To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 104: Special Lecture (2)

Chapter 104: Special Lecture (2)

Unaware of the commotion that had occurred overnight, Ray was puzzled when two professors approached him, immediately bowing their heads in gratitude.

They expressed their thanks loudly and assured him they would rush to assist him if needed, beating their chests in commitment. This incident occurred just that morning.

Ray tilted his head, puzzled.

Whats going on? Was my lecture yesterday that impressive?

Unable to understand exactly what had happened, Ray found the situation bewildering.

However, upon reflection, their behavior seemed understandable.

His single lecture had resulted in the creation of two new 5th Circle users.

The significance of this was immense.

In a sense, attending his lectures could lead to an increase in high-level mages.

Ray finished preparing to leave his assigned dormitory.

Checking his appearance in the mirror, he was about to open the door when he detected numerous footsteps outside.


Why would there be so many people outside his dormitory?

Suppressing his rising anxiety, he cautiously opened the door.

As he had anticipated, a large crowd was visible.

From professors to students, men and women of all ages lined up in front of his door.

What is all this about!

Confused, Ray froze on the spot.

What kind of commotion was this?

It wasnt a candlelight vigil in front of the dormitory, so why had so many people gathered?

Ray had no time to comprehend the situation unfolding before him.

There he is!

At someones shout, all eyes turned to him.

Magicians were usually calm and dignified.

But at that moment, they resembled hungry wild boars.

The crowd surged towards him, unstoppable.

Ray quickly retreated inside and shut the door.

A loud uproar erupted outside.

Professor! Please give us another lecture like yesterday!

We have questions about the magic theory!

Despite their pleas, Ray stood firm behind the door and shouted back.

If you want to hear it again, ask other attendees! If you have questions, come to my office, not my dormitory!

Despite his words, they didnt listen, and the door shook as though it might break.

Professor Ray! Weve requested that your lecture be made regular! Once a week isnt enough! Please teach us more!

Thats pointless! I have no intention of making it regular!

Why would you say that! Your lectures are essential for all magicians!

I said no, and I mean it!

Their argument continued to go back and forth.

Fearing that the door wouldnt withstand much longer, Ray applied strengthening and locking spells to it.

Strengthen! Lock!

The door momentarily glowed with high-density mana, becoming as solid as rock.

Likely, no mage present could undo these spells.

Finally feeling secure, Ray stepped away from the door.

Phew Silence.

When he used magic to block out the sound, the area became eerily quiet, as if by magic, not a single sound was heard anymore.

Despite the recent uproar outside his door, Ray heaved a sigh of relief in the now-quiet room.

Ah What a mess.

Eventually, Ray reached a compromise with them.

He agreed to hold two lectures a week on the condition that no one would crowd his dormitory, and if they wanted a repeat of the lecture, they should ask other attendees or consult other professors for magic theory explanations.

Several minor conditions were also agreed upon. This arrangement would save him from hassle.

The lecture date was set for today.

Holding the lectures on one day and then focusing on medical lectures for the rest of the week seemed more efficient.

The students were abuzz with excitement.

Theres another lecture today!

By Professor Ray?

Yes! You were so disappointed to miss yesterdays lecture!

Thats true, but what to do today is Professor Clarices lecture!

Professor Clarice was known as a cold figure, feared by all students.

As the brown-haired boy expressed his fear of consequences, the girl who relayed the message shook her head.

Didnt you know? Professor Clarice canceled his own lecture! Hurry up, or we wont get a seat!


The idea that a professor would skip their own lecture to attend anothers was unheard of, especially for the fastidious Clarice!

The news of Rays new lecture quickly spread throughout the academy.

The buzz even reached the neighboring Swordsmanship Academy.

Rays lecture, which had elevated two 4th Circle Masters, was starting again.

Despite the recent uproar outside his door, Ray sighed with relief in the now-quiet room.

Ah What a mess.

Ray eventually reached a compromise with them.

He agreed to hold two lectures a week on the condition that no one would crowd his dormitory, and if they wanted a repeat of the lecture, they should ask other attendees or consult other professors for magic theory explanations.

Additionally, several minor conditions were agreed upon. This arrangement would save him from hassle.

The lecture date was set for that day.

Holding the lectures on one day and then focusing on medical lectures for the rest of the week seemed more efficient.

