The Systemic Lands

Chapter 113: Day 250 (2) – Viewpoints 9

Chapter 113: Day 250 (2) – Viewpoints 9


“A Constitution. Isn’t this amazing Patrick? History in the making,” I asked my friend.

“If it holds together. The charter didn’t last long.” I rolled my eyes at that.

“It is progress, also historic.”

“Still don’t like this Immortal Council.” I was skeptical of the idea myself, but if the super humans were expected to put their lives on the line, then it seemed a fair tradeoff.

“It sounds magical, like nice magical, not screaming and horrifying kind of magical. I just like that the people in charge seem to know what they are doing. Also, the uniforms for the Red Military Police Force are quite dashing.”

“Congratulations on that by the way. When is the unveiling?”

“Right before the next election. Going to standardize everything from weapons to equipment. It was a process to get all the details right. But it looks sharp and clean cut.”

“You mentioned that. So, thinking about throwing your hat in the ring for President?” I shook my head. That was not going to happen.

“Me, no. Politics gives me headaches. What about you?”

“Thinking about it. But need to pay back my debt to Ken first and get the spice store really going you know.”

“I know. Well maybe the election after.” I was smiling. Everything was so festive, and people were smiling for the first time. This place always seemed so gloomy and dark, but now it felt like everyone was coming together as a community.

I was determined to see the bright side of things. After that guard died protecting us. I had nightmares for days. But I wouldn’t give up! I would bring happiness to the world one drawing at a time. Maybe an art exhibition or something to get some culture around this place.

That would be fun to do. Happy scenes. I could just imagine painting this event to remembered for all time. My artwork would go down in history. It would be amazing.

“Why is the Champion standing up?” I followed Patrick’s gaze and the Champion kept looking around with one hand on the hilt of his sword.

“It is probably nothing, let’s listen to the speeches. Bob is about to go up.”

“He looks worried Elise, maybe we should go.”

“There is nothing to worry about Patrick. All the guards and the Champion is here. I can’t imagine anyone thinking about causing an incident.” Everyone knew what happened to people who went against Champion Michael. I didn’t want to think about that. The melting and screaming were horrible.


Michael rushed off once the screaming started. Luckily, I wasn’t wearing high heels. I had been considering it, but fashion was the last thing on anyone’s mind around here. Better to be in practical footwear. Also, it was nice to not have aching ankles the entire time.

There was more screaming. Time to get out of here. I wasn’t a fighter, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything if I was dead. I quickly walked over to one of the guards near the delegates.

“You and you. Come with me. Now!” They quickly snapped to attention and followed me. I was a known face and had spent a lot of time organizing this event. I turned and set off to the West, away from the fighting.

“Behind!” One of the guards shouted.

“There are slimes on top of the wolves! Look out!”

“Ahh!” One of the guards screamed as a slime melted him. I noted several of the delegates were being disintegrated. I began to run.

“Rally to the pillars!” Bob cried out, his voice carrying over the chaos.

“Get me there. Now!” I screamed at the remaining guard.

“Clear the way!” He shouted and hacked a person down trying to flee in that direction. I checked behind me. More wolves with slimes!

“Behind us!” I called to my guard. He turned around and I moved to the side. The wolf lunged and the slime jumped off. He blocked the slime with his shield, but the wolf went low and bit down on this leg.

The guard threw away the melting shield with the slime on it and stabbed down on the wolf, killing it. The wolf turned to dust.

“We need to go,” I said and he nodded. I stayed next to him as we quickly made our way to Bob’s position. He must have had high stats since he wasn’t bleeding. One less person to spend crystals for a regeneration on.

“Form a circle! Shields up front! Use the tables!” Bob was shouting. “Break the chair! Use the pieces as clubs! Restore at the pillars if you can!” I was quickly handed a club. I detested fighting, but I was not about to die.

Slimes climbed back up onto the wolves who lowered their heads. They then began to rush around our position. “No retreat! Attack!” Bob called out. He was the first to charge. I didn’t think he had it in him.

