To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 103: Special Lecture (1)

Chapter 103: Special Lecture (1)

The lecture hall was filled with a countless number of students.

Despite its large size, there was barely room to move around.

Can we attend this special lecture even though were only at the 1st Circle?

This is a widely advertised special lecture by the Academy. Its beneficial for all students, regardless of their circle.

Thats trueeven the professors are attending.

The murmuring and chattering were constant.

After all, the lecture was by a mage suspected of being a Lord.

The Magic Academy wouldnt have missed such an opportunity.

The promotional efforts from the previous week and directives from professors had sparked the students interest in the special lecture.

Ray, however, was quite nervous.

He was anxious about his first lecture, reviewing its content in his mind.

He pondered how to begin and which approach to take.

Perhaps I should just discuss what I feel

Ray hadnt formally studied magic in a structured way.

He merely applied what he had learned and tried to understand other forms of magic accordingly.

Therefore, he wasnt proficient in the theory of magic.

Students started gathering in the lecture hall 30 minutes before the lecture began.

Even professors attended the class.

They were likely curious about the lecture of someone who might be a Saint and a Lord.

When Ray first arrived at the academy, he wondered why they didnt bow or show respect.

The students might be unaware, but the board and professors certainly knew he was the Saint.

Yet, they didnt show any formalities, which was strange.

Ray soon grasped the reason.

The academy was an isolated, unique area within the Holy Kingdom.

Here, whether one was royal, noble, or a commoner was irrelevant until graduation.

A professor was a professor, a student was a student.

Thats why they didnt show formalities.

Many students were nobles, but within the academys boundaries, they were recognized as equals to commoners.

Of course, nobles and commoners did not fully accept each other.

Even so, commoners attempted to associate with nobles.

Although no official status or position was recognized on the surface, many students still did not adhere to this mindset.

Ray understood the academys structure faster than others, having lived in a modern world without a class system.

He sighed in the lecture hall.

And to think Id start with a lecture on magic.

He had not fully fleshed out his ideas for the medical lectures yet.

As he pondered, a bell began to resonate majestically outside.


It seemed to signal the start of the lecture.

The hall was already full, with students and professors occupying every seat, and some standing due to the lack of space.

Ray collected his thoughts and stepped onto the stage as the bell stopped.

His appearance then became fully visible to everyone.

His noble white hair and flawless skin.

His seemingly cold eyes and his striking dark earrings captivated everyones attention.

The previously noisy lecture hall fell silent in an instant.



Various exclamations filled the air as the eyes of the female students grew dreamy.

Ray slowly opened his mouth.

I am Ray, the newly appointed professor. I will now begin the lecture on magic.

He then began writing something on the blackboard.

Those who had been captivated by his appearance soon regained their senses and looked at the words written on the board.

The manifestation of magic?

At someones murmur, Ray nodded.

This is the subject of my first lecture.

Pointing at the blackboard, he continued,

The manifestation of magic is, in a way, an essential element for all magicians and their ultimate goal.

Ray scanned the room and asked,

What are the rules for the manifestation of magic?

A good-looking blonde young man replied,

The transformation of mana, the correct incantation, and the action to induce manifestation.

Thats right. Those three are the typical rules.

So when you say typical rules, do you mean there are other methods?

Ray smiled meaningfully at the young mans question.

Consider Fire magic as an example. The transformation process involves heating the mana, drawing in mana to combust, and creating friction. These three transformations are necessary. But what if we could reduce these three steps to one?

The young man shook his head as if the answer was obvious.

The mana would collapse and disperse. Naturally, the magic wouldnt manifest, and it would just be a waste of mana.

Youre mistaken. The magic would manifest faster, and the amount of mana consumed would be reduced. Moreover, just before the manifestation, the opposing mage wouldnt be able to detect the magic.

The young man furrowed his brow.

What Ray suggested seemed like a fantasy.

Reduce three steps of manifestation to one? It sounded absurd!

Ray, noticing his expression, chuckled and said,

You appear unconvinced.

Indeed. Im sorry, but what youre suggesting seems merely an ideal, nothing more.

Similar reactions came from those around them.

The observing professors wore stern faces, and the students had stopped taking notes.

