Till the End of Time

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

She didn't get the answer and the car drove away.

He Ruize's words planted a seed of doubt in Lin Xinyan's heart for no reason.

Don't be silly to pay sincerely, be blinded by the good in front of you.

This is clearly referring to Zong Jinghao.

Zong Jinghao saw her mind and sneered.

"What are you laughing at?" She frowned.

"Don't worry?"

Lin Xinyan did not respond and blinked. After a while, he said, "No."

She didn't believe it, and she didn't believe it at all. She always thought his words were meaningful.

She brewed for a moment, "about that news, forget it."

"Do you have a clear idea?"

Lin Xinyan turned to look out of the car window. The scenery passing quickly was like the past. The past cannot be traced back.

She said calmly, "think it over."


She can figure it out for herself. He doesn't interfere.

In fact, this is good, but also he Ruize's love, cut off all the shares.

The car suddenly quieted down. They didn't talk to each other, and the atmosphere became delicate.

Zhongzong Jinghao receives a call from Guan Jin.

He wenhuai went to the company and was waiting for him.

Lin Xinyan made a decision, he naturally want to solve the next thing.

The news has not been investigated, but the video has not been solved.

He doesn't want the video of Lin Xinyan being undressed to get out.

Driving the car to the Wanyue group building, Zong Jinghao got out of the car and gave the key to Lin Xinyan, explaining, "go back early."

Lin Xinyan took the key and nodded, "OK."

Watch him walk into the building. Lin Xinyan sat in the driver's seat, started the car and drove to the airport.

She looked down for half an hour, just in time.

Not far from the airport, you can see that the plane just took off is like a gull flying over the sea, rushing to the blue sky.

She parked her car in the parking lot and walked to the airport exit hall.

No matter what time, the airport is always full of people coming and going. It is a place for gathering and parting. There are laughter and tears of parting.

Lin Xinyan's eyes patrol the crowd.

"Lin Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind her. She turned around and saw that Allen was waving to her. She was wearing a casual suit, white sports shoes, sleeves in her arms, and a suitcase behind her.

Mrs. William stood in the right rear of her, dressed in Ivory suit, sapphire jewelry, decent and elegant.

Lin Xinyan came over with a smile, "I'm late."

"No, we've been waiting for you for a long time." Alan complained and looked behind her. "Are you alone? Didn't Lin Xichen come to pick me up? "

"He's hurt a little and doesn't want to get out of the house, and he doesn't know you're coming." Lin Xinyan didn't know she was coming back.

Alan touched her on the shoulder. "Did I come by accident?"

"Well." Lin Xin is honest.

"Not to help you." She winked at Lin Xinyan, who understood that she would come because Mrs. William was afraid that she would be too busy in China to help her.

Even if Mrs. William doesn't send one. Lin Xinyan will not be angry with her.

It's Mrs. William who gives her the chance to achieve what she is now.

"Madame." Lin Xinyan has long regarded this woman as his relative.

Mrs. William gave an elegant smile. "Let's go."

Lin Xinyan took the initiative to help with the luggage, "the car is outside."

Lin Xinyan put the luggage, and Allen helped Mrs. William open the door of the carriage.

"Lin, how did you become generous after returning home?" Allen carefully looked at the car's installation, the highest configuration, to know that Lin Xinyan is very economical, how can buy such a luxury car?

"This is not my car." Lin Xinyan said.

She has no spare money to buy such a car.

Alan got up to gossip, leaned over and said vaguely, "whose car is this? Don't talk. Let me guess

Ellen Todd. After thinking about it, "it's from a man, and it's from a rich man?"The color and configuration of the car are very masculine. The person who borrowed her car is definitely not a woman.

The poor can't afford such a luxury car.

The result is a rich man who has a good relationship with Lin Xinyan and can drive her a car.

"Am I right?" Alan asked triumphantly.

Lin Xinyan pretended not to hear, "what did you say?"

