The Systemic Lands

Chapter 92: Day 215 (5) – What A Mess

Chapter 92: Day 215 (5) – What A Mess

“Alright,” I said quietly. They both looked at me. “We can say Tyrese is working to pay back the loss, but we issue a deferment on the books, or zero interest loan until day 1,000. That is about two years from now. More than enough time to come up with the crystals. Say that he is keeping his position to ensure such a thing won’t happen again.” It was the best compromise I had. I might even go so far as to call it genius.

People would be happy someone was held accountable, but at the same time Tyrese wasn’t ruined. I also didn’t have to sort out things by dealing with a new person. With the scheme to sell dungeon spots and split the profits, I was confident he would be able to work something out.

Keeping his position would also allow crystals to flow into his pocket from the brothels and gambling halls. If he was really clever, he would find some way to get that bill written off in some other way.

Don’t get me wrong, I was pissed. Incredibly pissed. But I couldn’t get rid of him. The fact he was betrayed as well and this hurt him just as much as me, was the only reason I was letting him go. It was clear enough that he hadn’t planned for Ben to do this. I was paranoid, but that was a stretch to far.

“Thanks, I won’t forget this,” Tyrese said as he looked up at me. I just gave him a nod at that. At least he understood the favor I was doing for him. Another reason to keep him around.

“So, our little group stays the same. Let’s get to the plaza, might as well deal with all this mess at the same time. Michael will talk about the war. Then Tyrese will talk about the incident with Ben and the new measures he is planning. I will talk about drafting up an actual constitution, laws, and everything else to be voted on day 250.”

“The leader you captured, what are we doing with him?” Tyrese asked. Dammit, Naran, causing trouble. I would just make a decision and be done with the issue.

“Not mention him and fine him 100,000 points, at 50 days. More than enough time to pay. After that he can do whatever, he wants,” I said. We made our way to the plaza and people were already gathering.

A table was brought out and Tyrese gestured at me, and I climbed up on top of it. “Good news everyone! The war with the city of Truth is over and we are victorious!” There were loud cheers at that, and I saw that many people looked relieved.

“There are plans to use their dungeons to strengthen our people and secure this great city of Purgatory. I have full faith in both Tyrese and Ken as they have done very well in managing the city of far.” I got down and Tyrese went up.

“There was an incident today, where an individual stole a lot of crystals. While they were stopped this was ultimately my fault. I will be paying back the amount stolen in full and making sure nothing like this ever happens again. I want to thank Champion Michael for his help in dealing with the problem.” Less cheers this time, but no boos at least.

Ken then went up. “This incident shows that our charter, while helpful in creating order, needs to reform into a proper set of laws. I will be working with people and various groups to draft a constitution, to be reviewed from days 245 to 249 with a ratification vote on day 250. The goal is to strengthen our city long term from all possible threats. Thank you! There will be no questions at this time.”

I was done for the day. Too much talking and headaches. I made my way back to my place. Tom was standing outside. “You, okay?”

Not really, but there was nothing that could be done. Just tired mentally and frustrated. It was just a never-ending slew of problems. Anyone who said they wanted to be in charge, well I would be questioning their sanity from now on. “Just going to rest for a while. Going to go on a long expedition after this.” I got out my key and began to unlock my door.

“You mentioned that.” I opened up my door and let out a sigh.

“Tom, you are a free person. But I am going to focus on level 3 monsters and not come back to deal with the nonsense around here for a while.”

“Just thinking about Ruth.” Oh, that was annoying.

“Well good news, she won’t have to pay crystals. Sort that out with Tyrese and Ken. The contract will be voided out for Truth’s dungeons. I am not getting into that.”

“Really?” Tom asked.

“I said earlier, I want nothing to do with her. The more layers I can put between me and her the better.”

“I really thought you would go for revenge.” I wouldn’t forgive Ruth, but I needed to score points with Tom. Also, she was being screwed over. Have no doubt about that Tom.

“I just don’t want to deal or think about her anymore. Was there anything else?” I asked. He gave me a look and gestured at my building. No one was close enough to listen in, but I got the message. We went inside and shut the door. “What?” I asked.

“I wanted to focus on my own skills for a while. I was thinking about the Union and maybe setting off on my own.”

“What brought this on?” I asked.

“Just got to thinking. I can barely take out level 2 monsters. I will be useless against level 3 monsters. I want to earn some points and not hold you back. You really taught me quite a bit.”

Of course, you are leaving. Even after the move I made with Ruth. Well, I guess there was too much drama for him to feel comfortable. “As long as you don’t go running to Ruth, then we can part on good terms.” Tom quickly looked to the side. What?! She had sunk her claws into him that much. “Are you sleeping with her?”

