To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 106: Duel (1)

Chapter 106: Duel (1)

Please, let go of my hand

Her cheeks turned red, and she spoke in a tiny voice.

Realizing his actions, Ray released her hand hurriedly.

Ah, sorry. I was just startled

She stepped back, resembling a small animal.

Ray observed her carefully.

Having surpassed human senses, he began to gather information with his entire being, discerning much.

Her uniform belonged to a fencing academy, and the calluses on her hand suggested her primary weapon was a dagger.

The scent of ethanol deeply ingrained in her clothes resembled that of a disinfectant, indicating she regularly handled similar substances.

Ray asked, Whats that scent? Ive never smelled it before Is it perfume?

Upon his gentle inquiry, she, having composed herself, smiled and answered, Ah, thats probably the smell of a potion I made.

A potion you made? Thats impressive.

Its not that great when you actually make it.

Ray was surprised by her words.

Historically, potions were made by renowned alchemists.

Though other alchemists attempted to replicate them, all failed.

Only the original recipe could create a perfect potion, hence all modern potions were made the same way.

Her potion, while likely incomplete like others, was remarkable considering her age.

Stabilizing the blend of herbs, combining them with trolls blood, and devising methods to control the potions temperature and side effects required considerable knowledge.

Her prowess was evident.

Hmm Your making potions suggests an interest in medicine?

Ray probed her inner thoughts.

If she was indeed interested in medicine, transferring her from a fencing academy to a medical one might be a stretch, but involving her in lectures was feasible.

Wouldnt that be beneficial for both?

She nodded, Im very interested. Im looking forward to the upcoming open medical lectures. I can attend those even as a fencing academy student, right?

Her smile, covering her mouth, was undeniably beautiful.

Indeed, Ray had decided to offer open lectures for the first month to attract people.

This would not only serve as promotion but also educate students about what medical studies involved.

Ray, still unrecognized by her, chuckled to himself.

I thought I was quite famous, but there are still those who dont know me.

Perhaps he wasnt as well-known among some students, or maybe it was due to his affiliation with different academies.

Given that he hailed from a magic academy and taught classes twice a week, those students would surely recognize him, but those from other academies might not.

Ray became intrigued by her.

She was interested in medicine, knowledgeable enough to make potions, yet attending a fencing academy why?

To understand, he needed to get to know her better.

Ray smiled back at her.

Speaking of which, weve been talking without knowing each others names. Whats yours?

Ah, thats true My name is Griaia. Please, call me Gria.

Alright, Gria. My name is Ray.

Ray Thats a really nice name.

Gria smiled at Rays compliment of her name.

Watching her, Ray thought to himself unknowingly.

It should have been Gria, not Iriel, who became the Saint.

What was God thinking, leaving a child like Gria alone!

Well, considering they chose him as a Saint, who didnt fit the role at all, its safe to say they lacked discernment.

At that moment, a mans voice rang out from beside them.

What business do you have with Lady Griaia?

Rays gaze naturally shifted to the source.

There, stood five young men with swords slung at their hips, their aura resembling that of personal guards.

Moreover, their shoulders and chests were embroidered with a sword and thorn motif.

They were students from the fencing academy.

Ray was sure of it.

As I thought, my name isnt well-known in other academies.

If they knew him, such language would have been impossible.

In the magic academy, such a remark would have been quashed by fellow students before he even had to intervene.

Ray shrugged his shoulders at the provocation he hadnt encountered in a while.

What business? Im just trying to get along.

His attitude seemed to irritate the youth in the center, who twitched his eyebrows.

Lady Griaia is not someone of your lowly status to befriend.


Gria cut off his excessive words, but the youth named Minos seemed unyielding.

Of course, Ray had no intention of backing down either.

Your name is Minos? Fitting for your behavior, isnt it? Like a Minotaur. Hahaha.

Minoss expression twisted with rage.

Such a sharp insult was unheard of in the formal academy.

The four youths surrounding him chimed in.

Seeing that we dont recognize your face, are you a noble from the provinces? How dare a lowly noble like you insult Minos!

Kneel and apologize right now!

They didnt know Rays face or status.

That was natural. Ray hadnt appeared in public since his baptism, not even at events like balls.

Central nobles of the Holy Kingdom might know Rays face to some extent.

Ray looked at the four youths, tilting his head.

What are these? Kobolds beside a Minotaur?

At this, Gria, who tried to intervene, burst out laughing.

The faces of Minos and the four youths turned beet red.

