To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 102: The Academy

Chapter 102: The Academy

The proposal to establish the academy had been approved.

However, the academys board of directors had not made an appearance.

Thus, after several preparations, a week later, Ray was able to travel to the academys location.

As expected, Zik and Euclid insisted on accompanying him.

However, Ray declined their offer.

Zik, being the last remaining swordmaster in the Holy Kingdom, it wouldnt have been appropriate for him to move about so freely.

At such a critical moment, such actions could have complicated future matters.

Moreover, Euclid was, after all, the head servant of the mansion.

It would have been nonsensical for her to leave her post and follow him to the academy.

Therefore, Ray refused the assistance of Zik and Euclid, who were willing to undertake tedious tasks.

The academy was situated in the center of a highly developed urban area.

If Selonia Castle was in the north, then the academy was in the south.

Though both were in the Selonia region, it took two days to travel the distance by carriage.

Its been a while since Ive walked alone.

Until then, he had always been accompanied by attendants, knights, Iriel, or Euclid.

The white clouds floating in the blue sky and the sweet scent of flowers filled Rays senses.

This rare moment of leisure relaxed his mind.

The entrance to the academy was truly magnificent.

It almost resembled a royal castle.

With its ornate fences, well-maintained gardens, and a fountain in the center.

Moreover, on the left side, dormitories corresponding to each academy painted a picturesque scene.

Upon seeing the academy, which gave a feeling of being in a different kingdom, Ray marveled quietly.

Wow Now I understand why everyone wants to get in here

Even if Ray himself had been a student, he would have tried to enter this place.

The appearance alone was an art piece.

Ray was fascinated by the students he saw as he walked through the garden.

These were probably the first students he had encountered since arriving in this world.

Students in uniforms, laughing and chatting with each other, were a refreshing sight.

Yes, this was how students should be!

Having only seen people of his age who were soldiers, accustomed to slaughter and bloodshed, he found this scene deeply touching.

Conversely, the students showed interest in Ray.

This was to be expected.

Even though he wore a travelers robe, the glimpse of fine clothing underneath was noticeable. However, his face was mostly hidden under the hood.

Girls in robes with a wand emblem approached the curious Ray.

Are you looking for someone?

Ray turned towards the voice.

Part of his face, hidden under the hood, was revealed.

His snow-white hair and blue eyes, along with dark earrings, were partially visible.

The baby fat of youth was gone, replaced by a sharp jawline peeking out from under the hood.

His rare white hair brought a sense of mystique to the students.

The girls blushed slightly at the sight of Ray.

There were many handsome faces in the academy, but none quite like this.

It was like a scene from a painting!

Ray smiled at the girls.

I am just about to ask for directions. Perfect timing.

His smile kindled a spark in the hearts of the young women.

Do you know where the Magic Academy is?

Shall I guide you?

Even if he refused, their eager expressions suggested they would guide him anyway. Ray nodded in agreement.

I would appreciate that.

Follow us!

Its this way!

Unbeknownst to Ray himself, his appearance was quite remarkable.

His mother, Saein, was of elf-like beauty, and Ray, her son, was no different.

Moreover, due to continuously circulating pure mana through the Mana Road, Rays skin was flawless.

Having lived among elves, Ray was indifferent to his own appearance.

Even when he lived at Selonia Castle, there were hardly any who reacted noticeably to his appearance.

They were not so unrefined as to express surprise at his looks.

However, it was different for ordinary people outside.

Even among the children of nobility, his appearance would surely have caused a stir.

Even then, had he not worn his hood, he would have instantly attracted attention.

Unaware of his own standout appearance, Ray possessed a level of beauty that could only be matched by someone like Aira.

To him, everyone else looked similar.

Ray soon arrived at the entrance of the Magic Academy and entered without hesitation.

It was natural for the female students accompanying him to follow.

They found his hood, which obscured his features, quite frustrating.

Oblivious to their feelings, Ray entered a room that appeared to be an administrative office.

However, inside, it resembled a well-furnished lounge.

Professors were sipping tea, seemingly preparing for their upcoming lectures.

A lean male professor, noticing Rays entrance with his dark brown hood, called out.

