(10)

?Chapter 1488: Trial of Power(10)

After an unknown amount of sleep, Huo Jinglin woke up. He couldn't help but smile, feeling his relaxed body.

He then focused on the newly digested information. As if he had touched some key, Huo Jinglin found himself in a different environment.

As far as his eyes could see, there was nothing but black space. Considering that, it should have been dark, but Huo Jinglin saw things clearly.


Suddenly, a loud sound rang in the area, and immediately after that, a small ray of white light emerged out of nowhere.

Huo Jinglin immediately got attracted to the white light and couldn't move his eyes away from it. The light began expanding at a rapid rate, and in no time, it had transformed into a being.

Huo Jinglin felt every cell in his body singing praise for the being, and he subconsciously knelt down. He couldn't help but feel shocked by himself, but before he could understand, the being opened their mouth.


Huo Jinglin took repeated deep breaths to calm down his pounding heart. He would never be able to forget the being he saw a few moments ago.

From that being, Huo Jinglin found the truth about the Trial of Power, but it was the least shocking thing since the being explaining it was none other than an incarnation of the trial, a Deva.

Devas were the most powerful beings of the Sacred Dimension, and it was a fact that every being in existence knew.


It has been three days since Huo Jinglin moved into his residence. The building fulfilled every need of his, so he maintained his schedule as he used to before getting selected as the challenger.

The building had a training room that perfectly replaced the training area sold by the store.

After waking up from meditation, Huo Jinglin was going for his usual sword training when a blue screen popped out in front of him out of nowhere.

A mixture of expressions flashed on his face since the appearance of the blue screen could only mean one thing. He had the title of challenger, so it was clear that he needed to clear challenges.

Through clearing the challenges, he would not only gain strength but also rewards.

From the Deva's incarnation, he also learned about the level system. Irrespective of what was the cultivation level of the beings before being chosen as the challenger, they would start at Level 1 here. At the same time, irrespective of what level they would be on, after leaving, their cultivation would be the same as before they were chosen.

It didn't mean that they wouldn't be strong. After surviving the trial, they would be exponentially better than any field they were in before getting chosen.


"Hmm." Huo Jinglin nodded after reading the details on the screen.

As he had expected, the screen contained his first challenge, and after reading the details, he couldn't help but be thankful for the challenge to enter the city.

The challenge detailed a scenario of a small war between two tribes, which was small at first but now had expanded to engulf all the neighboring tribes in the range of a thousand miles.

What Huo Jinglin needed to do was find the source of the war and solve it before it further expanded and truly became a giant war. There was a limited time of thirty days to complete the challenge since on the thirty-first day, the strongest tribe in ten thousand miles would enter the war.

As difficult as the challenge was, the reward it offered was no less. After completing the challenge, Huo Jinglin would be rewarded with three low Experience Cores, and his reward would grow further depending on his way of completion.

Experience Cores were the crystallization of the energy prevalent in the world of trials, and challengers could absorb Experience Cores for not only increasing their power level but their attributes as well.

To go from Level 1 to Level 2, Huo Jinglin needed 10 low Experience Cores, so if he completed the challenge, he would be one-third close to having the breakthrough.

The challenge didn't only have rewards. It also had punishment for failing to complete the challenge. Fortunately for Huo Jinglin, it wasn't death, so things were fine.

If Huo Jinglin failed to complete the challenge, he would get his first red mark.

The red mark was a dangerous thing since if Huo Jinglin got three of them, he would be stripped of his position as a challenger, and if he was Level 4 or below at that time, he would be turned into Experience Cores, depending on the amount of energy his body had.


The moment Huo Jinglin read the details on the screen, the challenge had begun. Without wasting any time, Huo Jinglin immediately departed for the location specified in the challenge.

On the seventh floor of the building, there was a teleportation portal that would teleport him to locations where a challenge would take place.

Every teleportation would cost him one low Experience Core. As a newbie benefit, he had received five free teleportations, so he didn't waste any time and immediately pressed his hand on the portal.


With a rumbling sound, the portal was activated. A cluster of different colored dots joined together and formed a barrier enveloping Huo Jinglin.

The next moment, Huo Jinglin found himself in a forest, and there were two groups of enemies fighting nearby.

Huo Jinglin's sudden presence alerted the two groups of enemies, and they immediately stopped. Since Huo Jinglin didn't look like any of the races living in the ten thousand miles, the two groups thought of Huo Jinglin as an enemy.

Before Huo Jinglin could try to smooth things over, he found the two groups charging at him. They seemed to have forgotten their life-and-death battle a moment earlier and cooperated like two friends who had been fighting together for years.

Seeing that he was no match for the enemy, he didn't waste any time and immediately ran away. Fortunately for him, his escape speed was quicker, so in no time, he reached a safe distance and stopped.

(Chapter End.)

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