The Human Giant

Chapter 318 318: Torn In Half

The Slug demon's pain was nothing like it had ever felt before. Even when it was weak and had to fight against its siblings to survive, it had never felt like this. 

The feeling of having half of its head blown off while its remaining half was crushed into a pulp was unimaginable. Even though it had survived, the impact of the Slug demon almost wished it didn't.

Unfortunately, even after using a large amount of its energy to ruin the Slug demon's face, Yoze's Bull Fist had enough remaining force to throw the Slug demon out of the mountain and a mile into the air. Even though Yoze didn't know how much damage his punch had done to the Slug demon, he didn't plan on stopping his assault.

Since the small space he was in completely collapsed, he could only dig his way out. And by the time he resurfaced, he had ground another four feet before his transformation had stopped.

"The power of my Iron Colossus Martial Formation is amazing! If my guess is correct, my full-power Bull Punch was at least 20 times more powerful than before." Yoze grinned as he stared at the falling Slug demon from the sky.

Given the enormous body of the Slug Demon, he knew it must weigh at least 200 tons. Even though he was confident about his own strength, he knew that unless he used the full power of Blood Breaker, Blood Fist, his spiritual energies, and his full power, there wasn't any possibility of him being able to send the Slug demon flying through the air.

Much less having the ability to send the Slug demon a mile into the air after pushing it out of an entire mountain. That wasn't possible, even if he risked his life to draw out every last bit of strength he had in his body.

So to have acquired this power by simply activating his Iron Colossus Martial Formation, he was more than pleased with the result. Even if he had chosen to continue to practice the Iron Body cultivation method, its results would still be vastly inferior compared to the Iron Colossus Martial Formation.

"Slug demon! I hope you still have some fighting spirit left in you, or this battle will be boring!" Yoze shouted at the top lungs as he stomped heavily on the ground to throw himself into the air.

With his heavy stomp, the ground below Yoze's feet caved into several feet deep while Yoze, who had reached a weight of more than 80 tons, flew into the air like a bird. In less than a few seconds, he reached the falling Slug demon, who was shocked beyond belief.

It couldn't understand where this giant metal humanoid monster came from. One moment it was underground and swam in a pool of its own magma, and the next second, it found itself in the air.

What was even more insane was that the mountain suddenly gave birth to a giant iron monster that gave it so much pressure that it wanted to run away. Unfortunately, as a demon who had always lived on the ground or below the surface, it had no experience controlling its massive body in the air.

So it could only helplessly watch as it watched a massive fist heading straight toward its ruined face. Even as it hurriedly gathered its red spiritual energy to form a makeshift armor, it knew it could only pray that it didn't hurt too much.I think you should take a look at

In his excitement at his newfound power, Yoze didn't flinch as he saw the Slug demon hastily control its hot spiritual energy to make armor. All he wanted to do was test how strong he had become and send this demon that had caused him so much trouble into outer space.

"Blood Bull Fist!" 

As Yoze used the full power of his Twin Blood Fist technique, he felt the blood in his gaming body begin to boil as his arm doubled in size. The veins in his arms became thicker than a snake as they tried their best to contain all his boiling blood.

Just as his fist was about to slam into the Slug demon's body, Yoze's shiny gray eyes glinted with red sparkles that contained his strong bloodlust. 


When Yoze first came in contact with the Slug demon's spiritual armor, he felt his iron skin become red hot. At the same time, the temperature of his iron muscles also began to rise rapidly. However, though his body was heating up, Yoze only felt as if he had dunked himself in a hot water bath.

It was hot and caused his blood to rush into his skin, but it wasn't enough to cause any significant damage. Instead, it felt quite relaxing and even felt quite good.

While Yoze was enjoying this interaction, the same couldn't have been said for the Slug demon, who was being torn apart from physical and spiritual pain. The defensive power of its red spiritual energy was nowhere near as capable as the Armored Elephant demon's dark blue spiritual energy.

So even though it had caused Yoze's body to become hot, it could only stop 40 percent of the force before breaking apart. The pain from having its spiritual defense broken was immense and unforgettable, but the pain from its body ripping apart wasn't less painful.

The Slug demon's mind was overwhelmed by the pain and shock as it could only watch its long body rip into two halves that were sent flying even higher into the air. Before the Slug demon could even think about trying to regenerate its body, Yoze's spiritual demons left his body at full force and targeted each half of the Slug demon.

With this moment of weakness, Yoze's five spiritual demons devoured as much of the Slug demon's spiritual energies as they could. This was especially true for Yoze's Slug demon spiritual energy as it easily incorporated the Slug demon's red spiritual energy.

Even to the shock and horror of the Slug demon, Yoze's red spiritual energy didn't hesitate to eat and absorb until it had grown about twenty percent larger compared to the other spiritual energies that were having a more difficult time in the absorption process.

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