“How-No!” Wow. Just wow. I needed to take a moment to wrap my head around that. “We didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did.” I guess, I didn’t make a move, so Tom did. Well, that was something. And he still came with me but was getting cold feet now? Sometimes I just didn’t get people.

“And you left with me?”

“Well, I didn’t want to start a fight then. And things have cooled down.” In other words, you didn’t want me to take revenge or make an angry decision. I didn’t own her, and she was never my girlfriend. But for Tom to go this far. I knew he didn’t see it as a betrayal, but I did. To invite that kind of drama into our team while it was still a team.

For me to find out like this, was quite annoying. “I will take the key and the contract back.”


“No. Hand them back and you are free to go your own way.” He pulled both out and handed them to me. He grabbed his packs from the cart. As he began to leave, he gave me a look before turning away and leaving my house. I went to my room and screamed into the pillow.

Once the first scream was done, I screamed again, and again. After that, I just lay there. Frustrated, angry, annoyed, and miserable. I didn't understand people. Now all that work to keep Tom on my side and away from Ruth was wasted. Why did he even come back with me to begin with?

The questions circulated in my head, but I had no answers. I was just frustrated as I lay there.

After a while there was a knock on my door. I ignored it. There was another knock. I let out a sigh. I swear if it was not something serious, then whomever was at my door wouldn’t like my response.

I opened up the door and it was Naran. “What?” This guy again.

“Was hoping you were free for a moment to talk. I got let go and have to pay a fine.” Well at least it wasn’t Ruth drama. I let him in and led him to my chairs and table.

“Alright Naran, what is it?”

“I want to leave with you for a while.”

“Leave with me?”

“Yes. I know you want someone to pull your cart and do housekeeping. Well, hire me.”

“What qualifications do you have besides ex-Lord?”

“None, but I won’t complain, and I need only 200,000 points.”

“Only that many points?” I said a bit sarcastically.

“To pay off my fine and to get on my feet. You know that I am capable enough.”

“Maybe listening, not in combat. I haven’t seen you fight at all.”

“I did become Lord of Truth.” I nodded my head at that. It was true.

“Fine, you want to be my cart butler, you get to be the cart butler.” I got up and went to the cart that was inside at the moment. It was nice knowing you first cart. I looked at my crystal reserves. I had 50 5-point crystals and 1537 50-point crystals. I counted out 400 of them and tossed the pack to Naran.

“Get a new cart, food for 40 days. Extra gear. Fuel for the lantern. Anything else I might have missed?” I asked.

“Spare clothing?”

“I will handle that myself. Just worry about the food, water, and other supplies. I will handle my clothing.”


“A spare or two maybe. Skills will be more useful I would think that a pointy piece of metal. The rest you can use to get yourself geared up.” I pulled out the key I had taken from Tom. “Here, a key to this place. Make sure you lock up every time you enter or leave.”

“Got it. Do you want your cart colored?” I considered that for a moment.

“No. The first time was an impulse decision. But appearance is important. Hmm. Alright, use this as a base.” I mentioned for Naran to follow and led him to my room. I showed him the picture the outfitter Elise had drawn. I did need to check in with her, something I would do tomorrow.

The outfit was very eastern. The base was a golden yellow, with black eastern type dragons circling around. There was red trim. The boots were red and gold. The collar of the shirt was red and purple, there was also purple on the cuffs. Finally, there was a large white dragon on the center of the outfit.

“What do you think?” I asked Naran.

“Flashy. Gold and red go well together. If the cart is colored like that, with a dragon on the back of it?”

“Good enough. Use the drawing as reference, when you are done put it back on my table here.”

“Got it Michael. I should get going then.”

“Yes, if I think of anything else, I will let you know. If you think of something, come, get me. We are leaving early morning, the day after tomorrow.”

Naran nodded and left. I went and began to take a long shower. It was making me feel human again and letting the stress wash off of me. “Damn you Ruth. Damn me for being an idiot,” I muttered as the water did nothing to clean the thoughts out of my head.

People were complicated. I wanted simple. At least math would betray me. Right math? I didn’t get an answer to my mental question, but I managed to smile a bit. I poked my belly. The flab was gone, but no abs. I poked it again, hoping abs would spontaneously appear, they didn’t.

At least I wasn’t fat anymore. The restorations were probably helping and hurting me. The exact mechanics were probably complicated and mind bending. I didn’t care to think through them and work out the details. Instead, I would just take an afternoon off.

No worries, just sitting in my home. I would look through my notebook after and plan out my day tomorrow. Heck, I could have Naran prepare a meal or get a meal from outside. One-man Doordash service.

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