How dare this man, who looked like a mere parasite, humiliate them in front of their beloved.

Minos took off his glove and threw it at Rays face.

Of course, Ray was not one to take it lying down.

He caught the mana-infused glove easily and looked at Minos with a puzzled expression, as if someone had deliberately dropped something.

Minos spoke with a hostile look.

I will repay the insult you gave me with a knights duel.

He challenged Ray, who had single-handedly subdued the rebellion in Selonia, caught a necromancer and a bone dragon alone, and was a war hero revered by the Holy Kingdom.

Mi, Minos!

Dont interfere, Lady Griaia. This is a duel that is completely permissible under academy rules.

No matter what they said, Ray didnt care.

However, he was very interested in the fact that they had challenged him to a duel.

Ray glanced down at the glove, then grinned widely at Minos.

Are you really going to do this?

Yes. Its the duty of a noble of high standing to reprimand those with a rotten mentality like yours.

Hahaha. Go easy on me.

Ray! Why are you doing this! Ill report this to the professor before you stop!

Even if you tell him, he probably wont come to stop it. Have you forgotten? Even professors cant intervene in duels according to the rules of the fencing academy.

They spoke so boldly in front of a professor.

They still thought of Ray as a student. His appearance, just out of boyhood, would make anyone think he was a student.

Always wearing a thin robe, with even his uniform hidden, Ray looked like any other student.

The commotion in the garden began to attract other students.

Whats going on? Another duel?

Seems like it.

The garden was dominated by students from the fencing and holy magic academies.

Students from the magic academy tended to focus on their studies or research, rarely leaving their dorms or classrooms.

Especially now, they were probably busy with the Cancel Technique assignment Ray had given them.

Naturally, few students who would recognize Ray were present in the distant central garden.

Minos drew a sword from his waist.

A bastard sword gleamed as he brandished it.

What are you waiting for? Get ready!

Get ready for what? To be beaten up?

At his words, Ray chuckled and looked around.

Immediately, his eyes caught a tree.

He walked over, casually broke off a branch, and held it like a sword, looking at Minos nonchalantly.

Not just Minos, but everyone watching was at a loss for words.

The world Is he going to use a tree branch?

Bold to face Minos with that. Hahaha.

Isnt he going to get seriously hurt?

Minos gritted his teeth, feeling insulted once again.

He had been humiliated twice in front of Lady Griaia.

The duel meant nothing to him now. All he wanted was to crush the face of that overly relaxed parasite.

Your arrogance has sealed your fate!

Minoss bastard sword lunged at Ray.

The killing intent in the sword was no laughing matter.

Ray playfully maneuvered the branch, tracing a smooth arc and stopping right in the path of Minoss concentrated force.

Incredibly, Minoss heavy sword was halted by the branch.


The sound of metal clashing with wood echoed unusually loud.

The onlookers jaws dropped.

Even Minos was startled, as if his heart was about to leap out of his throat.

No one could block a sword with a branch anywhere in the world!

Yet, undeterred, he attacked once more.

He knew from experience that panic in such a situation only led to harm.

Dont give him time to prepare! End it in a moment!

Minoss sword, relentlessly fast, was indeed fearsome.

However, Ray easily deflected his sword with the tree branch.

Kang- Kang-

As Ray deflected the incoming sword from above with the branch, Minoss lips curled up.

Got him!

He began to circulate mana through his chest, hand, and side in sequence.

The sword moved lower, his stance dropped further. It became a stance specialized for upward strikes from behind the waist.

Gria, recognizing what this stance meant, exclaimed.

The Imperial Swordsmanship!

A technique taught only to high-ranking military personnel in the Lesian Empire.

This imperial swordsmanship, designed to sever an enemys breath in an instant, was difficult to counter even for swordsmen a level higher.

Through a special connection with the empire, he had barely managed to learn it, pouring in a significant amount of money.

Of course, his parents would have provided the funding.

Ray observed Minoss peculiar stance.

Using the force from a lower position to strike upwards? That would indeed utilize the muscles of the whole body, increasing its destructive power.

Minoss bastard sword cut through the air, aiming at Rays unprotected chest.


Ray was not adept at activating his body with mana.

It was not something to be learned theoretically, but through sensation, and he hadnt tried it, so he didnt know.

Therefore, if he didnt block it and his body took the hit, he would naturally suffer some damage.

However, the nickname Undead Slayer was not for nothing.

A branch suddenly blocked the path where Rays chest seemed unprotected.

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