Ray nodded as if he had anticipated this reaction. Raising his right hand, he said,

Let me demonstrate then. I will now manifest magic in my right hand, so observe closely.

As he spoke, all eyes turned to his hand.

Although they followed the instructions for the special lecture, they questioned its significance.

Ray waited until their focus was on his right hand.

Well, this should suffice.

Close enough for such an audience - whatever he did, they would notice.

Ray transformed the ambient mana instantly.


Flames erupted from his outstretched right hand.

The onlookers gasped in shock.

Magic without an incantation!

I certainly didnt feel any movement of mana!

Did he really manifest magic with just one transformation?

After this demonstration, their attention visibly shifted.

Seeing an example had piqued their interest.

Ray looked at them and said,

As you saw, a single transformation is enough to manifest magic.

Ray continued drawing on the blackboard.

He drew an atom.

If we consider this as mana before the manifestation of magic

He then started to draw again.

Small circles appeared on either side of the atom, connected by lines. The finished drawing depicted a water molecule.

Ray tapped the blackboard with his hand.

This is how you transform mana for manifestation. Those who are eager to try, feel free to do so now.

At his words, the professors coughed discreetly to maintain their dignity, but the students started trying, following the diagram on the board.

Whoosh- Whoosh-

The sound of mana scattering in failure filled the room, and the classroom soon turned into a practical lab.

Before long, some students started to succeed. The first to do so was the blonde young man who had previously dismissed Rays theory as fanciful.

It worked, it worked!

I can do it too!

Water flowed from their hands.

Ray watched them and smirked slightly.

They succeeded.

The students, still in disbelief, stared at their hands and then back at Ray.

How did he know such knowledge, never revealed anywhere else? This level of insight could easily be a secret of a noble house.

Was it really alright to divulge such information in a lecture?

Even the professors looked impressed.

They hadnt expected to see such a seemingly theoretical concept explained and applied so easily.

However, their lack of knowledge was apparent.

Although Ray had simplified it, they could only use the 1st Circle Water (Water) magic he taught.

Without a full understanding of atomic theory and particle structure, they wouldnt be able to use it freely.

Several students succeeded and marveled, and even the usually reserved professors began to bombard Ray with questions.

If mana forms in this way, it will be stronger when combined, but wont each individual entity be weaker?

Magic is about gathering mana to form it. An individual entity of mana alone cannot become magic. Think of it as the foundation to form the magic whole. Its all for one, and one for all.

All for one, and one for all

Some professors pondered over Rays words.

Others continued to engage Ray in conversation.

Whats this theory called? We need to submit it to the academy immediately!

The name? Well its Atomic Theory.

Atomic Theory thats a good name!

This is one of the best lectures Ive attended. As a mage, I express my gratitude.

Thank you.

The professors, engrossed in the discussion, stayed true to their nature as magicians.

Those without a desire to advance in levels could not hope to become high-tier mages.

From that perspective, their eagerness seemed quite appropriate.

Ray answered each question thoroughly.

Before he knew it, the lecture time had passed, with still more to discuss.

His lecture ended successfully, and Rays name quickly spread throughout the Magic Academy.

By the next day at the Academy, Ray had become a celebrity.

That evening, after his special lecture, the Magic Academy was abuzz.

Everyone, step back!

Enlightenment began for a professor who had reached the 4th Circle long ago.

Advancement beyond the 4th Circle was a realm of breakthroughs, requiring corresponding enlightenment.

This professor, who had attended Rays lecture, stood on the verge of the 5th Circle thanks to Rays words.

But the awakening wasnt limited to him.

In the faculty office, where another professor was on duty, the same commotion erupted.

Professor Clarice! This is an advancement in the circle!

A student discovered the professor and hurried off to inform others.

Students and professors surrounded the two advancing professors, serving as guards.

However, the faculty couldnt concentrate solely on guarding.

What was happening, exactly?

Two 4th Circle masters had gained enlightenment from just one lecture?

What was in that lecture? Those who missed Rays lecture due to conflicting schedules lamented their misfortune.

Thus, Rays special lecture became an indispensable part of the Magic Academy after just one session.

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