Alan immediately fried the pan. "What are you loading? You heard it. Did you mean it? Why didn't you say it? You won't find a man so soon, will you? "

She guessed, "is it your son's father?"

"Alan, aren't you tired after all that flying? Will you be quiet for a while? " Mrs. William interrupted her.

Alan doesn't know. Mrs. William probably guessed whose car it was, and who should have forced her to return home.

Allen curled his mouth and patted Lin Xinyan on the shoulder. He said, "OK, I'll let you go this time for my wife's sake."

"By the way, what's the plan for today?" Allen was not a bit tired of flying, but rather excited.

"Don't you need a rest?" Lin Xinyan took a look at her.

"Not tired, either." Alan stretched, "where's qinya? How can I come with you to meet us? "

"She's in the shop."

"Oh. Then I'll go too. By the way, I'll get familiar with the environment. Just take your wife to the hotel and have a rest. "

"Are you sure?" Asked Lin Xinyan.

"I'm sure."

Lin Xinyan is at the U-Junction ahead. Turn the front of the car, change the direction and drive towards the store.

When Ellen was sent to the store, she and Mrs. William also took a look at the decoration of the store by the way. According to the style of the main store, it was very elegant and there was no fault to pick. Mrs. William was also very satisfied.

ELO It's her life's hard work. Even if it's a branch, she's not allowed to be perfunctory.

After the visit, Lin Xinyan sent her to the hotel to have a rest.

"Does country Z have a particular day?" Asked Mrs. William.

Lin Xinyan nodded, "yes."

"Then we have to choose a good day to hold the opening ceremony. Do as the Romans do. After all, you are also from Z country."

"I saw the time. The day after tomorrow is a good day. It's better to move to a new house. Start business, start ground. " She looked at the day when the shop was decorated and calculated the time. It happened that the shop was decorated and it was the day.

"If you have an arrangement." Mrs. William looked a little tired.

Lin Xinyan opened the door of the hotel room. He put down his luggage and poured a glass of water for Mrs. William. "You have some water, take a bath and have a rest. We'll have dinner together in the evening."

"Well. Go and do your work

There are a lot of things to be arranged to prepare for the opening. There is not much time. She has to arrange them before the opening.

After leaving the hotel, Lin Xinyan also went to the store, selected the invitation and arranged the meeting place.

It's only at this moment that Lin Xinyan feels real.

Wanyue group, reception room.

"With regard to the video, you can rest assured that I will never let it flow out, and it will be completely destroyed." He wenhuai came to talk with Zong Jinghao himself.

He Ruize went back and said that the video problem was solved. As long as he held a press conference, he would take all the responsibility.

It's impossible to clean up. After all, the situation is so bad that no one will be punished and his family's reputation will not be restored.

He took the initiative to admit that he bullied Lin Xichen and was willing to accept punishment.

The heavy sentence from the police is one year and six months for intentional injury.

According to the normal procedure, it's not that long. After all, Lin Xichen was not seriously injured. It was because the Internet was too powerful and the police were under pressure. He didn't want to make a fuss, so he decided to be ruthless and let those who were concerned about this matter get angry.

They are good citizens who abide by the law. If they make mistakes, they will be punished. And the punishment is heavier than the average person.

Stop the talk of youyou.

"That Lin Lin's --" he wenhuai wanted to stop.

The meaning is clear.

"I see sincerity." Zong Jinghao's way is not salty.

Just one mouth?

When he was a three-year-old?

Sincerity is seen in public, not by mouth.He wenhuai put the original video on the table, "there is no backup, no software to save, you can rest assured, although this is not pleasant, but the friendship between the two families is still there, how can I turn back."

Zong Jinghao took it up and looked at it for two seconds, "don't worry, as long as the video doesn't appear, your daughter's will not appear."

"This --"

"Why don't you trust me?"

He wenhuai is in a dilemma. If this thing is in his hands, isn't it threatened by him at any time?

It's not a good time to feel threatened.

"Of course, I believe it, but it's related to my daughter's reputation, and I have to take care of it." He wenhuai is a kind father at the moment.

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