The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

05/07/23 - edited

Shang Junlin looked deeply at Shen Yu for a while, as if he wanted to see into Shen Yu's heart, as if everything was transparent, and the long-hidden secrets were about to be exposed to the daylight.

Shen Yu couldn't help feeling nervous, and his fingers at his side curled up slightly.

In the end, Shang Junlin just raised his hand and touched the hair on his forehead, "When Ah Yu is ready to talk, then tell me."

Shen Yu had countless secrets hidden in him, and Shang Junlin knew better than anyone else. Not delving into them did not mean he didn't care. He just didn't want to force Shen Yu to do anything. He was willing to wait for the day when Shen Yu opened up and told him everything.

Shen Yu obediently leaned against Shang Junlin's body and whispered, "Actually, I can't say for sure. Maybe it will rain in ten days."

"It's just a matter of time. Whenever it's fine. Officials in Subei should give the people an account sooner rather than later."

The collective imprisonment of high-level officials in Subei caused quite a stir.

The common people were puzzled and gathered to discuss the matter.

"What's going on? How come Minister Hou and the others were suddenly arrested?"

"Isn't Official Fang here to help with the disaster relief? Why did they arrest other officials?"

It had to be said that Minister Hou and the others had done a good job on the surface, at least the people in the main city of Subei were willing to speak up for them. But in other places, the people unconditionally believed in Official Fang.

"Did you hear? The high officials in the main city were all arrested by Official Fang."

"I heard, it's true that what goes around comes around. They used the disaster relief funds to expand their own private treasury, and they will pay the price sooner or later."

"No wonder we haven't seen Official Fang for a while. It turns out he went to the main city to deal with those corrupt officials who filled their pockets."

"I also heard a small rumor, I don't know if it's true or not. It is said that at the beginning, some officials reported to the court about our situation here, but for some reason, the report did not reach the capital..."

"We waited for the court's help for a long time, and it turns out that someone was interfering and didn't want the court to help us."

"I don't quite understand why they did this. It's not good for Subei. Look at how many people have died during this time. If it wasn't for the timely arrival of the court officials, the casualties would be even higher."

"You are silly. Think about it. If the court never sent anyone over to save us, who would take the blame? It would be the high officials in the main city. By then, those people only need to say 'the court deliberately ignored us', and they can stir up our dissatisfaction with the court, and make us grateful to the real culprit who caused all of this."

After hearing the analysis, others suddenly realized and cursed one after another.

"These corrupt officials are not human. It's good they were caught!"

"Want us to be grateful to them? It's just a dream."

"Thanks to the officials sent by the court who saw through their schemes."

In just a few days, these messages spread throughout every corner of Subei, and the people in the main city also learned about the ins and outs through the explanation of the officials dispatched by Fang Jun.

They had always known that the drought in Subei was severe, but since the main city had daily relief supplies, life was not impossible, and everything in the city was stable, their perception was not so acute. It was not until now that the veil was lifted from their eyes and they saw how serious the situation in Subei was.

It turned out that the stability they had thought was all an artificial illusion.

"They secretly sent sick people out of the main city and left them anywhere, telling the people in the city that they were sent for centralized treatment. At the same time, they also blocked the city gates, not allowing people inside or outside, and kept the information from flowing. The people in the city never realized anything was wrong."

By the end, Xun Chao's tone was filled with suppressed anger.

"I didn't know about these things. I think they sent their trusted aides to do it. Those people who were sent out of the main city, I'm afraid they have little chance of survival."

Not only were they sick and had no one to take care of them, but they were also abandoned in the wilderness without medicine or food. The outcome could be imagined.

"Anyway, send someone to look for them first. We will try to save whoever we can," Fang Jun ordered, although he also knew that the chances of those people surviving were slim.

Under the leadership of Fang Jun, the main city of Subei was running in an orderly manner.

From the people who came from the capital, Fang Jun learned about what Shen Yu had done in the capital and knew that he could not allow others to take advantage of this situation and instigate conflicts between the people and the officials of Subei. Therefore, he sent people to mingle with the people and guide them to see the truth of the matter.

"Sir, what does the court say? Will those people be taken back to the capital for punishment?" Xun Chao asked.

They had caught quite a few people this time, and if they were to take them all back to the capital, considering the possible situations that might arise on the way, it would undoubtedly require a lot of effort and manpower.

"The Emperor says to dispose of them directly in Subei and has set a date for us to execute them before that day."

Upon hearing the date mentioned by Fang Jun, Xun Chao was surprised, "Why is it so rushed?"

"Never mind what the Emperor thinks, just go make the arrangements," Fang Jun patted his shoulder.

Fortunately, they had collected all the evidence, and after receiving the order, these pieces of evidence were announced one by one. It was also at this time that the people in the main city of Subei realized for the first time how many heinous crimes the officials they had trusted had committed.

"So, my sick father was not sent for treatment but was directly thrown out of the main city?" The moment he heard the news, the young man covered his face and knelt on the ground. He would never forgive himself for pushing his own father out to die.

He was not the only one who broke down.

