The Founder of the Great Financial Family

Chapter 142 (1)

Chapter 142 (1)

The Crown War (1)

No one had expected the participation of the 2nd prince, Christian Ismail, in the Crown War, which began to determine the empire's next ruler.

Many who had not anticipated the 2nd prince's participation searched for any faction supporting him, but aside from the rumored support of the Lyon Guild, there was no place that had declared their support for the 2nd prince.

Since it was impossible to win the Crown War without the support of any faction or army, everyone predicted that the 2nd prince had joined the battle out of pride. Indeed, the actual Crown War proceeded with a power balance between the 1st and 3rd princes, ignoring the 2nd prince.

"How pathetic."

At the beginning of the Crown War, the 1st prince, considered the most likely successor to the throne due to the massive support of the Tepez family, uttered these words after hearing the news of the 2nd prince's participation.

"The guild may provide financial support, but how does he plan to win without an army? And what will the church do?"

The 1st prince recalled the 2nd prince, Christian, whom he had met only a few times. Although he didn't know if Christian was trying to erase his heretic image or if he was truly a devout believer, he was not a foolish younger brother who couldn't tell right from wrong.

'Or does he really have something up his sleeve?'

However, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't see anything like that.

'No, Christian has nothing. Even if he does, he wont be able to do anything about the church.'

One thing seemed certain: as long as the church didn't change, they would never allow the victory of the 2nd prince, who was related to heretics. Even if he ignored the church and ascended to the throne, it could lead to an all-out war with the church.

'So why did he participate? He's not a fool who wants to die.'

"I can't figure it out no matter how much I think about it."

Trinity Tepez, who was with the 1st prince, spoke up.

"He must have some plan. He wouldn't have joined without any plan, right? Especially since he knows more about the Crown War than anyone else."

The 1st prince, narrowing his eyes slightly, continued to think about what he might have missed. Then, he could think of one thing: the matter related to Lee Han.

'Come to think of it, there was intelligence that he and Lee Han had a special relationship.'

A special relationship. Perhaps he trusted Lee Han?

'But he can't win without an army. Even if Lee Han is great, he won't go all out unless he wants to make the entire empire his enemy. He may be rough, but he's not thoughtless.'

"Could it be because of Lee Han?"

When the 1st prince asked the question, Trinity agreed.

"It might be."

"True... Lee Han is a headache. But there's no way I'll lose because of Lee Han."

At that time, one of the staff members in the room offered advice.

"Your Highness Ryan, why don't you send some people to quietly deal with Prince Christian just in case?"

He didn't disagree, but it was already too nerve-wracking to focus on the confrontation with Calman.

Every single soldier was precious.

"Christian must have hidden himself if he had any plans. And if Lee Han is with him, it's difficult to deal with him that way. We're already busy dealing with Calman."

In front of him was a terrain model with his own army and the 3rd prince's army.

It was difficult for the 1st prince to pull something out from this power balance and go after the 2nd prince.

"Maybe we could agree with Calman and go together to catch Christian. But it doesn't seem like Calman would do that."

Trinity also agreed.

"They must be thinking the same thing. They might even secretly want us to do that."

"Anyway, this Crown War will be a battle between me and Calman. No one would think that the 2nd prince, who no one supports, would be a problem later on, right?"

The 1st prince asked the staff in front of him for confirmation, but they only silently agreed.

'The only thing that bothers me is the guild's influence...'

The 1st prince couldn't help but have a bitter expression as he remembered the young guild leader he had met.

In fact, if the guild decided to fully support the 2nd prince, they could get caught in unexpected events.

"Is the guild still quiet?"

The one who answered his question was someone who knew the guild situation well.

"I haven't heard of them doing anything in particular. Oh, I heard they recently helped with the expansion of the Lyon Cathedral."

"It would be a headache if the guild pushed for Christian..."

Trinity spoke.

"They said so themselves. They wanted something from supporting the 2nd prince."

"But I thought the matter with the Black Label Union was already over?"

"Still, it's better if they stay quiet. They haven't made any other moves yet."

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