Other people screamed and charged out from the circle as well. The guard I had been with was right next to me. “We push out. Let’s go!” I said, knowing I couldn’t be seen to be cowering. He gave me a nod.

We killed off the monsters. If I hadn’t seen people die outside the city to slimes, I would have thrown up at the grisly scene left behind. Monsters turned to dust, people melting didn’t. Everywhere I looked corpses, melted people, ripped apart people littered the plaza. The worst was on the East side, but there were casualties everywhere.

The monsters were pushed back, and the fighting died down. I took a moment to catch my breath.

I noted Michael talking to Laura. The group of people nearby rushed off in different directions. Michael quickly followed. “Clarissa, you okay?” Naran had come over.

“Yes. Yes, I am fine thankfully. Thanks to, well there was a guard that protected me. Will have to thank him later. Anyways, Michael rushed off. You should talk to Laura.” I was babbling. My nerves were getting to me. I would have to thank that guard later.

“Got it,” Naran said and went towards Laura.

“Everyone, let’s organize a triage!” Bob shouted. I went over to assist him.

Doctor Ben Katz

“-that is why ahh!” I had just been talking with a patient and suddenly I was here on my rear end. Looking around it was a scene out of a war film. There were people screaming and crying. Blood and corpses were strewn about. People were half melted.

“New arrivals!” The call went out. I got up.

“New arrivals, go to the West side of the plaza, Louis will sort you out,” a man in red armor and a sword directed people. He appeared to be someone important.

“I am a Doctor, what can I do to help?” That was the first priority to ease the suffering of the people around me. Figuring out what was happening, could come second.

“Triage is by the pillars.” I looked around and he let out a sigh. “Center of the plaza.”

“Thank you,” I said and quickly made my way over. I looked for who was in charge. A woman in a dark blue pants suit appeared to be managing things.

“I am a Doctor, what can I do?” I quickly went up to her. She looked me over.

“What do you know about acid?” She asked.

“Water, compresses, and anti-biotics,” I quickly said.

“We need to move these people to the showers. Use the tables as stretchers.” She quickly began ordering various people to move the injured. “Bob, you have that thread and needle?”

“Yes, you got someone who can sew?” An older rotund man with guards shouted over to the woman.

“A Doctor. You can start stitching up the bite wounds.” I quickly went over to the man and got the thread and needle.

“Anything to sterilize?” I asked.

“No and don’t worry about it. Both of you assist him.” I nodded at that. I could ask other questions later. The most important thing right now was to save lives. I went to the first person. No anesthetic either. This was going to be unpleasant.

“This is going to hurt. Hold her still.” The men Bob had sent with me held the woman down. I quickly began to sew the wound on her leg shut. It was messy and would scar, but it would hold and she would live. “Done. Next patient.” I got up and moved to the next person.

This man had their gut torn open. There was nothing to be done since his intestine was perforated. I shook my head and moved to the next person. Another leg gash. I noted one of the guards lean next to the man who gave a nod. I ignored how he was stabbed in the head with a sword. I needed to focus on the people I could still help in front of me.

I focused on my stitching. Treat the patient in front of me. Focus on them, don’t think about other things when you are treating a patient. Done. I got up and moved to the next person.

Their left leg was savaged terribly and bleeding. There was no way to save it without an operating theater. “I need a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.”

“Don’t have that doc.” One of the men said.

“A long piece of cloth and a stick then.” The man seemed to think about it for a moment. “Nothing like what you need. I know what a tourniquet is, just don’t have it and no one has points right now.” I needed to think.

I quickly pulled the man’s shoe off his left foot. He wouldn’t be using it anymore. I quickly got the shoelace loose. I used that to tie off the man’s leg and the bleeding slowed. “I don’t suppose we have any type of transfusions or spare blood?”

“Just what you see. The best thing would a restoration, but there are no spare crystals or points.”

I didn’t understand the terminology, but there was no time to ask about. I quickly moved onto the next patient. There were more lives to save.

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