The students buzzed with excitement.

Theres another lecture today!

By Professor Ray?

Yes! You were so disappointed to miss yesterdays lecture!

Thats true, but what to do today is Professor Clarices lecture!

Professor Clarice was known as a cold figure, feared by all students.

As the brown-haired boy expressed his fear of consequences, the girl who relayed the message shook her head.

Didnt you know? Professor Clarice canceled his own lecture! Hurry up, or we wont get a seat!


The idea that a professor would skip their own lecture to attend anothers was unheard of, especially for the fastidious Clarice!

The news of Rays new lecture quickly spread throughout the academy.

The buzz even reached the neighboring Swordsmanship Academy.

Rays lecture, which had elevated two 4th Circle Masters, was starting again.

There sure are a lot of people.

Ray looked around at the packed crowd of students and professors, with even more people cramming into the corridors to listen.

Their desperation to attend the lecture was evident.

Ray shook his head lightly.

The obsession of these magicians with advancing their circle was no joke; it was written all over their faces.

Lets start the lecture. Todays topic is about the relationship between mana particles.

Ray began drawing on the blackboard.

He drew several lines and circles, creating what looked like a scribble.

Pointing at the drawing, he said,

This is mana. When it moves fast in one direction, it becomes wind, and when it vibrates, it becomes fire.

Despite his casual tone, the students feverishly took notes, not wanting to miss any detail.

Ray continued,

What if we interrupt this mana? For example, what happens if we disrupt a Fireball spell with mana?

Um maybe the Fireball wont explode?

Thats right. A weakly bonded fireball will certainly burst.

Ray clapped his hands to draw their attention.

Now, lets change the target. Instead of Fireball, what about a spell like Wind Cutter?

The male student couldnt respond to this question. Wind Cutter was a high-density wind formed by compressing mana. Its essence lay in shaping it into a sharp blade and launching it, giving it speed like the wind and significant cutting power. Given that Fireball floated around and could be disrupted by moving mana, it was questionable if Wind Cutter could be disrupted by mana, and if so, what the effects would be.

Ray then called one of the professors who had visited him that morning.

Professor Clarice, could you please step forward?

Clarice, at his request, stood up and walked to the front quietly.

The students murmured among themselves.

Why Professor Clarice of all people

Even his face is intimidating

In contrast to Professor Ray

The contrast between the two was striking. One had dark purple hair and fierce eyes, while the other had dazzling white hair and an almost holy appearance. It resembled a confrontation between a demon and an angel.

Clarice glanced at the students, silencing them as though he had cast a Silence spell.

In the ensuing quiet, Ray addressed Clarice.

Professor, could you cast the Wind Cutter spell on me?

Excuse me?

Clarice was taken aback by the request.

Ray repeated, Please cast Wind Cutter on me.

Clarice gave Ray a look that questioned his sanity. Wind Cutter was a wind-based magic, powerful enough to slice even rocks, and invisible to the naked eye. Casting such a dangerous spell towards oneself? Only a madman would do such a thing.

The students and professors shared this opinion. Casting such a perilous spell during a lecture seemed like a suicide attempt.

Sensing their thoughts, Ray addressed Clarice, Didnt you say youd help if there was trouble this morning?

Well, yes, but if something happens

Then dont aim at me. Target the blackboard beside me.

Upon Rays indication, Clarice nodded, understanding. Known for his precise control over magic, there was no risk of the Wind Cutter hitting Ray by mistake.

Clarice began to draw mana from his circle, starting the incantation, Become a sword that slices through the wind, cutting down my foe

The students marveled as Clarice was able to cast Wind Cutter with just a single line of incantation.

Wind Cutter!

Whizz! The sound of splitting wind, as a transparent gust, shot towards the blackboard at incredible speed. It seemed as if the board would be torn apart instantly.

However, their expectation was not met.


Whoosh! The collision of mana disrupted the magics manifestation. The high-density wind blade, condensed into visibility, dissipated.

Only a gentle breeze, enough to flutter Rays hair, remained.

Silence enveloped the room. Even Clarice, the caster, was dumbfounded. Canceling not his own, but someone elses magic?

Ray addressed the astonished crowd. By calculating the coordinates of a spells manifestation and forcibly colliding mana at that point its possible to cancel magic cast by others.

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