Remove your hood inside the building.

Ray silently complied, unveiling his striking appearance.

All eyes immediately focused on him.

Not only the female students but also the other visitors and professors in the office stared at him, dumbfounded.


A swallow broke the silence, followed by embarrassed coughs as people averted their gaze, although their glances still lingered.

Ray turned to the first professor who had spoken to him and greeted him.

Hello. The Holy Kingdom must have informed you, but Im Ray, the newly appointed professor for the medical academy.

His bow and greeting exuded elegance.

Regaining his composure, the professor stood and said,

So you are um, Lord?


His expression showed disbelief that such a young person could be a Lord.

But one must start on a good note. Ray couldnt afford to show displeasure.

He smiled awkwardly and replied,

Im not sure which Lord youre referring to, but if its about the special appointment for magic lectures, then yes, thats me.

I see. We look forward to working with you.

The professors stiff expression showed no pleasure.

Ray thought to himself wryly,

Its tough in social situations when your feelings are so apparent.

Learn from Euclid, keep your emotions under control!

Even when Ziks heart was torn to shreds, he maintained an emotionless face.

Of course, that kind of impassivity was burdensome in its own way.

The female students, hearing unfamiliar names, murmured among themselves.

A specially recruited professor?

Didnt you know? Theres a rumor that an instructor from the Old Book Club comes once a week to lecture at the Magic Academy.

Then what does Lord mean?

Who knows?

Overhearing their murmurs, the professor stiffened his face and ordered,

You girls should leave now.

Yes, sir.

Speak clearly.


Such a rigid person.

How could he live like that?

After all the students had left, the professors began to approach Ray one by one.

Pleased to meet you. Im Kled, the professor of Combat Application at the Magic Academy. Lets get along well. Hahaha.

Ray smiled back at the hearty laughter of the robust man.

Nice to meet you too. Im Ray, newly assigned to both the Magic and Medical Academies. I guess well be seeing a lot of each other. I look forward to working with you.

While speaking, Ray quickly scanned the surroundings.

Were there always this many professors at the Magic Academy? It seemed like there were at least twenty.

The professor who first spoke to Ray said curtly,

You know your first lecture is tomorrow, right? Youd better start preparing now, its already late. I hope you make a good start.

With that, he grabbed his books and left.

Kled frowned as he watched him leave.

Thats Clarice for you, cold as ice typical of an Ice Attribute Magic professor. But hes a 4th Circle Mage, so he might be of help when needed.

Thanks for the introduction.

Ray thought it was an unnecessary name to remember.

It was unlikely that he would cross paths with an Attribute Magic professor.

After all, he was required to lecture only once a week. Aside from that, as a professor at the Medical Academy, there shouldnt have been much interaction.

After briefly greeting the other professors, Ray made his way to his assigned office.

It was meticulously prepared, presumably by the Holy Kingdom, which lifted his spirits.

Teaching someone was something he couldnt do in the modern world due to a lack of time, but now he was going to have students?

His heart filled with anticipation.

Magic Class 2-D.

This was the class of the girls who had guided Ray.

They were currently discussing the handsome new professor with their classmates.

Hes so handsome Is he even real?

Really! He carries a divine aura When I first saw him, I thought he was an angel!

That was probably because of Rays continuously active air purifier no, his divine power attracting perverts no, no. It was his divine power.

The students sighed as they listened to the girls chatter.

Okay, lets say he is that handsome. But how can someone that young be a professor? Are you joking?

Im serious! I even heard Clarice refer to the new professor as Lord!

A Lord? Thats absurd! You know there are only a few Lords even in the era of magic!

Another girl, with blue hair, who had been listening quietly, chimed in,

Maybe Oakleys right about the Lord. People who attended the baptism ceremony at Selonia Castle witnessed it. They say the Saint used magic that resembled Meteor.

Meteor rumors too? Why are you also buying into this? Thats just a baseless rumor.

She didnt argue further, perhaps lacking any counterargument, and the discussion eventually dwindled to just talking about the handsome new professor.

However, none of them knew.

They were unaware of the impact Rays special lecture the next day would have on many.

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