"I knew it. Why didn't they let us visit? It's because he was already gone. How can we visit him when he's no longer there? I can't believe I was so naive."

"These officials, I will kill them!"

Those who were stimulated by the sudden bad news were filled with remorse. After all, no one could accept the fact that they had pushed their loved ones out to die.

Fang Jun and Xun Chao watched from afar.

"On the day of the execution, let them come and witness the punishment, and have more people guard them on the side."

Hatred in the heart must be vented.

The evidence found was also handed over to the palace.

During the early court session, the Prime Minister announced the news that had come from the north, one by one. Suddenly hearing this, the hall was in chaos.

"That batch of supplies was actually robbed by collusion between officials from the north?!"

"They hid it and didn't report it because they wanted to control the northern army?!"

"The people are starving, yet they can still drink and be merry. They don't care about the disaster at all. These people are simply unworthy of being officials!"

"Lying about tax revenues, oppressing the people, colluding with the surrounding bandits, robbing wealth from passers-by, intercepting fleeing villagers..."

Every item was pinned on the officials, making people feel absurd.

"Punishment must be severe! This matter must be severely punished!"

The opinions of the ministers were highly unified. The actions of the officials from the north undoubtedly trampled on the authority of the court. From the emperor to the court officials, no one could tolerate it.

At the same time, the Prime Minister also announced the decision to execute these people on the spot.

The ministers started to argue about whether or not to bring the people back before executing them.

Shang Junlin propped his forehead with one hand, boredly watching the officials below arguing with flushed faces. Suddenly, his gaze stopped on a certain official who pretended to be calm for a moment before lightly moving away before being noticed.

The bait worked.

After arguing for a long time, neither side could convince the other, and they all looked at Emperor Shang Junlin, who was sitting high on the throne. "Please make a decision, Your Majesty."

"Let's do as Official Fang suggested."

The person who felt that they should bring the people back to the capital before making a decision was dissatisfied, but could only accept it.

After the court session, the officials dispersed, and the Prime Minister was left behind.

"I really didn't expect those people to have the guts to even lay their hands on what the court sent."

"They probably thought that the court couldn't reach Suibei, and didn't think that our Emperor could tolerate others imitating his belongings."

"Staying in Suibei for too long made them think they were the masters of Suibei."

Such a big incident happened in the previous dynasty, and the news also reached the imperial harem.

Seeing Mu Xi's angry expression, Shen Yu found it somewhat amusing: "Why are you angry? Aren't these people going to receive the punishment they deserve soon?"

Mu Xi: "This servant just can't stand it."

Shen Yu: "I didn't expect our Mu Xi to be someone who hates evil so much."

Mu Xi: "Master, don't make fun of this servant. This servant really can't understand why they would do such a thing."

Shen Yu: "Power is seductive. Since they couldn't control themselves, they should have thought that there will be a day to pay for their sins."

Shen Yu had dealt with such people many times in his previous life. For power and money, some people can sacrifice everything, and in the eyes of those people, a little bit of conscience is worthless.

Shang Junlin left the Prime Minister behind to discuss the follow-up of the Suibei matter and the handling of the person who spread the rumors.

This person was deeply hidden in the court. If it weren't for Shang Junlin deliberately creating a time difference in the Suibei matter this time, this person might not have been exposed.

"Why did His Majesty order Fang Jun to have them to be executed on the spot?" The Prime Minister was a little puzzled because according to convention, those people should have been taken to the capital for the final trial, which would be more beneficial for the court and the royal family to establish their authority.

Shang Junlin stood with his hands behind his back and turned his head when he heard this, saying in a flat voice, "I have my reasons for doing so."

After handling the affairs, Shang Junlin returned to the Yuzhang Palace.

Shen Yu was asking Mu Xi about the flower that Prince An had sent.

He thought about it and felt that there was something strange about this flower.

"This flower is also magical. Since it bloomed that day, there has been no sign of wilting. It's been so many days, and it's still blooming very well." Mu Xi had never seen a flower that could bloom for so long.

"What flower?" Shang Junlin walked over.

"That's the one that Prince An sent before. Mu Xi said the flower hasn't withered yet, and I want to take a look," said Shen Yu.

The flower had been in the palace for so long and nothing had happened. Specialists had been called in to check it out and confirmed that the flower was not poisonous. Even Shang Junlin had the imperial doctors check on the palace staff taking care of the flower to make sure they were okay.

"If you want to take a look, go ahead. Speaking of which, the day this flower blooms is quite interesting." It happened to be a day that was deeply engraved in Shang Junlin's memory.

"If His Majesty knew the exact time the flower bloomed, he might be even more surprised," Shen Yu said, giving a specific time.

Shang Junlin silently calculated, "That timing is really coincidental."

As they spoke, the two of them had already arrived at the location where the flower was placed. From a distance, the flower looked extremely beautiful among the other flowers and plants.

After approaching, Shen Yu didn't know if it was just his imagination, but he always felt that the petals were leaning towards him.

Shang Junlin also saw it. He looked at the flower, then at Shen Yu, his tone uncertain, "It seems like this flower really likes you..."

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